Chartstalkers -- December 08

Morning Ladies xx
BFN for me this morning :( Think FF got my ov wrong, thinking more on cd19 which would mean af tomorrow. I just want af to hurry up now because my cycles are so long it will mean I wont get to test in January if she doesn't show her ugly face soon :(

Any news yet Becs? :pray:
Donna's here said:
Morning Ladies xx
BFN for me this morning :( Think FF got my ov wrong, thinking more on cd19 which would mean af tomorrow. I just want af to hurry up now because my cycles are so long it will mean I wont get to test in January if she doesn't show her ugly face soon :(

oh hun... its not over yet!! :hug: :hug:
lilly said:
oh hun... its not over yet!! :hug: :hug:
My motto has always been it's not over till af gets ya but I think after what 4 negs now over 6 days I think its fair to say thats that for this month :( Just need af to hurry up, if she shows tomorrow I'll be due again 29th January, if she doesn't show for another couple of days it will fall to February and that seems so far away :(
shaunie_louise said:
Hey, can someone take a look at my chart?

I didn't temp on xmas day but this morning my reading was 37.0.
Is this normal?
hi hun :wave: did you possibly have a drink the night before, get less lseep than usual or get up in the night for a drink/wee??? all these can affect ur temps. if not its prob just due to u being in the 2ww. its a good sign though!

:hug: donna but ur temps have been put out this month so u never know it may still be too early.

where is becs god damn it!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Nope nothing like that x

But I am having a drink tonight, cherry cola cocktails!

So, if my temp keeps going up, its a good sign??

FF took what little lines I had away! I might have to override it this time - I think my boobs are telling me a different story than my chart is showing. I'm about ready to throw in the towel for this month and hope af shows up soon, regardless of whether I've actually ov-ed or not!
yay Lilly! Good luck!

stupid toothache had me awake until half past 3, and i usually take my temp at 5, so didn't take it today. OH's alarm still went off at 5, i'd only been asleep a hour and half so was not best pleased!

my boobs have been killing me today though which hasn't been very nice.
i felt sick for a good 2hours when i woke up aswell, like if i moved too much i was going to puke my guts up everywhere. felt a bit light headed and dizzy earlier too.

i'm between 4-6 DPO, too early for signs i'm guessing :doh:
Good lord, FF, I changed my +OPK to a negative as I wasn't really sure if it had ever been + to begin with...and FF gave me my lines back again. *slaps FF in the back of the head* What the hell am I paying you for?? :lol:

Hope everyone had an amazing Christmas! :hug:
forgot to add before; my boobs have like gained nearly a cup size over night! they look HUGE! i used to be a 34B before i lost weight and went down to a 34A, today i put a 34A bra on and the cups didn't feel right, took it off and thought 'OMG!' i've a 34B on at the moment and its hella lot more comfortable than my 34A. i'm confused
holly- yes its early but everyones different and some people swear they knew from day 1 they had conceived. they are all good signs which u should be pleased with but as hard as it is do try not to symptom spot too much!!! (although we all do it :lol: ) as its early days ,any fertilized egg may not have implanted yet and from what i saw on war in the womb which was on tv last month a fertilized egg only has a 20% chance of successfully implanting. that said theres still every chance u have conceived, i :pray: u have!
good luck, stay positive, hope the next week flies by!!!! :lol:
Becs your chart looks great! When you gonna test?
Melissa :hug: blimming FF!
Holly :hug: hope the 2ww flies by for you x
Morning puds & Lilly:wave: Hi everyone who I've not listed :wave:
Hello Ladies,

Not sure where AF is but the temp rise I think is a cold. Tested negative today :roll: Have been at my parents with no broadband so used my iphone but now have my brother and his wife coming over - all I want to do is sleep and shake off this cold. Desperate for a stalk but can't stop. So will have to indulge myself later. Donna - sorry no BFP. Will catch up with you all later x x
What do i have to do then to become a chart stalker - im not tempijg but i do check cervical position and pos!
mrs_tommo22 said:
What do i have to do then to become a chart stalker - im not tempijg but i do check cervical position and pos!

Hi sweetie. :) You can set up a chart on fertility friend and just not use the temping aspect of it - I know there are a couple of us doing that at the moment. Welcome! :hug:
hello ladies, im going to scotland for a week tomoz so wont have internet connection! :(

im still going to temp just cant input it into my chart till i get home. im not taking any test either just having a break with OH. By the time i gt back my 2WW will be nearly over!!! :D

im just sad i wont be here to congratulate you all on your BFP's!! :cheer:

miss you all!! :D

me xx

hows everyone doing? looks like a lot of you are now in 2ww so good luck. :pray: hope everyones had a good xmas- i have had a bad cold so the bd'ing has yet to commence so i don't rate my chances this month!!!
donna- your chart still looks very good- either ur getting dodgy test results or u ovulated late this month and it wasn't the thermometers fault- in which case we better apologise to the thermometer!! :lol:

Any news on our bfp's? Im excited! Just found an Internet connection.. Yay!!

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