****April 2019 Mummies****

Has everyone had the flu injection and whooping cough one yet?

I was going to book them for this week but when I was reading through some of the leaflets the midwife gave me there was one called the a-z of pregnancy or something and it said in it whooping cough injection is from 28 weeks, it might just be an old leaflet but it just made me abit apprehensive about the way the guidelines change, might leave it for a bit and get it after 20 week scan, and I’m thinking about just skipping the flu injection too, never had the flu before and rarely get a cold, don’t know if I’m just being overly cautious, it’s hard to know what to believe and what information is reliable sometimes! Xx

I had both in one sitting last monday and queried the weeks in which you can have the whopping cough and she said its come down now and was 16+.

I've heard some stories of woman getting really ill with the flu jab, but thankfully i have been fine. I got taken down in January with it last year and it was horrendous, so to me, it was a no brainer getting it. I would no way want to be pregnant and have the flu.x
I had the flu jab at my 16 week MW appointment last Monday.. apart from my arm being a bit sore and feeling bruised for a couple of days, I had no other side-effects. I did pick up a leaflet on the whooping cough jab at my scan the other day so I will book that in the next couple of weeks.

Strange thing happened last night.. I said I hadn't been feeling much movement other than the odd 'rolling' sensation that I wasn't sure was definitely the baby and not wind. But I was lying in bed last night watching the iPad and I could feel my bump sort of 'shifting' over to one side, so I pressed my hand into the underside of my bump quite firmly and stayed there for a while and I thought I felt a kick!! I thought it must be my imagination, so I waited again and it happened another 2 times!! I got hubby's hand to try and feel but I'd obviously slightly changed position so we didn't feel another one. I guess I must've just been lucky and been in the right position, but they were definitely tiny kicks!!

Also, is anyone else struggling to get comfy to sleep?? I never sleep on my back, I hate it! I always sleep on my tummy, but for some reason for the last week or two, on my back is the most comfortable position which is so annoying because we're not allowed now are we?? I keep rolling onto my back in my sleep so I end up waking up and panicking and having to shift position! It's so frustrating!
I sleep on my front or back normally... I got a pregnancy pillow when I was about 8 weeks so I could start training myself to sleep on my side. Moat nights I'm fine however sometimes I do wake up on my back. When I checked Google is says it's mainly after 26 weeks when you shouldn't sleep on your back. So I wouldn't worry too much yet, but maybe invest in a pregnancy pillow if it's stressing you out!
I also got a pregnancy pillow to try and keep me on my side, and it is comfortable, HOWEVER!!! I get so bored of lying on my side that I just lie on my back for about 5 minutes every so often just to break it up a bit and get a slightly different position! But then I always return to my side to actually sleep.
Same, my midwife said not to worry about sleeping on my back until I was in the 3rd trimester but I always make sure I get on to my side to actually sleep just incase xx
I haven’t been having headaches, but I find when I do get them the only thing that shifts them for me is that 4head stuff. The stuff you just roll on to your forehead and it makes it cool and somehow makes the pain go away. I’d try that! I have looked on their website and they say it’s fine for pregnant/ breastfeeding women. Plus it’s a drug-free relief which is always a bonus to me as I take medication already, I try not to take anymore if I can help it xx
Is anyone suffering with headaches??? I can't shake them at the minute xxx

Funnily enough i had a corker of one on my way home from work, but not noticed anything since or before that.

Are you drinking enough water do you think?

If they are quite bad and consistent, i would call your midwife just for reassurance <3
I had an absolute blinder of a headache last week.. I never get them and I've only had this one but it was agony and lasted all afternoon! I got hubby to give me a good back/neck/shoulder rub and that worked wonders!!

Been feeling some definite kicks over the past couple of days - hubby even felt a couple last night!! I seem to have bypassed the initial 'quickening' feelings and gone straight into full blown kicks!! They are lovely to feel, but we are trying not to get too excited and torture ourselves in case we get bad news next week.. we should hear from the hospital by Tuesday at the latest xx
It is easing now I have taken some paracetamol had some lunch and had a lay down whilst the baby slept.
Vaguely remember going through a phase with number 4 of headaches. Could definitely drink a bit more water. I think the weather doesn't help it's grey here and cold I want to hibernate.
In other news I have a little wriggly bum on my hands today:)
How are you all feeling? Xxx
I had an absolute blinder of a headache last week.. I never get them and I've only had this one but it was agony and lasted all afternoon! I got hubby to give me a good back/neck/shoulder rub and that worked wonders!!

