****April 2019 Mummies****

It is definitely a minefield :shock: theres too much choice and too many varying prices, which makes you question how much you should really be spending!

I am happy with what we have got as we saw it in all full working order, so was impressed with it and it looks nice, so we thought sod it, lets just get it or we will never make a decision and will just end up comparing all prams, so i am glad thats done, which was a big relief :-)
I remember the excitement and research into buying the right pram for us. I am a bit disappointed that we have everything this time round - less excitement but then again less expensive :dance:
Hi ladies
Glad to hear everyone is doing well.
I just wanted to give an update.. it has been 3 weeks since our amniocentesis.. we were told we'd have the results in 2 weeks so last Tuesday we were hounding the hospital for an answer, to be told it can take up to 3 weeks and we never should have been told 2!! So that was really frustrating. Anyway, we finally got the call just before midday today. The midwife said of the 60 cells they tested, they found no evidence of an extra copy of chromosome 13!! We are so over the moon!! She said there is still a slight chance the baby could have very low level mosaic trisomy 13, as they just can't rule that out 100%, but the most likely explanation is that the syndrome is confined to the placenta, so we are going with that!! We are so happy we can finally relax a bit and start to enjoy the pregnancy, as we are half way on Friday!!!
They still want to keep an eye on us because the placenta could potentially stop functioning properly down the line, and they want to check his heart more thoroughly, but it just means more scans which is more opportunities to see him before he arrives!! :)
We are just going to relax for now and start buying things again, as it's been 6 weeks of hell, not knowing what's going on xxx
Hi ladies
Glad to hear everyone is doing well.
I just wanted to give an update.. it has been 3 weeks since our amniocentesis.. we were told we'd have the results in 2 weeks so last Tuesday we were hounding the hospital for an answer, to be told it can take up to 3 weeks and we never should have been told 2!! So that was really frustrating. Anyway, we finally got the call just before midday today. The midwife said of the 60 cells they tested, they found no evidence of an extra copy of chromosome 13!! We are so over the moon!! She said there is still a slight chance the baby could have very low level mosaic trisomy 13, as they just can't rule that out 100%, but the most likely explanation is that the syndrome is confined to the placenta, so we are going with that!! We are so happy we can finally relax a bit and start to enjoy the pregnancy, as we are half way on Friday!!!
They still want to keep an eye on us because the placenta could potentially stop functioning properly down the line, and they want to check his heart more thoroughly, but it just means more scans which is more opportunities to see him before he arrives!! :)
We are just going to relax for now and start buying things again, as it's been 6 weeks of hell, not knowing what's going on xxx

Ah that’s great news :good: xx
Awww mrs Garner I’m so pleased for you! Was thinking of you this week and hoping you get the results you wanted! Yes you definitely deserve to relax and enjoy shopping for your baby, put your feet up! :D xx
Hi ladies
Glad to hear everyone is doing well.
I just wanted to give an update.. it has been 3 weeks since our amniocentesis.. we were told we'd have the results in 2 weeks so last Tuesday we were hounding the hospital for an answer, to be told it can take up to 3 weeks and we never should have been told 2!! So that was really frustrating. Anyway, we finally got the call just before midday today. The midwife said of the 60 cells they tested, they found no evidence of an extra copy of chromosome 13!! We are so over the moon!! She said there is still a slight chance the baby could have very low level mosaic trisomy 13, as they just can't rule that out 100%, but the most likely explanation is that the syndrome is confined to the placenta, so we are going with that!! We are so happy we can finally relax a bit and start to enjoy the pregnancy, as we are half way on Friday!!!
They still want to keep an eye on us because the placenta could potentially stop functioning properly down the line, and they want to check his heart more thoroughly, but it just means more scans which is more opportunities to see him before he arrives!! :)
We are just going to relax for now and start buying things again, as it's been 6 weeks of hell, not knowing what's going on xxx

This is great news mrsG, been thinking of you this last week hoping good news was on its way to you, what they’ve said certainly sounds very positive, im no medical expert lol but sounds like the baby is chromosomally normal, and as you’ve said you will now get extra scans and a higher level of care which can only be a good thing, I can only imagine the hell you’ve been going through so glad you’ve had good news x
Great news Mrs Garner, what a relief <3
I'm just thread hopping from the June thread to say I'm so pleased to hear this Mrs Garner. I have been thinking of you and praying that things would be OK. I'm so glad it was good news, even if you had to wait even longer than you thought to find out.
Thanks ladies.. we are so pleased it's good news, we are just looking forward to allowing ourselves some excitement and happiness for now :)
Great news mrsG... I was thinking about you and was worried when Tuesday passed and no results... But glad everything is ok :-)
Brilliant news Mrs G so pleased for you. Now make sure you enjoy your pregnancy xxx
It was our 20 week NHS scan this morning. This was our 8th scan so far this pregnancy!! haha but it was still amazing.. I cannot believe how much he has grown in the 2-3 weeks since our private scan!! We could see everything and he looked much bigger too! He kept rubbing his eyes which was so cute and we even managed to see his little nose and lips! :)
My best friend came with me as we have a detailed scan at Birmingham Women's next Tuesday so I told hubby to skip this one and come next week instead. He has had so much time off work due to all these scans and tests, and he's self-employed so we've lost out on a lot of money. Anyway, it was lovely for my friend to be there, she got very emotional! haha
Still getting lots of kicks and jabs.. I think he had hiccups the other night!! Anyone else started feeling any movement over the last few days? xxx
It was our 20 week NHS scan this morning. This was our 8th scan so far this pregnancy!! haha but it was still amazing.. I cannot believe how much he has grown in the 2-3 weeks since our private scan!! We could see everything and he looked much bigger too! He kept rubbing his eyes which was so cute and we even managed to see his little nose and lips! :)
My best friend came with me as we have a detailed scan at Birmingham Women's next Tuesday so I told hubby to skip this one and come next week instead. He has had so much time off work due to all these scans and tests, and he's self-employed so we've lost out on a lot of money. Anyway, it was lovely for my friend to be there, she got very emotional! haha
Still getting lots of kicks and jabs.. I think he had hiccups the other night!! Anyone else started feeling any movement over the last few days? xxx

