***April & May Mummy & Baby***

BN feel better soon!

Chezza enjoy swimming :) and another tooth in the gang!

I'm wondering if Libby's other bottom one is coming as we've had 2 horrendous nights her must have been up with 15 times last night :(

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Put madam on our bed for her first nap, barricaded her in and left her, she's whined and shouted I went in popped some bonjela on covered her back up with blanket and left she's whined again and it's all gone a bit quiet now. Routine cocked up this morning as bt chap was here at 7.40.

She's just started talking to teddy fx she go's off soon.

It's miserable today :(

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All these teeth! Can't believe our babies are growing up so quickly! Wonder when my baby will get any?

E had a bad night's sleep. She went down awake at 8 and self-settled. She woke up at 3 for a feed and went straight back to sleep, but woke up crying at 4. Had to bundle her downstairs so she didn't keep OH up. She then woke up at 5.30, so I fed her but then she cried again, so took her downstairs again. She went back to sleep for a bit after that.
I think it was tummy trouble as I could feel everything gurgling when I was bouncing with her on the ball.

I tried putting her down in her basket for a sleep with her favourite cuddly toy but she wasn't having any of it. She whined and then cried. I tried coming in and shhing her, but she just wouldn't settle. I ended up giving up and taking her out in the pram. She fell asleep after 2 mins out.
Really not sure how to get her to not need movement when she falls asleep in the day.

Hope you are feeling better BN.

Enjoy your water babies Chezza! We start our first lesson on Friday!
Evan was up at least every 2 hours wanting some mummy dummy. Nearly coslept with him but still terrified by it and I'm such a fidget.

Well she's still down I'm bored!! Can't Hoover as she'll wake up. Can't cook dinner as meats not defrosted.

Ahhhhh she's awake :)

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Ha ha. Poor you, V&B! I can hoover right next to E's head and she doesn't stir! It's only loud sudden noises that wake her.
She's still asleep now and 40 mins past due a feed!
Here she is this morning.
Ahhh she looks so happy :)

She hates the Hoover wakes up and crys but I can shout at the dogs and she doesn't bat an eyelid lol

Right playtime for me and the munchkin see you later
Not happy!!! Had our first water babies session...advertised as a 45 minute swimming session for babies...I'd really like to make some comparisons with other mummies who have taken their LO's to their first lesson recently.

The instructor was unwelcoming - not a good start! She asked no questions about what we'd done / what we hoped for etc. So I volunteered that I would like to know how to safely "dunk" Joshie. She just laughed at me??

We entered the water, had some plastics balls thrown in, told to hold babies under the arms - and chase the balls around the pool. We stopped twice to sing nursery rhymes...the rest of the time she spent encouraging some older children to swim with armbands / through hoops / helped them jump in etc. We then got asked to leave the pool after 30 mins...?!?!

P'd off!!! :-( xx
I feel like a new woman!!

H slept through the night last night 8-7am! I slept like a baby myself, was lovely and much needed after the epic migraine I had. We've had an uneventful morning, decided to stay in as the weather is rubbish.

Not that H has noticed the weather, he's been asleep since 11.30, woke for 10 mins for a hug then dropped back off. So I've taken full advantage, I've hoovered, polished and prepared tea! Now sat watching H fidget, wonder if he's gonna wake up now?! lol

Chezza I have no comparison for you as I haven't been swimming with H yet, but it sounds awful. Maybe find another class?

BN I hope you feel a little better today?

X xx
Mrs Hope:what do you do if she starts crying though? I tried to get E to sleep in her basket in our room where she sleeps at night for her daytime nap but she fused for a bit & then got more worked up. I tried going up & calming her 3 times without lifting her out but it didn't work, so went for the tried & tested walk with the pram.
Am not sure how to get her to go down in her basket & what to do when she wont settle.

Such a complicated business! At the moment I either bounce her on the Pezzi ball, put her in her swing or take her for a walk in the pram.

Am off to bed now. Have a good night, ladies!

This is what Ruby was like. If she started crying a lot in her cot she is not ready to nap yet. I took her back down stairs and started the process again. So, play, let her rub her eyes and do tired eyes etc then gave it a few mins, took her upstairs laid her down stuck dummy in and put seahorse on. I tried to put her down when her eyes we partially closing. Then gradually when she had got used to that started putting her down earlier until she can be in her cot 5 mins before drifting off to sleep.

During the night you have to stick to doing the same thing. Feed her and out her down awake to let her settle. Then do the same with feeds during the night. I feed Ruby in bed, hubby burps her over his shoulder then he puts her down straight away, sticks dummy in and turns on seahorse. Maybe going downstairs in the night is confusing her!? That's where she goes during the day xx
I feel like a new woman!!

H slept through the night last night 8-7am! I slept like a baby myself, was lovely and much needed after the epic migraine I had. We've had an uneventful morning, decided to stay in as the weather is rubbish.

Not that H has noticed the weather, he's been asleep since 11.30, woke for 10 mins for a hug then dropped back off. So I've taken full advantage, I've hoovered, polished and prepared tea! Now sat watching H fidget, wonder if he's gonna wake up now?! lol

Chezza I have no comparison for you as I haven't been swimming with H yet, but it sounds awful. Maybe find another class?

BN I hope you feel a little better today?

