Chart Stalkers March 2008

I think im am gonna start charting next month if im not PG.

I hope things settle down for you ROM :hug:
:wave: Everyone - yes Im still 'ere!
I apologise for not being on much lately....I was very busy and then I had to go away for work so Ive not been able to get online at all.

I have been a bit of a slacker with regard to updating my chart, and I havent got my notes of my temps with me (although there are some missing ones) but I'll do that asap.

I too think I might have ov'd early this month - how odd - it appears loads of other ppl have too.

Well, Ive got to rush off, Im leaving work early today as compensation for travelling the length and breadth of the country over the last couple of days so there's just a little bit for me to do before I leave for a long weekend (Ive got some of next week off too)

Speak soon guys and I'll try to catch up on what Ive missed.
Hi everyone

Just wanted to say thanks to those of you who convinced me to start charting. I was thinking today, that if I hadnt been charting this month I would be thinking that af was REALLY late and testing like mad, when in fact i have only just ovd...i would be going totally crazy so thanks! :hug:

In fact i am still not convinced that i have ovd this month. FF says that I have but my temp is just going down and down. I was thinking that my couple of high temps could have could have been because I was under the weather, but that wouldn't explain the 'ovulation dip' I had....anyone want to look at my chat and have a guess? :think:

ROM - poor you! they MUST be able to do something else?

Loola - I had the whole big white wedding thing (always been a sucker for the idea!) and planned it all in 9 months. To date it was the best day of my life, but I think having a LO would exceed that now!

Chill - how are you feeling? I have zilch/zipo/nada pg symptoms :(

:wave: choklatemunky, we missed you!

Rach - Sorry you feel fed up & hope you have a nice day tomorrow (lots of b day cake should cheer you up!)

Hi everyone else - hope you all have the friday feeling like me! :D
just though i would say goodbye me and dh are going through a bad time just now i have posted in adult area so i will not be ttc or in this section for the near future
Sorry to hear that babydust. Hope you are Ok. :hug:

'm a bit disappointed - my opk line has disappeared completely. I was really hoping to ov early this cycle to make up for the last one. :(
I suppose it could still happen... trying not to get stressed about it as that will make it less likely,,,,

hope everyone is ok :wave:
I have finally got internet access back :cheer: But at gone 10pm, it's too late to read everything :x

Looks like there's been a lot happening. Babydust - :hug: :hug: :hug: I'm going to have to find your post tomorrow, but in the meantime I hope you're ok.

Loola, congratulations appear to be in order, but I can't see an announcement! :dance: :clap: anyway, and hopefully I'll find your post in the morning!

everyone else :wave: and I look forward to catching up tomorrow.

I can't believe that by the time I finally got internet back I had 87 emails waiting :wall: Oh, and having cancelled Tiscali (who we've been with for 5 years), they sent me an email this evening telling me they were about to connect me and have dispatched an installation pack. WTF?! What a hassle...
Sorry to butt in ladies but I just wanted to congratulate loola :cheer: I can't find your announcement thread :oops: I can't wait to see pictures of your big day though :D

Hi to everyone else :wave: Just to let you know I am still stalking you chartstalkers ;) and wishing you all the best of luck!

P.S Kitty, I cancelled my Tiscali contract and they continued to charge me :roll: Then it took a further 3 months to sort out, hope your new provider is a much better outfit :)
Thanks for all my congratulations ladies! :hug: I didnt really have an announcement, I just mentioned it in the 'Top Ten Tips' thread. :D

Babydust, I have replied in the other thread. Really hope you are ok, hope we see you back here soon :hug:

Mildly! Great to see you here lady! How are you doing? Feeling good I hope?

I just spent an hour a half reading a 21 page thread in the Adult section :shock: Wow! My brain is now mush. My OH is very drunk, I can tell because he keeps telling me how much he loves me, bless :lol:
babydust will go and you read your post in the other section, but :hug: for you.

I've been thinking a bit about the turkey basting technique and of course the pets at home special :wink: ...I was wondering if one of those pre-seed applicators might do the trick? Once the majority of the pre-seed is used up, it could be used (in the same session) for the turkey basting technique, because it has the advantage of containing some sperm friendly "stuff" - what do you think? You've got the day to let me know and then I'm trying it tonight.

Got a nice dark line on the OV predictor yesterday evening, but was so tired last night nothing happened, so we've got the weekend. FF gives the green square on Monday so I should be ok timing wise.

I forgot to take my temp this morning until I had been a wake awhile...

Good luck everyone for the weekend! :wave:
Hi Satch! Im sure the pre-seed applicator would work well I just wouldnt have a clue how to get the sperm into it as it has a very thin nozzle (If Im thinking of the right applicators? Mine have snap off tips) :think:

I used pre-seed with my syringe technique, applied it first then used the syringe for a far more comfortable ride! :wink: Good luck with whatever technique you use!

