** August 2012 mummies **

Great news leesey, moving in the right direction anyway :) I had a 39 week appt today & he is 2/5th palp so we're nearly there! Walked around town all afternoon then home again & am knackered, hot, sweaty & felt like baby was just going to fall out so fingers crossed that's done something!! So hard to stay active in this heat though. Xx

Yay more than half way engaged then, brilliant!! I'm almost positive I'll go back tomorrow and it'll be 0/5ths all over again :lol:
Knackered hot and sweaty pretty much sums it up yeah!! xx
Yep, August next week & No August babies arrived yet. Even the fully cooked ones.
12 days.... maximum of 24 for me! x

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!

Hi girls

Sorry I haven't been around, but on 20 July my waters very unexpectedly went! On 22 July my lil boy was born with the aid of forceps weighing in at a respectable 3300 g (7 lb 4.5 oz).

We were only released from hospital late last night thanks to my blood pressure. I will get round to doing a birth story soon, just need to catch up with everything at home first.

I hope u are all well and eager to meet your LOs :)
Ah 2 August babies are here then! congrats! xx

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
So violets was in fact the first August baby!!
2 here already!! hopefully the other August babies take note of this x
im trying everything i can to shift this baby! im about to drag my poor hubby upstairs to dtd.. probably against his will as he has only just woken up lol... oh well he put bubz in here and he can help get it out lol xx
Baby will come when their ready! X

Sorry hon this is really patronising!! I know you mean well but it's just awfully condescending when people say this. Everyone knows the baby's not coming any sooner than nature intended but if doing something proactive makes people feel better then I say leave them to it. Not gonna start an argument though, I just think maybe some people don't realise how infuriating it is to hear people say that xxx
Baby will come when their ready! X

Sorry hon this is really patronising!! I know you mean well but it's just awfully condescending when people say this. Everyone knows the baby's not coming any sooner than nature intended but if doing something proactive makes people feel better then I say leave them to it. Not gonna start an argument though, I just think maybe some people don't realise how infuriating it is to hear people say that xxx

It wasn't my intention to sound patronising, but if someone finds it so infuriating to hear then why say anything, people will share their opinions and not everyone will always agree. x
i think the vast majority of pregnant women within days of due date would like thier baby out, obviously baby will come out sooner or later, my midwife told me my body releases the hormone to get baby coming not the baby so really im just trying to help my body step up a gear.. after all some womens bodies are just damn lazy and need a push in the right direction.
after all some womens bodies are just damn lazy and need a push in the right direction.

Mine apparently :( Consultant said I should be making more progress than I am, ie weeks away :cry: With reduced movement, SPD and big baby (made the consultant say "wow!") another few weeks would be hellish for me. I'd like to find something that would make my body work more efficiently but I've given up on them - tried pineapple (not exactly a chore cos it's my favourite fruit), EPO, ball bouncing and hot curry, as well as RLT for my uterus, but none of them have made anything more 'favourable' so I feel a bit down even though I wasn't really expecting them to work! The only thing we haven't tried is castor oil ( :shock: :sick: :shakehead: ) and dtd - but dh won't even consider it and we haven't done it for months :(

Anyway, everyone's allowed a wee bit hope every now and then, just unfortunately in my case it wouldn't work even if baby was ready to pop right now xx
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My midwife says dtd only stands a chance of working if you're doing it at least twice a day! lol. Apparently it's the sperm that can help bring labour on as it's similar to what they use when they induce you! x
My midwife says dtd only stands a chance of working if you're doing it at least twice a day! lol. Apparently it's the sperm that can help bring labour on as it's similar to what they use when they induce you! x

Yeah apparently sperm contains prostglandins similar to what they use to induce you, plus the big O can bring on contractions too. Killing two birds in one stone I guess!!

I think the twice a day thing is just to increase its likelihood of working, rather than it actually being about doing it twice a day xx
Yes, the more sperm the more chance of it working, lovely hey! lol x
Had a lovely day today selling stuff at a car boot sale for baby's pocket money! If you have any old stuff lying around that you think you won't use anymore, I'd recommend finding a boot sale!! I made £72 for bubs :) Everyone loves a pregnant lady I think, they all kept coming over and saying oooh looks like it'll be soon, and then they'd buy something! Brilliant :D
So that's the start of baby's saving, so pleased with myself :lol: xx
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Violet, i can't seem to find a post anywhere with what your little boys called for the first page?

Am updating the first page with the August babies, as i now have my little girl i doubt i will be on much to keep it updated. did someone who's due toward the end of the month want to take over updating the first page when babies are born? xx
I could have a go if nobody else wants to take over? I don't have much else to do atm lol! x
Had a lovely day today selling stuff at a car boot sale for baby's pocket money! If you have any old stuff lying around that you think you won't use anymore, I'd recommend finding a boot sale!! I made £72 for bubs :) Everyone loves a pregnant lady I think, they all kept coming over and saying oooh looks like it'll be soon, and then they'd buy something! Brilliant :D
So that's the start of baby's saving, so pleased with myself :lol: xx

I did a car boot sale at the end of May and loved it. Got rid of so much junk and made almost £100!! Its amazing what people will buy lol x
Ladies, guess what?

It's August on Wednesay!!! :D x
Yay, getting closer and closer, hope babies don't keep us waiting too long! x

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