Been feeling some definite kicks over the past couple of days - hubby even felt a couple last night!! I seem to have bypassed the initial 'quickening' feelings and gone straight into full blown kicks!! They are lovely to feel, but we are trying not to get too excited and torture ourselves in case we get bad news next week.. we should hear from the hospital by Tuesday at the latest xx

It's exciting! Got everything crossed for good news next week!
Glad I'm not alone with the headaches xxx
My headaches have been terrible. Probably 3 to 4 a week with at least one or two being migraine type headaches which I just need to sleep in a dark room to get rid of. Have tried neck rubs, drinking more and wearing my specs more but have resigned myself to the fact it&#8217;s prefnancy related :( other than that feeling good though, much more energy the last couple of weeks! Not feeling any movements yet but just 17 and a bit so not too worried x
Yes I've been getting headaches which I never normally get. Midwife advised more water... Pregnant women should drink an extra litre to the standard guidelines!!!
Got a right bargain today. Cot bed wardrobe and drawer unit to match my current set so that they both have the same if the do end up sharing a room, £125! Cost us £600 brand new &#128561;&#128584;
Had the flue jab two weeks ago and what am i coming down with :wall2:
Had the flue jab two weeks ago and what am i coming down with :wall2:

Oh no IVW! Maybe it’s just a bad cold? My MIL gets the flu jab every year and still comes down with it most years though, there’s new strains of it every year :-( maybe pop the doctors?

I’m getting soooooo impatient waiting for a proper bump and movement now, getting so anxious for my 20 week scan as I’ve no idea if everything is still ok or not, I’ve got a tiny bump still below my belly button, all my bloating has gone so I look smaller then I did a few weeks ago! Don’t think I’ve felt proper movement or kicks yet either, I’ve felt a few things which could have been but I’m not sure

How’s everyone getting on?

Got a right bargain today. Cot bed wardrobe and drawer unit to match my current set so that they both have the same if the do end up sharing a room, £125! Cost us £600 brand new &#128561;&#128584;

That’s fab! I’m on the look out for some bargains too, going to start buying stuff in December :)
Im sure you’ll feel some movement soon night owl! :) I’m 20 weeks tomorrow and I still only feel a little tiny bit each day, nothing consistent. Plus some women don’t feel anything until 24 weeks so I wouldn’t worry at all! :) Unsure of how far along you are, but my bump didn’t properly start growing daily until I was about 17 weeks. Now it just grows day on day!! But I was the same as you - I thought my bump was getting smaller! But it was just the bloat disappearing. :)
Getting on well, got my 20 week scan on Wednesday and I’m nervous to make sure everything is okay but so excited at the same time! Can’t wait to see our little boy again. :blue: <3 Got my whooping cough vaccine tomorrow too :)
How is everyone? Xx
Im sure you’ll feel some movement soon night owl! :) I’m 20 weeks tomorrow and I still only feel a little tiny bit each day, nothing consistent. Plus some women don’t feel anything until 24 weeks so I wouldn’t worry at all! :) Unsure of how far along you are, but my bump didn’t properly start growing daily until I was about 17 weeks. Now it just grows day on day!! But I was the same as you - I thought my bump was getting smaller! But it was just the bloat disappearing. :)
Getting on well, got my 20 week scan on Wednesday and I’m nervous to make sure everything is okay but so excited at the same time! Can’t wait to see our little boy again. :blue: <3 Got my whooping cough vaccine tomorrow too :)
How is everyone? Xx

Thanks jomo, I’m 18 weeks so just getting a bit anxious as it’s been a long wait from 12 week scan to 20 week scan in 2 weeks time, didn’t get the reassurance of listening to baby’s heartbeat at 16 weeks as they don’t do it here in Liverpool, the whole 16 week appointment just felt pointless really, I just want a proper bump and movement now so I know things are ok I’m starting to crack up a bit now! Still throwing up most days so I hope that’s a sign things are still progressing x
I've just had another 1 of my cervical length scans today. Cervix has somehow got longer (didn't think that was possible) so was really good news. Then she proceeded to tell me my placenta was quite low and if stays low can cause complications later on so I've now got to be monitored for that!!! If it's not 1 thing it's another! Got my 20 week scan in 2 weeks then another cervical length scan at 23 weeks then see consultant again.
Ive also started to get very anxious about the movement. We thought we felt something at 16 weeks then nothing since so it must have been. Although I know everything is fine after my scan today it would still be nice to be able to feel her moving. It's so weird how big she is and I can't feel anything, it's freaking me out!!! My bump seemed to stay the same for a couple of weeks and has just started growing again. I can tell the difference in it day by day now!
I've just had another 1 of my cervical length scans today. Cervix has somehow got longer (didn't think that was possible) so was really good news. Then she proceeded to tell me my placenta was quite low and if stays low can cause complications later on so I've now got to be monitored for that!!! If it's not 1 thing it's another! Got my 20 week scan in 2 weeks then another cervical length scan at 23 weeks then see consultant again.
Ive also started to get very anxious about the movement. We thought we felt something at 16 weeks then nothing since so it must have been. