Is anyone suffering from back ache? Mine has only just come on and i really dont want to ask for the pregnancy pillow that works its way around the office
I get bouts of lower back pain, also getting fanny daggers a lot - I seem to be really susceptible to them I regularly got them even when I wasn’t preggers, just give in to the office pregnancy pillow ha ha, I’m not finding myself getting uncomfortable in my offer chair yet but I do find standing or sitting for long periods starts off a bit of back ache, where about are you getting the ache? Are you sitting for long periods? X
Fanny daggers

that is exactly what they are.
I've only noticed it today, which i think is the start of it

its my lower back, so i think i need that support pillow that all the pregnant ladies have had here.
I get up every hour, if not every half hour religiously, but today because of the back pain i did have to get up and walk around.
Hows your bump coming along? have you gotten any bigger now do you think?x
Yeah I would definitely recommend trying to get up for a little walk around at regular times throughout the day, and look into getting a support pillow for your chair, we have desks you can raise in our office so you can work standing up if you want, although I’m far to lazy for that ha I just tend to sit, but the chairs are rubbish and uncomfortable so I’m always getting up and going for a little walk
My bump seems to have popped out more the last few days, I can tell now that much womb is rising up towards belly button, last week if I breathed in really hard I could breath my whole bump in but now I can’t, it freaked me out a bit! Also feeling what I think is movement now, it’s like a popping and rolling sensation and I think I might have felt a little kick! It’s been reassuring as I was getting a bit panicked last week, I hope what I felt was movement anyway lol

otherwise my digestive system has gone crazy
How’s your bump coming along? Are you finding out gender next week? Are you still waiting to do the gender reveal with friends or are you just gonna find out on the day? X