***April & May Mummy & Baby***

JBJ, i dont want to come across rude but why are you weaning so early? Have you been advised by a doctor to wean so early?

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
JBJ, i dont want to come across rude but why are you weaning so early? Have you been advised by a doctor to wean so early?

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

Well I spoke to HV 3 weeks ago and said she's always wanting more and more bottles and I said she's on hungry baby (which doesn't seem to made a difference tbh) and on the highest amount. She said I will probably need to wean her between 3-4 months. So I waited as long as possible until she just wanted a bottle every 2 hours and more after each one. Then tried her on really runny baby rice. I'm scared to feed her anything now in case makes her worse. She does a burp and she's happy and then I give her a bottle like when she really wants one and makes her bad again :( I don't know what to do. She has never cried this bad since we were in hospital! :wall2:
JBJ, i dont want to come across rude but why are you weaning so early? Have you been advised by a doctor to wean so early?

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Well I spoke to HV 3 weeks ago and said she's always wanting more and more bottles and I said she's on hungry baby (which doesn't seem to made a difference tbh) and on the highest amount. She said I will probably need to wean her between 3-4 months. So I waited as long as possible until she just wanted a bottle every 2 hours and more after each one. Then tried her on really runny baby rice. I'm scared to feed her anything now in case makes her worse. She does a burp and she's happy and then I give her a bottle like when she really wants one and makes her bad again :( I don't know what to do. She has never cried this bad since we were in hospital! :wall2:

I would stop baby rice for now hun, their digestive system isnt mature until 17 weeks so it can be causing problems. I would go to your GP for advice and report your HV as she shouldnt have advised early weaning without a medical reason.
I think they can give you milk additives or just give a better advice. Ideally you need a padeatrician but its so hard to sew them!

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Argh help!!

Anna is 14 weeks. On Monday we changed her to number 3 teats and started her on 1 bowl of baby rice a day. Since then she has screamed everyday!! I think it may be constipation as she hasn't really gone properly since then. She hardly burps or farts now where usually she did all the time :/
She goes all straight legged too when crying. I don't think I can do another day of it this week...I'm ready to start tearing my hair out!

Is this normal for when you wean and any tips??

Ill try anything!!!!!!

I would stop the baby rice until you have spoken to the doc or HV hun. I personally think she is to young and sounds like it's not agreeing with her and blocking her up. Best thing to do is quit the rice and offer her just milk and some water every day to get things moving. 14 weeks is still very young for her digestive system to cope with solids. If you think she is still hungry then just offer her more milk. Also faster flowing teats will give her more wind, I opted for the vari flow so he controls the speed. Best of luck hun x

Hiya ladies, I just had a read through all the recent comments, boy this thread moves fast!

Jazz, btw your little girl is beautiful! Beautiful big eyes! :love:

Scott had his final jabs Wednesday and for the rest of the day the poor thing just cried in my arms, was heartbreaking, proper little sobs but the very next day he made a rapid recovery and its now back to his happy giggly self :) I got him weighed for a change and he is a dinky 13lb 12, I'm not surprised though, he still has a small appetite. He's a proper giggler now, it's just the cutest noise in the world! Kissing his neck, blowing on his belly, bouncing him on my knee all start him off! His daddy only has to talk to him though and he giggles! He just loves his dad's voice, it's hilarious hearing him belly chuckle :D

I must be mad btw, Scott is still fast asleep and I've been up since 4:30! A rare chance to get some sleep and I'm wide awake grrr, oh well gonna make a coffee lol.

Have a good day ladies and babies :wave: xxx

JBJ, i dont want to come across rude but why are you weaning so early? Have you been advised by a doctor to wean so early?

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

Well I spoke to HV 3 weeks ago and said she's always wanting more and more bottles and I said she's on hungry baby (which doesn't seem to made a difference tbh) and on the highest amount. She said I will probably need to wean her between 3-4 months. So I waited as long as possible until she just wanted a bottle every 2 hours and more after each one. Then tried her on really runny baby rice. I'm scared to feed her anything now in case makes her worse. She does a burp and she's happy and then I give her a bottle like when she really wants one and makes her bad again :( I don't know what to do. She has never cried this bad since we were in hospital! :wall2:

I would stop baby rice for now hun, their digestive system isnt mature until 17 weeks so it can be causing problems. I would go to your GP for advice and report your HV as she shouldnt have advised early weaning without a medical reason.
I think they can give you milk additives or just give a better advice. Ideally you need a padeatrician but its so hard to sew them!

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

I thought this but didn't want to cause more problems. Is it ok to stop the baby rice once started? And Anna loves it, I don't want her then crying because she wants it haha.

