****April 2019 Mummies****

Is anyone suffering from back ache? Mine has only just come on and i really dont want to ask for the pregnancy pillow that works its way around the office :lol:

I get bouts of lower back pain, also getting fanny daggers a lot - I seem to be really susceptible to them I regularly got them even when I wasn’t preggers, just give in to the office pregnancy pillow ha ha, I’m not finding myself getting uncomfortable in my offer chair yet but I do find standing or sitting for long periods starts off a bit of back ache, where about are you getting the ache? Are you sitting for long periods? X
Ive been going to antenatal Pilates run by a physiotherapist and I can’t recommend it enough! It’s all about working on a strong tummy and back and strengthening your pelvic floor. Great to prevent aches and pains and good for a quick recovery after birth too!
Is anyone suffering from back ache? Mine has only just come on and i really dont want to ask for the pregnancy pillow that works its way around the office :lol:

I get bouts of lower back pain, also getting fanny daggers a lot - I seem to be really susceptible to them I regularly got them even when I wasn’t preggers, just give in to the office pregnancy pillow ha ha, I’m not finding myself getting uncomfortable in my offer chair yet but I do find standing or sitting for long periods starts off a bit of back ache, where about are you getting the ache? Are you sitting for long periods? X

Fanny daggers :lol: that is exactly what they are.

I've only noticed it today, which i think is the start of it :roll: its my lower back, so i think i need that support pillow that all the pregnant ladies have had here.

I get up every hour, if not every half hour religiously, but today because of the back pain i did have to get up and walk around.

Hows your bump coming along? have you gotten any bigger now do you think?x
Ive been going to antenatal Pilates run by a physiotherapist and I can’t recommend it enough! It’s all about working on a strong tummy and back and strengthening your pelvic floor. Great to prevent aches and pains and good for a quick recovery after birth too!

I really need to pull my finger out and start something like this - why am i so lazy :wall2:
Is anyone suffering from back ache? Mine has only just come on and i really dont want to ask for the pregnancy pillow that works its way around the office :lol:

I get bouts of lower back pain, also getting fanny daggers a lot - I seem to be really susceptible to them I regularly got them even when I wasn’t preggers, just give in to the office pregnancy pillow ha ha, I’m not finding myself getting uncomfortable in my offer chair yet but I do find standing or sitting for long periods starts off a bit of back ache, where about are you getting the ache? Are you sitting for long periods? X

Fanny daggers :lol: that is exactly what they are.

I've only noticed it today, which i think is the start of it :roll: its my lower back, so i think i need that support pillow that all the pregnant ladies have had here.

I get up every hour, if not every half hour religiously, but today because of the back pain i did have to get up and walk around.

Hows your bump coming along? have you gotten any bigger now do you think?x

Yeah I would definitely recommend trying to get up for a little walk around at regular times throughout the day, and look into getting a support pillow for your chair, we have desks you can raise in our office so you can work standing up if you want, although I’m far to lazy for that ha I just tend to sit, but the chairs are rubbish and uncomfortable so I’m always getting up and going for a little walk

My bump seems to have popped out more the last few days, I can tell now that much womb is rising up towards belly button, last week if I breathed in really hard I could breath my whole bump in but now I can’t, it freaked me out a bit! Also feeling what I think is movement now, it’s like a popping and rolling sensation and I think I might have felt a little kick! It’s been reassuring as I was getting a bit panicked last week, I hope what I felt was movement anyway lol :lol: otherwise my digestive system has gone crazy

How’s your bump coming along? Are you finding out gender next week? Are you still waiting to do the gender reveal with friends or are you just gonna find out on the day? X
Ive been going to antenatal Pilates run by a physiotherapist and I can’t recommend it enough! It’s all about working on a strong tummy and back and strengthening your pelvic floor. Great to prevent aches and pains and good for a quick recovery after birth too!

