***April & May Mummy & Baby***

This is a very solemn post so if any of u r in a good mood, look away now!!

The last few days I have felt awful. Like really down. Just like when I was at my lowest with my pnd. I would just like to know how it's possible to feel as lonely as I do , even with people around me? I'm so lonely during the day, and then when my oh gets in he sorts jack out and then he's on his mobile, doing whatever he does, right up till he goes to bed. He does sort out jack in between but this is irrelevant. My mum is also been coming to my house a couple of days a week as she is on holiday from work, just for an hour or so at a time and when she goes to leave I feel like begging her not too. It's sad that at 30 years of age I feel like I have no one. No one to lean on or talk to and that's so very sad. A lot of my friends have abandoned me bcos I now have a baby and they don't. It just proves who ur real friends r once u have a LO. sorry for the depressing post but needed to put it out there. Xxxxx

Hey it's not a depressing post.

I can totally relate. I've actually never felt lonelier in my whole life. I think to some extent what you're feeling is fairly normal, but now you recognise it maybe you need to spend some time as you and not as mummy. I've found at times I've totally lost 'me'. Also, i feel like people don't actually listen to me, even if they don't realise they're doing it.

Can you have a girly day/night with any of your real friends?

Never apologise for posting something sad, this is exactly why everyone is here x
Crikey I didn't realise!!! I feel slightly cheated that I didn't even go into labour, but at the same time at least we're still 'like new' down there!!! Because of what happened I'll definitely be offered a planned section at 38 weeks- apparently they'd rather I didn't go full term which suits me fine!!!!

You all healed now? I sometimes feel the odd sting but mostly all good :-) I like to think of it as a badge of honour :-)

I feel like I had the worst of both worlds lol! I had a failed VB and a CS to deal with too :-) It was an interesting time!

Will definitely be accepting planned CS next time!! Im all good now...I have that dreaded "apron tummy" to get rid of, but feel so bloody overweight at the moment, that I will concentrate on JJ first and will deal with the diet later! xxx
Emma I'd like to say the smell of fish but we moved to Poole in Dorset when I was 3 weeks which has the same-ish aroma!!!

Haha yes it does pong the nearer to the docks you get. I unfortunately live over the other side of grimsby near the farming fields....so i have the lovely smell of horse manure to deal with! Lol

x xx
I'm off to bed ladies, thanks for the company this evening :-) x
I'm of up to bed too now, speak to all you lovely ladies tomorrow. Hope you all get a good nights sleep. OH is on night duty tonight, so i'm looking forward to crawling into bed :D

Night girls...great support and company as usual! Sleepy dust to all babies xxxx
Sending you lots of hugs BN. Xxx

Emma I've added you, I'm victoria Bousfield.

Well I've just had an experience! H woke for a feed at 11:40. Put him on the boon, no problem. I'm half asleep and close my eyes and the next thing I know I am covered in milky sick. There was so much of it and it was every where. I had to hop in the shower while OH cleaned H up. Then I had to strip all the bedding. Put clean on and then try feeding H again. He was all smiles after being sick so I don't think he is poorly, just that maybe his last feed had settled a bit heavy on his belly. He's now asleep next to me on the bed. I'm going to have to put him in his cot so my OH can get back into bed.

Wow, some of you ladies went through it whilst having your lo's. I was pushing H for over 2 hrs and struggled but managed in the end. I had to be cut but nothing like what some of yous have been through.

Oh, sorry for the double post, but I also wanted to say I love seeing all the photos on Facebook. I think all my non mummy friends are fed up with me.

I wanted to ask does anyone have Instagram? I do and if you want to add me I'm vicky_l_b :) xx

Sheesh! I go to bed & miss 3 pages of banter!
Ella has just gone 6.5 hours... I like this new baby! She's meant to be going through a leap at the moment so hopefully she's just come out the other side of it early & this is the new her! lol!