Although she did have a broken up rusk in milk when she was younger (which my mum gave when looking after her....apparently older midwives swear by it to stop hunger as she was eating so much...I wasn't happy about the rusk thing though but it didn't effect her)

Forgot to mention...Tuesday she was fine. It started Monday, stopped Tuesday and carried on since. Tuesday she done a poo that stunk! Oh actually wednesday she done a squishy poo that also stunk but she's been doing really bad smelling ones for weeks now.

True...this HV is the same one that called Anna a boy when Anna was getting weighed....naked...lol
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JBJ, i dont want to come across rude but why are you weaning so early? Have you been advised by a doctor to wean so early?

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

Well I spoke to HV 3 weeks ago and said she's always wanting more and more bottles and I said she's on hungry baby (which doesn't seem to made a difference tbh) and on the highest amount. She said I will probably need to wean her between 3-4 months. So I waited as long as possible until she just wanted a bottle every 2 hours and more after each one. Then tried her on really runny baby rice. I'm scared to feed her anything now in case makes her worse. She does a burp and she's happy and then I give her a bottle like when she really wants one and makes her bad again :( I don't know what to do. She has never cried this bad since we were in hospital! :wall2:

I would stop baby rice for now hun, their digestive system isnt mature until 17 weeks so it can be causing problems. I would go to your GP for advice and report your HV as she shouldnt have advised early weaning without a medical reason.
I think they can give you milk additives or just give a better advice. Ideally you need a padeatrician but its so hard to sew them!

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

I thought this but didn't want to cause more problems. Is it ok to stop the baby rice once started?

True...this HV is the same one that called Anna a boy when Anna was getting weighed....naked...lol

You can stop of course. Seriously, she shouldnt be giving advice like that. If she wants feeding every 2 hours, feed her. Is she sleeping at night or is she waking up every 2 hours too?

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
JBJ, i dont want to come across rude but why are you weaning so early? Have you been advised by a doctor to wean so early?

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

Well I spoke to HV 3 weeks ago and said she's always wanting more and more bottles and I said she's on hungry baby (which doesn't seem to made a difference tbh) and on the highest amount. She said I will probably need to wean her between 3-4 months. So I waited as long as possible until she just wanted a bottle every 2 hours and more after each one. Then tried her on really runny baby rice. I'm scared to feed her anything now in case makes her worse. She does a burp and she's happy and then I give her a bottle like when she really wants one and makes her bad again :( I don't know what to do. She has never cried this bad since we were in hospital! :wall2:

I would stop baby rice for now hun, their digestive system isnt mature until 17 weeks so it can be causing problems. I would go to your GP for advice and report your HV as she shouldnt have advised early weaning without a medical reason.
I think they can give you milk additives or just give a better advice. Ideally you need a padeatrician but its so hard to sew them!

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

I thought this but didn't want to cause more problems. Is it ok to stop the baby rice once started?

True...this HV is the same one that called Anna a boy when Anna was getting weighed....naked...lol

You can stop of course. Seriously, she shouldnt be giving advice like that. If she wants feeding every 2 hours, feed her. Is she sleeping at night or is she waking up every 2 hours too?

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

She's always slept fine at night...well...she goes to bed at around 10-11 with last feed then gets up at 5 to feed and sleeps until 9 when she wakes up like a hungry dinosaur lol.

After Wednesday...I so panicked and kinda lost my way if that makes sense. As if I am a brand new mum again as she is completely different. She is also teething so she isn't happiest baby already and now all this. :(
JBJ, i dont want to come across rude but why are you weaning so early? Have you been advised by a doctor to wean so early?

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

Well I spoke to HV 3 weeks ago and said she's always wanting more and more bottles and I said she's on hungry baby (which doesn't seem to made a difference tbh) and on the highest amount. She said I will probably need to wean her between 3-4 months. So I waited as long as possible until she just wanted a bottle every 2 hours and more after each one. Then tried her on really runny baby rice. I'm scared to feed her anything now in case makes her worse. She does a burp and she's happy and then I give her a bottle like when she really wants one and makes her bad again :( I don't know what to do. She has never cried this bad since we were in hospital! :wall2:

I would stop baby rice for now hun, their digestive system isnt mature until 17 weeks so it can be causing problems. I would go to your GP for advice and report your HV as she shouldnt have advised early weaning without a medical reason.
I think they can give you milk additives or just give a better advice. Ideally you need a padeatrician but its so hard to sew them!

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

I thought this but didn't want to cause more problems. Is it ok to stop the baby rice once started?

True...this HV is the same one that called Anna a boy when Anna was getting weighed....naked...lol

You can stop of course. Seriously, she shouldnt be giving advice like that. If she wants feeding every 2 hours, feed her. Is she sleeping at night or is she waking up every 2 hours too?