I really need to pull my finger out and start something like this - why am i so lazy :wall2:

I really could do with going to something like this too, I’ve still got bloody morning sickness though and just constantly feel a bit drained it’s been hard to motivate myself to do anything, need to at least get on with doing pelvic floor exercises, will have to google how you do them :lol:
Aww looks like I have missed lots this week!
Congratulations to the boy mummies too xxx
Great to hear they are keeping a close eye on babies heart too jomo!
How's everyone feeling?
I'm 19 weeks today I feel like it's flown!!!
I have been ok symptom wise still sickly with some foods and finding I can't eat large meals.
I had resumed in work and should have had my first shift on Thursday. But on Tuesday an elderly lady hit the back of my car as I was leaned in strapping the baby in. I had to go to a&e and maternity day ward to be checked over. I have pulled all my bump and my back so I haven't got back to work Yet!!!
They were happy with baby and midwife said she thinks this baby is trying to tell me to rest and take it easy.
Just been keeping myself busy with some online Christmas shopping etc
Anyone set on names Yet? Xxx
Aww looks like I have missed lots this week!
Congratulations to the boy mummies too xxx
Great to hear they are keeping a close eye on babies heart too jomo!
How's everyone feeling?
I'm 19 weeks today I feel like it's flown!!!
I have been ok symptom wise still sickly with some foods and finding I can't eat large meals.
I had resumed in work and should have had my first shift on Thursday. But on Tuesday an elderly lady hit the back of my car as I was leaned in strapping the baby in. I had to go to a&e and maternity day ward to be checked over. I have pulled all my bump and my back so I haven't got back to work Yet!!!
They were happy with baby and midwife said she thinks this baby is trying to tell me to rest and take it easy.
Just been keeping myself busy with some online Christmas shopping etc
Anyone set on names Yet? Xxx

Yeah feeling good thanks! My uterus is pushing on my lungs which isn’t much fun but it’s managable haha :) Aww I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been in a traffic accident - must have been scary!! But I’m glad the baby is alright and you weren’t hurt :) Yes, take it easy!!
Our little boy is called Lincoln, we decided his name the day before we even found out we were having a boy!! :D xx
We both like the name Anna, one of the only ones we can agree on so think that's guna be it! I've felt her moving everyday this week. It's sometimes very faint but it's definitely movement!! It's so exciting!!
Jomo - we like the name Lincoln too. We both suggested if for DS (who we named Logan) and for this one, but if we have a third son one day I think it'll most likely be Lincoln!

For this kiddo though I think we've settled on Wyatt :)

I've been feeling some odd movements for a few weeks now, but nothing the last few days. OH said he might have felt something when I was asleep the other night but he wasn't sure.. I'm still only 17+1 so still early.
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We both like the name Anna, one of the only ones we can agree on so think that's guna be it! I've felt her moving everyday this week. It's sometimes very faint but it's definitely movement!! It's so exciting!!

Aah RF that’s my girls name too! I’ve always loved it, there’s one or two others we might consider though too as my partner isn’t as keen on it as I am, although he does like it,

Lincoln is really nice jomo, I like that x
Aww looks like I have missed lots this week!
Congratulations to the boy mummies too xxx
Great to hear they are keeping a close eye on babies heart too jomo!
How's everyone feeling?
I'm 19 weeks today I feel like it's flown!!!
I have been ok symptom wise still sickly with some foods and finding I can't eat large meals.
I had resumed in work and should have had my first shift on Thursday. But on Tuesday an elderly lady hit the back of my car as I was leaned in strapping the baby in. I had to go to a&e and maternity day ward to be checked over. I have pulled all my bump and my back so I haven't got back to work Yet!!!
They were happy with baby and midwife said she thinks this baby is trying to tell me to rest and take it easy.
Just been keeping myself busy with some online Christmas shopping etc
Anyone set on names Yet? Xxx

Glad you are ok MM, yes I think your midwife is right you should just rest as much as you can now!

I love Anna for a girl and Theo for a boy, we are not 100% decided yet though, they might change, have you got a name sorted? X
We like Sam for a boy and Jessica for a girl. There were lots of others but one or the other of us vetoed them all haha. Such a big responsible picking someone’s name for the rest of their life!!
Is anyone suffering from back ache? Mine has only just come on and i really dont want to ask for the pregnancy pillow that works its way around the office :lol:

I get bouts of lower back pain, also getting fanny daggers a lot - I seem to be really susceptible to them I regularly got them even when I wasn’t preggers, just give in to the office pregnancy pillow ha ha, I’m not finding myself getting uncomfortable in my offer chair yet but I do find standing or sitting for long periods starts off a bit of back ache, where about are you getting the ache? Are you sitting for long periods? X

Fanny daggers :lol: that is exactly what they are.