X xx

That's a fab sleep Emma I'm jel! Ruby is doing good going 6:30-12:30 then on til 4:30 then until 6:30. She is getting the hang of it with a very tight routine. I'm sure her jabs will cock it up today tho and I'm at work tomorrow xx
Not happy!!! Had our first water babies session...advertised as a 45 minute swimming session for babies...I'd really like to make some comparisons with other mummies who have taken their LO's to their first lesson recently.

The instructor was unwelcoming - not a good start! She asked no questions about what we'd done / what we hoped for etc. So I volunteered that I would like to know how to safely "dunk" Joshie. She just laughed at me??

We entered the water, had some plastics balls thrown in, told to hold babies under the arms - and chase the balls around the pool. We stopped twice to sing nursery rhymes...the rest of the time she spent encouraging some older children to swim with armbands / through hoops / helped them jump in etc. We then got asked to leave the pool after 30 mins...?!?!

P'd off!!! :-( xx

Chezza I`'ll run you through what we do in a class

We arrive all babies get in and we warm up we swim babies back and forth across the width of the pool, encouraging them to hold on to the sides and giving the command hold on.

We then gather round and say hello and do our first swim (dunk) we'll then do a nursery rhyme then a little activity which all encourage "swimming position" and another "swim" then sing a song another swim then done.

To be fair 30 minutes is more than enough but there shouldn't be different levels in a class.

We go to swimbabes www.swimbabes.co.uk it is quite expensive for a course but we will be signing up to the next one.
Hope that helps feel free to ask if I've not mentioned something you want to know.

I've put madam on our bed hoping she`'ll go off to sleep she's knackered and is shouting and whining but fingers crossed!

Off to cook dinner cottage pie tonight yum yum!!
Not happy!!! Had our first water babies session...advertised as a 45 minute swimming session for babies...I'd really like to make some comparisons with other mummies who have taken their LO's to their first lesson recently.

The instructor was unwelcoming - not a good start! She asked no questions about what we'd done / what we hoped for etc. So I volunteered that I would like to know how to safely "dunk" Joshie. She just laughed at me??

We entered the water, had some plastics balls thrown in, told to hold babies under the arms - and chase the balls around the pool. We stopped twice to sing nursery rhymes...the rest of the time she spent encouraging some older children to swim with armbands / through hoops / helped them jump in etc. We then got asked to leave the pool after 30 mins...?!?!

P'd off!!! :-( xx

Chezza I`'ll run you through what we do in a class

We arrive all babies get in and we warm up we swim babies back and forth across the width of the pool, encouraging them to hold on to the sides and giving the command hold on.

We then gather round and say hello and do our first swim (dunk) we'll then do a nursery rhyme then a little activity which all encourage "swimming position" and another "swim" then sing a song another swim then done.

To be fair 30 minutes is more than enough but there shouldn't be different levels in a class.

We go to swimbabes www.swimbabes.co.uk it is quite expensive for a course but we will be signing up to the next one.
Hope that helps feel free to ask if I've not mentioned something you want to know.

I've put madam on our bed hoping she`'ll go off to sleep she's knackered and is shouting and whining but fingers crossed!

Off to cook dinner cottage pie tonight yum yum!!

Thanks V&B...that sounds like a proper lesson!! I'm glad I didn't book a course at the sports centre now...looking at a private instructor instead!

Out with the girls tonight, but cooking DH Puttanesca Spaghetti before I go...leftovers for me tmrw, yum! :-) xxx
Glad I could help,
Well she went started crying I went up gave her a cuddle for a few minutes, popped her back down and left her she cried for a second, whined for 5 minutes then sleep. Started using the white noise app on my phone don't know if it helped or not.

Out of interest what times do the other monkeys have their naps? Ish obviously

And she's awake
Well day 3 of attempting to wean Rian was not impressed with baby rice at all so got some porridge again not keen so thinking hes not ready. I brought a few pouches to see what he thinks of different things before i puree myself so gave him a try on pear he loved it :-) got in a right mess but he took it well had a play with the spoon so guess i just have to keep trying different things x
Glad I could help,
Well she went started crying I went up gave her a cuddle for a few minutes, popped her back down and left her she cried for a second, whined for 5 minutes then sleep. Started using the white noise app on my phone don't know if it helped or not.

Out of interest what times do the other monkeys have their naps? Ish obviously

And she's awake

I tried that white noise app and it does nothing for JJ! Without fail he is awake between 06.00 - 06.15...1st nap is around 8am - 30 mins. 2nd nap around 11.30am - 60 - 120 mins. 3rd nap around 16.00pm (used to be a lot earlier) - 60 - 120 mins. That's a good day. A bad day is 3 x 20 min naps and a very cranky baby!! xxx
If we're lucky we get 3 x 20-60 min naps. Normally we're lucky to get 2 x 20 min naps. Today is not a good day :(
the onlu thing that calms Mark is classical music - that was the only thing on the white noise app that worked. Was God sent in the car to Whitstable

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
E generally naps 1-2 hours after a feed & feeds every 3 hours during the day.
Feed 9
Nap 10:30-11:30/13
Feed 12
Nap 1:30-2:30
Feed 3
Nap 5-6
Feed 6
Feed 9

Am just feeding her now, then going to make dinner. We're having chicken & lentils tonight.

Chezza will let you know what we do at baby swimming on Fri.

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