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

She's always slept fine at night...well...she goes to bed at around 10-11 with last feed then gets up at 5 to feed and sleeps until 9 when she wakes up like a hungry dinosaur lol.

After Wednesday...I so panicked and kinda lost my way if that makes sense. As if I am a brand new mum again as she is completely different. She is also teething so she isn't happiest baby already and now all this. :(

I have found that if I get Scotts bottle ready and wake him before he is due to wake it is so much better, he wakes up to a bottle in his mouth so has no time to feel hungry and cry. Set your alarm for half 8 and wake her instead of the other way around. Also try feeding her more regular as Knopk suggested, it's better to feed her every 2 hours on milk than give her solids.

Bloody HV's and their stupid advice :mad: xxx

JBJ, i dont want to come across rude but why are you weaning so early? Have you been advised by a doctor to wean so early?

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

Well I spoke to HV 3 weeks ago and said she's always wanting more and more bottles and I said she's on hungry baby (which doesn't seem to made a difference tbh) and on the highest amount. She said I will probably need to wean her between 3-4 months. So I waited as long as possible until she just wanted a bottle every 2 hours and more after each one. Then tried her on really runny baby rice. I'm scared to feed her anything now in case makes her worse. She does a burp and she's happy and then I give her a bottle like when she really wants one and makes her bad again :( I don't know what to do. She has never cried this bad since we were in hospital! :wall2:

I would stop baby rice for now hun, their digestive system isnt mature until 17 weeks so it can be causing problems. I would go to your GP for advice and report your HV as she shouldnt have advised early weaning without a medical reason.
I think they can give you milk additives or just give a better advice. Ideally you need a padeatrician but its so hard to sew them!

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

I thought this but didn't want to cause more problems. Is it ok to stop the baby rice once started?

True...this HV is the same one that called Anna a boy when Anna was getting weighed....naked...lol

You can stop of course. Seriously, she shouldnt be giving advice like that. If she wants feeding every 2 hours, feed her. Is she sleeping at night or is she waking up every 2 hours too?

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

She's always slept fine at night...well...she goes to bed at around 10-11 with last feed then gets up at 5 to feed and sleeps until 9 when she wakes up like a hungry dinosaur lol.

After Wednesday...I so panicked and kinda lost my way if that makes sense. As if I am a brand new mum again as she is completely different. She is also teething so she isn't happiest baby already and now all this. :(

I have found that if I get Scotts bottle ready and wake him before he is due to wake it is so much better, he wakes up to a bottle in his mouth so has no time to feel hungry and cry. Set your alarm for half 8 and wake her instead of the other way around. Also try feeding her more regular as Knopk suggested, it's better to feed her every 2 hours on milk than give her solids.

Bloody HV's and their stupid advice :mad: xxx


Thank you! I will give it a go and hope that she goes back to normal happy Anna.

Once HV told me not to burp....:/ (I didn't listen to that one though) xxx
Just being nosey but has anyone heard off Scattyash? Not seen a post from her since just after she had the twins. Was the other twin lady called babymother? X

Ella had an amazing night's sleep again last night!! Fed her at 8, she went to bed at 9 and didn't wake up until 6!!! If this is my new and improved baby, I welcome her with open arms!! lol!

The in-laws fly home today. Will miss being able to go for a daytime run but won't miss mil always knowing best!!

Tambo: I love baby giggles - they're so cute! Pop another video up like your "I love you" one!!

Jazz: what a sweetie Eliza is now. Hope she's ok?
Another screaming fit before exhausting himself on me. He is physically fighting me and I have to hold him so tight against me. I'm against CIO but I can't see how holding him when he is not being consoled is any better. It's hard not to get angry at him when he is pinching and scratching my neck and leaving marks. My poor baby :(

Amy, I cant express how much I feel for you at the moment. I know when JJ has a bad day (and I am so lucky that it not too often), I REALLY struggle...especially when he scratches me and screams so loudly. I would often think there was something else wrong. Have you started to administer the gaviscon yet??

Tambo - nope, haven't seen posts from either lady? Have just looked at the 1st page of this thread and realised there are a few MIA...? Hope all the ladies are ok.

Sophie - that's great news! Well done beautiful little Ella :-)

It's been a weird few days with JJ...both DH and I feel he has gone through some definitive changes. He has started to make brand new noises, his hand to eye co-ordination has rapidly improved pretty much overnight and he now looks at us in a very serious way. Last night during his bottle feed, he reached up and actually stroked my face!! I'm sure it wasn't intended that way...but it felt like he wanted to just reach out and touch me and I was completely lost in the moment and tears sprung to my eyes!