I've only noticed it today, which i think is the start of it :roll: its my lower back, so i think i need that support pillow that all the pregnant ladies have had here.

I get up every hour, if not every half hour religiously, but today because of the back pain i did have to get up and walk around.

Hows your bump coming along? have you gotten any bigger now do you think?x

Yeah I would definitely recommend trying to get up for a little walk around at regular times throughout the day, and look into getting a support pillow for your chair, we have desks you can raise in our office so you can work standing up if you want, although I’m far to lazy for that ha I just tend to sit, but the chairs are rubbish and uncomfortable so I’m always getting up and going for a little walk

My bump seems to have popped out more the last few days, I can tell now that much womb is rising up towards belly button, last week if I breathed in really hard I could breath my whole bump in but now I can’t, it freaked me out a bit! Also feeling what I think is movement now, it’s like a popping and rolling sensation and I think I might have felt a little kick! It’s been reassuring as I was getting a bit panicked last week, I hope what I felt was movement anyway lol :lol: otherwise my digestive system has gone crazy

How’s your bump coming along? Are you finding out gender next week? Are you still waiting to do the gender reveal with friends or are you just gonna find out on the day? X

Oh yea, I didn't think about my car and needing something - my car is old and basic, so the chair is pretty rubbish for comfort. Looks like its getting to that stage where its starting to get more physical with our pregancys :oooo:

ahhh yea :dance: I know you were a bit concerned you weren't showing that much, so that's good to hear. I am definitely much bigger :shock: will do a bump pic when I hit half way, next week <3 can't believe we will be 20 weeks :dance:

Yep, Thursday we find out, can't wait and thankfully we will just find out there and then, so will update when we know. What day is your scan? you are finding out aren't you?x
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Yeah I’m definitely not massive I still don’t think it’s obvious unless you look for it but lots of people I’ve spoke to have said they didn’t really start showing until 20+ weeks with their first anyway so I’m not too worried now

My scan is on 26th nov and yes hopefully finding out the gender if the baby co-operates for it! X
We got a pram ordered today :D we&#8217;d seen a good deal on mothercare website but we ended up in Mamas & Papas having a browse and they had the same one on display, the guy was so helpful showing it to us and turns out they&#8217;ll price match any other deal or shop like for like so we ordered it there and got the same Black Friday discount as mothercare we&#8217;re offering x
We got a pram ordered today :D we’d seen a good deal ebton mothercare website but we ended up in Mamas & Papas having a browse and they had the same one on display, the guy was so helpful showing it to us and turns out they’ll price match any other deal or shop like for like so we ordered it there and got the same Black Friday discount as mothercare we’re offering x

Oh fab, what pram did you end up getting? I’m so stuck on choosing a pram there’s so many different things to think about! Don’t know what’s a reasonable price range really either and how much we should be spending x
We got a pram ordered today :D we’d seen a good deal ebton mothercare website but we ended up in Mamas & Papas having a browse and they had the same one on display, the guy was so helpful showing it to us and turns out they’ll price match any other deal or shop like for like so we ordered it there and got the same Black Friday discount as mothercare we’re offering x

Oh fab, what pram did you end up getting? I’m so stuck on choosing a pram there’s so many different things to think about! Don’t know what’s a reasonable price range really either and how much we should be spending x

We went for the Babyzen YOYO as it’s by miles the smallest once it’s folded and we have two big dogs so fitting everyone and a pram in the car is going to be a challenge. It’s small enough for hand luggage and so lightweight. Definitely a city pram but if we go anywhere more countryside I think we’re going to go for a baby carrier. It was £649 with the offers and that’s the newborn pram, the buggy and a car seat which can click in to the frame too x
I'm also very confused about which pram to get!! There is just so much choice!!! I live the look of the silver cross ones but all the reviews are terrible so going to steer clear of those! Other than that it's a mine field!!!
I think we’re going to go for the maxi cosi zelia pram which has a bassinet for newborns and can also be changed into a pushchair for older babies/ toddlers. It also matches the maxi cosi car seat we want so it can have the car seat clip in to the frame - there’s Black Friday deals on at mother care so we are getting the pushchair, car seat and car seat clippy thing for £380, down from about £600. We’re going to go into mother care before the deal ends and take a proper look at it first though incase we don’t like it once we see it xx

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