I had a lovely little dip today, hope my temp rises alot tomorrow :pray:
I have no symptoms but then I wouldnt really expect any this early. Lets face it until possible implantation occurs you are not going to have any symptoms are you? So any symptoms before 7-10 DPO are probably all in your head right?

Good luck to everyone! :hug: We need some BFPs!! :cheer:
:hug: Sorry you are going through a rough patch Babydust.

I hope everyone else is well :hug:

As for the turkey basting, I dont see the harm in doing that satch, give it ago :dance:
hi all just a quickie babies 1st birthday today and weve had a party so just trying to clean up mess there is jelly everywhere :( baby has had a great day though :cheer:

well girls think its over for me this month i said yesterday didnt feel right and been really grumpy woke up this morning and temp has dropped right down its only just above coverline :( feel like af is going to start anytime now thought it would be late as id ovd late but not convinced anymore oh well its obviously going to take a while for my cycles to settle xxxxxxxxxxxxx

hope alls well will catch up properly 2moro xxxxxxxxxxx
Morning all,

First of all Babydust :hug: :hug: Sounds like you need some time to sort your feelings out. I hope it can be worked out between you and your DH.

ROM - any further developments? Hope that you are staying calm. :hug:

Hope everyone else is well. Just checking in to say hi.

I had more EWCM yesterday. Woohoo!!!

Hoping that chartstalkers get some BFPs soon!
:hug: Rach I hope the witch doesn't get you.

:cheer: Happy Birthday Christopher :cheer:
Morning :wave:

Hope you are all good today?

I really want your opinions on something.

My chart seems to be confirming something which I started to suspect a while ago, that I have low progesterone levels. I posted on the forum a while ago about my v light periods (lasting only 1 or 2 days) and it was suggested to me that it is a sign of low progesterone. Now I have started charting, my temp after ov is the same as before ov...which again, as I have read, is a sign of low progesterone. I will be interested to see if my luteal phase is short too as this is another sign. To determine if i suffer from this, a blood test needs to be done at CD 21 (ie 7 days post ov in a normal 28 day cycle). I am 7 days PO today (even though it is CD39 for me), do you think that a doc would do this test for me tomorrow? Is this considered to be fertility treatment which I would not get until after a year of trying? It is only a blood test that I am after afterall!

How will I get pg if I have no progesterone? :doh:
I would definitely go to the Docs Sally and take your charts as proof. I think they would take you more seriously then and they shouldnt expect you to wait a year if you already have your suspicions. I think that Clomid is the drug that they will subscribe to you which is used to regulate ovulation I think, but dont quote me on that as Im not 100% sure. Good luck hun. :hug: The only thing is as you only have one chart they may tell you to wait a couple of months just to make sure as this could be a one off annovulatory cycle.

My temp has rised again today :cheer: :pray: but I wont look too much into it as i havent got a clue what time I took it, Im even more confused now that the clocks have gone forward.
Morning everyone

Sally - my doc offered me the 21 day blood test the other day, and I've only been ttc since November. She said i could have it any time I want just to phone up and ask, if it would help ease my mind. I decided to wait another couple of cycles and see what happens.
I'm sure your doc would let you have it. I think you can just do it through the practice nurse? You can at ours anyway.

I think if you have low progesterone it's fairly simple to get given a supplement or something (although I think there is one which you pop up your bum :shock: ). I have also read up on this as i was worried about that too! (I now think when I ovulate everything is ok, it's just it doesn't always happen!).

Hope that helps.

I didn't take my temp today as I woke up later, it would be an hour later on top of that, and I had wine last night! Didn't seem much point!
my opk line all but disappeared yesterday, but I did have some promising looking CM so the BDing has commenced. Aiming for every other day from now until whenever... :pray: I actually ov this time..

Here's a thought - going for a smear test on Wednesday at 9am (joy of joys) so should I not BD on Tuesday night? I wouldn't fancy the nurse poking around up there if there had been recent activities! :oops:
Fortunately DH has Wednesday morning off work so if it looks like ov is happening i could pounce on him when I get back, although I may not feel like it! I assume a smear test doesn't affect anything when you are ttc? :think:

Hope everyone is ok! :wave:
hi all :wave: quick one as on way out to lunch

loola cant view your chart hun ????? good you got another rise FX this is your month xxx

sally if you have the test make sure you have ovd before hand as they automatically do it at 21 days and if you ov later you need it done later if you are low on progestorone they will give you tablets to take my sister takes clomid day 2-5 to force her to ovulate then takes progestrone i think from day 14 till day 28 as soon as she stops it then she has a period this is the plan anyway but shes having problems with af at the moment which wont stop shes had heavy af since xmas :( xxx
kmac im the same with smears i dont like the idea of the nurse knowing what ive been up to :rotfl: i wont bd the day before lol if worried about missing ov because of it why not try and book it for next month for just after af (if your not pg of course) xxx

well my temp gone back up today but i didnt get much sleep last night so putting it down to that :( still feeling very crampy grumpy xxx
Thanks for letting me know about my chart Rach, have sorted it now.
Hope you feel better soon hun :hug:

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