who's gonna go 1st?

:wall: I knew they were getting rid in April but didnt realise theyre fading it out!!! Im due 3rd August, do you think they will induce me for financial reasons?!?!!
hehe 'fraid not Tiny, I already tried that one lol!
:lol: worth asking eh?!

Im currently researching Wales child trust funds cos apparently theyre paid by the Welsh Assembly so migh tbe different (fingers crossed!)
Hi ladies - I think I've beaten you all! I was due on the 27th August and I had my little boy last Friday - the 16th. Exactly 6 weeks early!!! He's in special care at the mo but doing really well. I'll be writing my story soon in the arrivals so have a little read and good luck to you all in the next few weeks xxx
queue jumper!! ;)

Congratualtions hun, hope your little one is doing well...an extreme way of ensuring he gets his child trust fund in my opinion.... ;)
looks like its zazu next as just seen a thread saying shes in labour. aarrr melio poor you, ur getting left behind :-( thinking of you u must be getting so frustrated x
Its not too bad :) Im going to town with my mum today to go and get my nails done and going to dye my hair tonight as well. Im using these last few days to pamper myself and enjoying my time before 1 becomes 2.

Cant believe everyones popping so quickly! I knew it was going to be a baby rush but this is almost one a day!
glad ur being so positive about it melio. baby will come when its ready. i think the key is to keep busy to keep ur mind off it x
Ok...so far, Erin, Tiggerbounce, katietateypot, zazu have had their babies, and mel is well on her way :D

Right girls...there are 7 of us left!
RM - Youve got a week to pop this sprog out...were counting on you!!
Kiwi - its been too long...your baby needs to make an appearance already...he/she is being as stubborn as mine and thats not good.
Evajo - you tend to have a history of overdueness...Im sending you floppy fanny vibes as big bump would say...lets hope this one is at least vaugly on time.
Tiny - Youve eaten more pinapple than humanly possible...I cant understand why baby isnt here already.
Inky - Next thursday I expect to see an update with your name on it. We need a due date baby and Im hoping you can fulfil my fetish.
Tasha - Your baby has been a bit dramatic about this whole growing thing, flipping round like a lunatic, so lets hope he/she has got it out of their system and they can do this whole birth thing right.
Me - quite frankly, this baby needs to hurry the blah up.

Good luck to everyone whos left :D Iv got 2weeks 6 days left but i think he`ll go for 3weeks 6 days lol x
Ok...so far, Erin, Tiggerbounce, katietateypot, zazu have had their babies, and mel is well on her way :D

Right girls...there are 7 of us left!
RM - Youve got a week to pop this sprog out...were counting on you!!
Kiwi - its been too long...your baby needs to make an appearance already...he/she is being as stubborn as mine and thats not good.
Evajo - you tend to have a history of overdueness...Im sending you floppy fanny vibes as big bump would say...lets hope this one is at least vaugly on time.
Tiny - Youve eaten more pinapple than humanly possible...I cant understand why baby isnt here already.
Inky - Next thursday I expect to see an update with your name on it. We need a due date baby and Im hoping you can fulfil my fetish.
Tasha - Your baby has been a bit dramatic about this whole growing thing, flipping round like a lunatic, so lets hope he/she has got it out of their system and they can do this whole birth thing right.
Me - quite frankly, this baby needs to hurry the blah up.

:rofl: Hahahahaaa! Love it! My baby is taking after it's Mother WAY too much for my liking at the mo! Little monkey! I want out and surely he/she must be SERIOUSLY running out of space! x
Ok...so far, Erin, Tiggerbounce, katietateypot, zazu have had their babies, and mel is well on her way :D

Right girls...there are 7 of us left!
RM - Youve got a week to pop this sprog out...were counting on you!!
Kiwi - its been too long...your baby needs to make an appearance already...he/she is being as stubborn as mine and thats not good.
Evajo - you tend to have a history of overdueness...Im sending you floppy fanny vibes as big bump would say...lets hope this one is at least vaugly on time.
Tiny - Youve eaten more pinapple than humanly possible...I cant understand why baby isnt here already.
Inky - Next thursday I expect to see an update with your name on it. We need a due date baby and Im hoping you can fulfil my fetish.
Tasha - Your baby has been a bit dramatic about this whole growing thing, flipping round like a lunatic, so lets hope he/she has got it out of their system and they can do this whole birth thing right.
Me - quite frankly, this baby needs to hurry the blah up.

:rofl: thanks for the summary. Ive been a little panicky the past couple of days cos I havent got any pineapples in the house :shock: also on :bd: once in the last week :roll: Im hoping my efforts last week will have left my cervix soft, it cant go hard again can it?! Also eaten unbelievable amount of curries/chilli stirfries this week. Hoping at least baby will leave because he doesnt like the grub anymore :lol: OH reckons our baby is gonna be really surprised to be born in Wales, he'll be expecting to be born in India or something, Ive eaten soooo much curry and naan bread. any excuse :lol:
Thanks for the floppy fanny vibes - i think!!!! Its gotta be you next though Melio!

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