Chart Stalkers March 2008

Yes - good luck to those testing tomorrow.

I'm still bursting into tears at the drop of a hat. :(
Off to start on the ice-cream and watch Gordon Ramsay from the other night :D
:oops: sorry kmac i only just read through the first page :oops:
i think thats terrible for your mum, and i bet she could have really be doing with a treatment or 2 :hug: i wouls have thought there would have been something they could have given her :(
sorry you got af :hug: i was at the spa today and it was bliss i just love the steam room i could spend all day in there, but dh had the girls in the pool so thought i better not leave him too long.
I've got to go to the gynaecologist (sp) on Wednesday because the doc seems to think that the spotting b4 AF and if we have sex in the week B4 AF I bleed is cervical erosion again :roll:
It's sods law though that this month I've had no spotting or bleeding during sex LOL.
kmac hun that's awful they wouldn't let your mum have treatments, I'm shocked, couldn't they have just found something for her as an alternative, even if its just a lovely pedicure? Your poor mum and also poor you for being so upset :hug:

Loola sorry you feel AF on the way, still hope though as your chart looks great, goo dluck for testing tomorrow. Bursting into tears at anything is a pregnancy symptom, I had to skip upsetting stories in the paper when regnant as didn't want to end up in tears, except my threshold for what was upsetting was ridiculously low. So I count that as a symptom!

Skairdy I agree with day 14, I love your dip at day 9/7 too, very promising ;)

Hey to Kitty, Claire and Flossy :wave: :hug: :hug:
Ooo thank you, I did notice it myself and got quite excited LOL
ladies can i be a pain obv im checking my CM but can you tell by my temps on my chart roughly when im OV'ing and give me a nudge on here just wnat to get it right this time sorry if ive already said that or am going on :oops:
:wave: mind if i join you all im about to start ttc baby no.4 :D im charting just to get used to it again at the moment while waiting for proper AF after stopping the pill
good luck everyone xxxxxxxx
woo hoo thought it would take ages for me to get a proper af but looks like it may be here (as of 5 mins ago) :cheer: fingers crossed its still here in the morning and i can officially start ttc and start a nice fresh chart xxxxxxxxx
Morning Ladies :wave:

Loola :pray: this morning gives you the BFP you are waiting for x x

Skairdy how funny would it be if you had your appointment only to be told you were pregnant - sods law or what!! :pray: :pray: for you too.

Claire its Dave's 40th on the 26th March - cant decide what to do for him yet, what are you doing? Have you anything special planned (apart from your visit to the consultant of course).

Flossy hope you are feeling better, your temps look good for the past couple of days :D

Kmac what a shame - both about your mum and AF - as CB23 said you would have thought they could have dones a manicure or pedicure :wall:

Rach welcome and good luck.

Hi Hara - good luck to you sweetie.
:wave: Everyone, thought I had better pop in to say hello!
It feels all new and exciting with the new thread.

Good Luck to Loola and anyone else testing today...

Skairdy - As ROM says - those Drs appointments seem to be good luck for some people - hope thats the case for you

Babydust - hope the apopintment goes ok and that you have a good birthday. Im glad you are enjoying yourslef at the moment.

Flossy - keep an eye on that CM
Kmac - how pants! sorry AF got you and sorry to hear about your spa debacle. :hug:

Rach - welcome and good luck - make sure you PM Kitty with your FF link.

Hey everyone else - hope we have a lot of BFPs this month!
Thanks ROM im feeling much better :hug: Im watching it like a hawk loola atm its clearish with some white in it and stretchy (sorry tmi there) :)

And welcome rach :wave: :hug:
Morning ladies :wave: BFN for me Im afraid. Twice in fact! I did 2 different types of tests just to make sure. Now we are in cycle 11 of TTC.
AF hasnt arrived yet but seeing my HUG drop in temps I think she will be making her visit later today. Havent got any period pains yet though :think:

Welcome Rach and good luck :pray:

Hope everyone else is good! Its a lovely day here so far so Im off to paint my shed. :)
Hi girls-its been a while since I last posted. Therefore I havent had a good old read yet so forgive me for not commenting on charts and news. x

Im still not temping, just relying on my body signs which seem to be pretty accurate, ie cm sex drive etc. I have been ttc for 5 months now and tbh Im amazed its taking so long-how silly of me to think it was going to be easy. I guess if its going to happen it will, if not, oh well life goes on I suppose. I held a friends week old baby the other day and just felt aww but it didnt make me that broody-cos i know i will have my own no2 someday. xxxx
Hello March threadies :wave: :wave:

Welcome to the madhouse Rach ;-)

I seem to be on the 'have I ov'd or have I not' big dipper with the temps yet again. Hoping it's a fallback rise and they'll be back up tomorrow, running out of energy now :-) Not to mention powers of persuasion :rotfl:
hi i got my bfp on the 24th feb testathon xxx (incase u wanted to update the first page)
good luck to all this month xxxx
hi all thanks for the warm welcome
ive pmd kitty and asked her to add me to the list :cheer:
af is def here im so pleased thought id have to wait for ages let it be known this is the last time il be glad she turned up lol :rotfl:

good luck all xxxxxxxxxxx
Sorry it was a bfn Loola - I know how you feel!

I just feel really down in the dumps today. Everything is getting to me. Not just ttc. It's work (I keep comparing myself to others, and assume other people are as well), friends (I seem to have lost touch with a few recently, and I don't have anyone who lives nearby), family (haven't spoken to my brother for a year, he doesn't return my calls, and he is moving to Australia soon) - everything! And I know my weight is creeping up, probably not helped by half a tub of Ben & Jerry's last night. I'm a fat useless lump!!
Going into town now, but the thought of shops isn't cheering me up either!

Sorry for the moan. Is it normal to feel like this every so often? I feel like I could cry all day. :(
gerb congrats on your bfp hun :cheer:

chill just looked at your chart did you wake at a different time this morning? is that why the dot is not filled in ??? if so what about trying the temp adjustor to see what it comes out like just a thought it can sometimes make a big difference to your chart

loola sorry you got a bfn hun :hug: hope af doesnt show your chart was looking fab this month :hug:

Sorry it was a BFN Loola :hug:

Hi everyone else how are we all doing?

I'm feeling a bit crappy today, I've stared spotting so think AF is definately on her way :evil: . My temps are still rising though but will prob get a dip on Wednesday (?)

Still holding out that it'll happen in March though because Cheri22 said December and OV aroung 18th-21st......I'm due to OV on 19th March and that'll make me due in December, so hopoing she's got it right :pray:

I may use some pre-seed on CD13 & 14, what do you reckon? I still have a couple of tubes left over, might as well use them. I may go the whole hog and use OPK's too LOL.

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