Sorry you feel depressed BN. I agree with the others about joining some classes. I was so jealous when my friend told me you get them all for free. I start baby swimming & massage classes next month ... can't wait.
Can you get anyone in to look after your LO one evening so that you & OH can go & have dinner together or something? Sounds like it would be good for you two to spend some time together just you. Make sure toi only take your phone with you so you can be contacted but day you won't check fb etc while you're at dinner.
H has just done a 7 hours stretch of sleep!! Was asleep by 10 and only just woke for a feed, and I think he only woke because we disturbed him

The monitor alarm went off, we rushed in to find him sleeping further up the cot and at an angle! Little wriggler lol. We moved him back down and this has unsettled him, tried the dummy but he must have thought 'you woke me, you feed me! ' lol

OH is in there now feeding him, so I'm going back to bed sleep :)

Sophie - Yay for Ella sleeping so long, wonder if our babies will soon fade out the early AM feed all together?!

Stargirl - I've accepted you hun :D Eww what a wake up call! Lol, like you said it must have just settle heavy. Nice of him to deposit it on you hey!! Lol xx
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Sleeping through... now that would be amazing! It does appear to be getting longer & longer in between feeds. She's just done 3.5 hours now. I'm meant to be going jogging after this feed though. I really can't bothered to go for a 7am run on a sat morning! It's meant to be an intervals run as well, which means hard work. Oh well, I suppose its all good for me!
Hope everyone had a good night's sleep.
Thanks Emma.

Sophie, jogging? Really? Where are you getting your energy from! There is no way, I might be up for a walk later but that's all. Lol.

Well after the 12am let's be sick all over mummy, while she's feeding me, episode H then didn't wake till 4pm. He completely skipped one wake up - I was expecting such a bad night with him but he's been fab!

Morning ladies! just feeding Scott now then I'm gonna have a do on my new treadmill! We bought it last night off eBay and its a belter! I've been out walking everyday for weeks but I just can't maintain it, it's so time consuming just getting Scott ready then expecting him to sit in his buggy for so long. Last night he was having a moan so I put him in the carrier and walked on the treadmill for half an hour with him and he fell to sleep lol, I'm sure we'll be doing that again. Poor dog's gonna be gutted though lol.

Hope you all have good Saturdays! Xxx

Thanks Emma.

Sophie, jogging? Really? Where are you getting your energy from! There is no way, I might be up for a walk later but that's all. Lol.

Well after the 12am let's be sick all over mummy, while she's feeding me, episode H then didn't wake till 4pm. He completely skipped one wake up - I was expecting such a bad night with him but he's been fab!


I don't want to hear you ever complain about a late night feed again if he managed a 16 hour sleep! :lol: x

Holy moly!!!! So after going my entire pregnancy without dtd, and then recovering from c section last night WE FINALLY DID IT!!!! it would have been a year on 21st which was when fredster was conceived. Can't believe I was so nervous about it hurting my scar because it was totally fine!!!

Only thing is, it was very spontaneous and I haven't had my period yet and we didn't use anything :shock:
I am in shock because after a week of terrible short daytime napping and a stressed mummy, the twins both fell asleep at 8:30pm last night, yes, 8:30pm!
I think i fed santi around 2:30, but lina went til 4:30 and i had the most painful boob ever! Thats 8 hours for her and even 6 for him which is awesome. They both fed around 7:30 and finally got up around 8. So 11 hours of sleeep for both of them, its a miracle!
Holy moly!!!! So after going my entire pregnancy without dtd, and then recovering from c section last night WE FINALLY DID IT!!!! it would have been a year on 21st which was when fredster was conceived. Can't believe I was so nervous about it hurting my scar because it was totally fine!!!

Only thing is, it was very spontaneous and I haven't had my period yet and we didn't use anything :shock:

Hooray!!!!! And....uh oh!! DP!!!! (Danger poke!) Lol :shock: xx
Holy moly!!!! So after going my entire pregnancy without dtd, and then recovering from c section last night WE FINALLY DID IT!!!! it would have been a year on 21st which was when fredster was conceived. Can't believe I was so nervous about it hurting my scar because it was totally fine!!!

Only thing is, it was very spontaneous and I haven't had my period yet and we didn't use anything :shock:

This happened to us on hol and now my AF hasnt shown up!! Did a test yes but got a BFN i was really disapointed if im honest xx

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