Arr this is lovely. So happy for you MrsGarner <3 x
awwww amazing Mrs Garner, i am so relieved for you also, so todays scan must have been extra special <3

I would say this week i have started feeling movement, almost like he or she is rolling around in there. Like now i can feel something <3

Get to find out if were having a son or daughter tomorrow <3 cant wait <3
It was our 20 week NHS scan this morning. This was our 8th scan so far this pregnancy!! haha but it was still amazing.. I cannot believe how much he has grown in the 2-3 weeks since our private scan!! We could see everything and he looked much bigger too! He kept rubbing his eyes which was so cute and we even managed to see his little nose and lips! :)
My best friend came with me as we have a detailed scan at Birmingham Women's next Tuesday so I told hubby to skip this one and come next week instead. He has had so much time off work due to all these scans and tests, and he's self-employed so we've lost out on a lot of money. Anyway, it was lovely for my friend to be there, she got very emotional! haha
Still getting lots of kicks and jabs.. I think he had hiccups the other night!! Anyone else started feeling any movement over the last few days? xxx

Aw lovely, glad your scan went well, my OH is self employed too so only comes to the scans with me, I’ve started to feel what I would describe as a juddering or flickering type sensation and think I’ve had a few little kicks or punches, havent really had many over the last few days though, does anyone else find the movement can be a bit on and off?

Getting nervous for my scan on Monday, but also excited to hopefully find out what I’m having :) then we are going shopping after work on Monday to buy our first baby purchases! Xx
It was our 20 week NHS scan this morning. This was our 8th scan so far this pregnancy!! haha but it was still amazing.. I cannot believe how much he has grown in the 2-3 weeks since our private scan!! We could see everything and he looked much bigger too! He kept rubbing his eyes which was so cute and we even managed to see his little nose and lips! :)
My best friend came with me as we have a detailed scan at Birmingham Women's next Tuesday so I told hubby to skip this one and come next week instead. He has had so much time off work due to all these scans and tests, and he's self-employed so we've lost out on a lot of money. Anyway, it was lovely for my friend to be there, she got very emotional! haha
Still getting lots of kicks and jabs.. I think he had hiccups the other night!! Anyone else started feeling any movement over the last few days? xxx

Aw lovely, glad your scan went well, my OH is self employed too so only comes to the scans with me, I’ve started to feel what I would describe as a juddering or flickering type sensation and think I’ve had a few little kicks or punches, havent really had many over the last few days though, does anyone else find the movement can be a bit on and off?

funny you say that as last night i was in bed and thought to myself 'hmmm i dont think i have felt anything today' :-( and i started to worry. I then looked at my belly closely and i always think i can see it going up and down like a heart beating, so that reassures me - apart from when the oh says 'my belly does that anyway' :wall2:
Glad all is well MrsG what a relief!! Are you a Birmingham mommy then if you're at the womens?? x
Yeah I would say I’ve been feeling him every day for about a week now, and I think he had hiccups yesterday mrs g! Was like a weird shaking sensation that wasn’t kicking or rolling but something else! Speaking of kicks he’s just jabbed me in the side haha! :D
Night owl, I went to my midwife as I was worried about feeling movement some days and then I had days of feeling nothing, she reassured me that you aren’t expected to feel the baby move every day until about 24 weeks so I wouldn’t worry. :) xx
Yeah I would say I’ve been feeling him every day for about a week now, and I think he had hiccups yesterday mrs g! Was like a weird shaking sensation that wasn’t kicking or rolling but something else! Speaking of kicks he’s just jabbed me in the side haha! :D
Night owl, I went to my midwife as I was worried about feeling movement some days and then I had days of feeling nothing, she reassured me that you aren’t expected to feel the baby move every day until about 24 weeks so I wouldn’t worry. :) xx

Thanks jomo, oh how amazing to feel hiccups! I think I’ve felt him/her doing a few roly-polys tonight, it was a very strange sensation!

On another note my bladder seems to have gone a bit weak, I sneezed quite hard when I woke up this morning and involuntarily wet myself :shock: :shock: I need to figure out how to do these pelvic floor exercises ASAP!

Hope everyone is well x
Hi ladies
Glad to hear everyone is doing well.
I just wanted to give an update.. it has been 3 weeks since our amniocentesis.. we were told we'd have the results in 2 weeks so last Tuesday we were hounding the hospital for an answer, to be told it can take up to 3 weeks and we never should have been told 2!! So that was really frustrating. Anyway, we finally got the call just before midday today. The midwife said of the 60 cells they tested, they found no evidence of an extra copy of chromosome 13!! We are so over the moon!! She said there is still a slight chance the baby could have very low level mosaic trisomy 13, as they just can't rule that out 100%, but the most likely explanation is that the syndrome is confined to the placenta, so we are going with that!! We are so happy we can finally relax a bit and start to enjoy the pregnancy, as we are half way on Friday!!!
They still want to keep an eye on us because the placenta could potentially stop functioning properly down the line, and they want to check his heart more thoroughly, but it just means more scans which is more opportunities to see him before he arrives!! :)
We are just going to relax for now and start buying things again, as it's been 6 weeks of hell, not knowing what's going on xxx

That is amazing news. So pleased for you xx

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