We aren't doing much today...shopping being delivered this morning, a park walk this afternoon perhaps...and a bit of packing for our holiday next week. Have a good Friday ladies and babies xxx
Just being nosey but has anyone heard off Scattyash? Not seen a post from her since just after she had the twins. Was the other twin lady called babymother? X


I've not seen anything of either of them for what feels like months.

Had a bit of a bad night with h last night. He fell asleep on the couch at half seven. I popped him in bed expecting him to wake about half 10 for a feed but nope he slept till 11:45. Fed him, put him back down and he was awake again at half 1 with a burning temp. I had to give him a bit of calpol and he then slept till 5. Fed him and he went back to sleep till half 6 when he woke very upset. Only way I could settle him was to pop him on the boob. We got up at half 7. My OH said good morning to H and that's when H decoded to vomit all over us both! It wasn't like milky sick either it was like milk that has curdled. (Sorry tmi!)
He's not got a temp now but he is fighting his nap like mad! :( x

Oh no Stargirl. Deffo take him to the doc's. A temp and being sick are bad news. You don't want him getting dehydrated. Not what you need on top of everything else at the moment. Hope H feels better when he wakes.

Chezza: that is so adorable! Ella always plays around with her hands and clips onto my clothes which I always find so cute.

Have a great day everyone!
Well I've just phoned the docs and am waiting for them to ring me back. Currently sat in the couch with H fast asleep on my knee. I hope he wakes up loads better.


My poor little man :(

Morning all,

Star girl hope H feels better soon,

We had a what seems to be normal night here now up at 1, then 3.30 then 5.45 then 6.30 then 8.15 now she's laid in by legs in bed chatting away :)

Need to do a bit of food shopping, so a walk once madam had had her morning snooze, then nip to Aldi then home for cuddles on the sofa and trying to roll over on our play mat.

Jbj def stop the baby rice hunny stupid hv! Xx

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I wish i knew what had happened to the other twin mummies too! Wuldve been nice to compare notes as such. They both have other children i think, so having twins too must keep them super busy ;)

Eliza is gorgeous, hope she is ok Jazz!

Sophie, yay for another good night, i hope it lasts for you ;)

Amy, i feel for you, i really do. Does the breast not settle him at all! I dont just breast feed for feeding purposes, it works wonders for upset babies, and i dont know what i would do if i bottlefed. Mine still wont take a dummy, at all!

Jbj, i echo what others have said. I would personally think its waaaay to early to be giving solids, even though she may be hungry, her gut isnt developed to digest solids yet. It will be a while before i offer my two anything other than breast milk, i am not looking forward to weaning them both and the associated mess!

Well, we had a good night, my SIL also gave borth at 3am to a baby girl, Sofia. Unfortunately, she is in Germany, so we dont get to see her for a while :(
I am off to hospital this morning for a referral for my psoriasis, docs recommended UV, which is the only thing that works for me, so i am really hopeful i can get booked on a course soon. Breastfeeding is stopping me treating it with steroids and it is really spreading fast.

Hope everyone has a great day xxxxx
Evan is a bit of a greedy baby when bf, so with the acid it's probably not great to offer it. I let him stay on if he's finished his feed though.

He woke twice in the night and woke at 8 to find he'd pooped through his sleepsuit and was giggling away on his front. Quick wash and dress and then boob and he's asleep again. There was no chance I was getting back to sleep so got washed and dressed and fed myself. Bit concerned as I'm back in my pre-pregnancy jeans, which is good but i think the stress of the last month or so has done it. I'm pretty sure I'm not eating enough but i always have at least one really good meal and the rest is pot luck. It's probably not helping Evan either.

Once he wakes we'll get his Gaviscon from the pharmacy. Although I'm carless today and it's drizzling. The sun is attempting to come out...
Just re-measured Mark, still around 71-72 cm which takes him just off the chart, I guess he just takes after his daddy(6'3). He is just above 75th on the weight though, clearly takes after long and.skinny daddy's side rather than short and dumpy me haha. Bless JJ, is he in 9-12 months stuff already? 6-9 is getting snug now (some more than the others). Most things are too.short but baggy at the waist! Such a pain. My eldest is quite stocky so i had the opposite problem. We are living in trousers that look like shorts lol.

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Bless little (or not so little) Mark! Seems we have a pair of big boys on our hands! Yes, he is in 9 - 12 month clothes - only certain brands though. Have found that Mothercare / Debenhams / supermarket branded come up quite small. NEXT sizes are quite generous though - I love the clothes and outfits they do and I did buy a few things from there recently, but its pointless buying too much because he is growing too fast!

One of my neighbours works at Ralph Lauren and she brought him home some outfits - they are gorgeous, but none fit :-( Gutted!!! xx

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