Chart Stalkers March 2008

Ladies stupid question do we still need to BD? Or can it be just for fun now! (Not that it wasnt anyway) :lol: :D
Flossy - the egg only lasts about 24hrs, think it starts breaking down after about 12, so its only really up to a day or two after ov thats likely to be of any use in the ttc sense, but of course theres nothing to stop the fun sex

Kitty - :cheer: +OPK!
:wave: hi all

rom :hug: your still above coverline hun its not over till af shows her ugly face xxx
chok temps staying up hun :pray: xxx
chill chart looking really good might still be too early to get a bfp wait a few more days and test again xxx
flossy :cheer: you got your lines and by the look of your chart :shock: you could do with a rest :rotfl:

well i had EWCM yesterday evening so made dear o/h perform even though he had a hangover :rotfl: been having quite a bit of cramping but seems more like af cramps instead of ovulation

hope everyones ok xxxxxxxxx
oooh Rach get you and your demands! hehe hope you ov soon then and that you get that egg this month!
Bloody knackered tbh but hopefuly weve coverd all bases :pray: but we'l still BD for the fun of it lol! :lol:
Gosh, you can't leave the forum for more than a couple of hours these days - by the time you return there are pages and pages of posts!

Choklatemunky, that's some dedicated stalking on your part :twisted: :lol:

Yep, no ovulation for me yet - fortunately, really, as there was no way we could do the deed at my parents' house. My youngest brother was visiting too, and was in the room next door. He has no sense of privacy, and if we'd made the slightest noise, he'd probably have stood outside the door shouting 'I know what you're doing!' :roll: :lol: However, the quantities of wine we were forced to drink put paid to the idea anyway.

I was getting a bit worried, thinking I was in for another dodgy possibly anovulatory cycle, but yesterday's OPKs got much darker, and then the one I did at 10.15 last night was positive. I haven't recorded it as + though, in case it screws up the crosshairs by being a different day from the CBEFM - I'll experiment retrospectively after I've ov'ed! As expected, this morning was Peak on the CBEFM - finally! :cheer:

I've been saving my OPKs - would it be of interest/help to anyone to see the progression? If so I'll take a photo. I have an OPK from 1pm yesterday which is most definitely negative, then one from 5.30pm which is 'almost positive', then the 10.15pm and this morning's one which are definitely positive. I've also got the OPKs from the previous few days so you can see how quickly the surge happens for me. I am convinced that if I only tested in the early afternoon, I would miss my surge until it was on the way out!

if anyone wants to be stalked, shout! I'm full of admiration for those of you who manage to stalk everyone on the list - I had enough problems when there were only three of us in the stalkers forum!
Kittykins said:
Gosh, you can't leave the forum for more than a couple of hours these days - by the time you return there are pages and pages of posts!

I know what you mean - Im not always on here of a weekend and then I log on on the Monday and feel like Ive missed loads of things happening!

Kittykins said:
Choklatemunky, that's some dedicated stalking on your part :twisted: :lol:

:rotfl: Well....i was bored, had the flat all to myself and thought, I know what I can do.....anything to get out of cleaning or working like I probably should have ben doing! :lol:

Anyway Kitty.....
:cheer: for your Peak on the CBEFM! :cheer:
:wave: Hi

Hope you are all well. :hug:

My temp today is the same as yesterday, is that good?

Tasha20 said:
:wave: Hi

Hope you are all well. :hug:

My temp today is the same as yesterday, is that good?


Yes it is! As long as your temps stay high its all good. :)
Ladies another quick qu my thermometer is needing a new battery one of the small round ones its still working fine its just that the L meaning the battery's running low so it doesnt always beep when its done taking my temp i can only tell when its stopped flashing what i want to ask is until i can get another one how long normaly would you keep it in for. :)
Morning everyone

Hope you all survived the storm?

Well, I am knackered and still no sign of Ov :( . I cant wait for my temp to jump up...I suppose I just keep BDing until it does?

DH made me laugh this morning. Ive been with him for nearly 10 years and he has NEVER turned down sex but this morning he did say "Do we HAVE to do it again tonight?" Clearly the first sign that he feels as knackered as me! Poor guy, i do keep telling him that it doesnt work with the lady on top though :rotfl: (Sorry TMI for this time in the morning!)

Any sign of AF yet ROM?

Is anyone testing soon?
Sally just to let you know we had a in depth conversation with my consultant about just that - she recons that it really shouldnt make much difference and if anything if the lady is enjoying being on top (if you know what I mean :lol: ) then not to get too hung up on positions....

No no AF yet - still very crampy and spot on chin the size of a small volcano - funnily enough my chart is now exactly the same as the one when I got pregnant but I am not holding any hope as I tested this morning and not a sausage!! Not even an evap to mull over.....

:wall: :wall:
ROM - Poor you. I hate that bit of the cycle..waiting waiting waiting! i try to keep myself v busy so i dont think about it too much, but is hasnt worked yet! Really hope that 'she' doesnt show :hug:
:wave: morning all :wave: was thinking for a minute there i was the only one up this morning lol stalking the charts and nobodys charted yet :rotfl:
rom sorry you got a bfn hun :hug: really hope af doesnt show for you :pray: xxx
sally looked at your chart no wonder your tired lol :rotfl: hope you ov soon hun so you can have a rest xxx
o/h feeling the strain already and we are only day 10 of cycle :rotfl: last night he asked could we please have just 1 night off tonight :shakehead: told him not until FF confirms ov so thats at least 3 days away
still getting lots of cramps and headaches really feel like im about to get AF not OV how weird :think: xxxxxxx
ok may be tmi first thing in the morning but heres a few questions for you all pleaseeeee
1- whens best time of day to check CM (as bd most nights not sure today what my CM is) how long does it take for last nights "baby making fluid" to stop showing and get a more accurate CM if you know what i mean :oops:

2- has anyone else had AF cramping around what should be ov time? its def not ov pains as i know what they are like and this is def more like af low pain in abdomen and lower back anybody any ideas????

am starting to wonder if i might get an early AF this month and not ovulate :think: its still early days off my pill so not expecting cycles to get back to normal for a while

hope everyones ok this morning xxxxxx
:wave: everyone

rom - :hug: know how you feel. I have a vesuvius on my chin and getting bigger. And cramps. And BFN :-(

rach - I feel AF-y when I ov, strange isn't it. I read that you are supposed to feel more energy. But I have marked 'fatigue' down on my chart EVERY OV day. I could almost bin the OPKs and go with that! Also get bloated, crampy and headaches. I never realised how much of how I feel is hormone-related. Scary.

You can check CM anytime, but I think it's better later on when you are a bit more hydrated. I can't reliably check my CM around OV though, for just the reason you mention - too many conflicting fluids! (And I don't want to go removing the good stuff :oops: )

Right I have done my obsessing for today. Off to think about how much wine I can drink soon :)

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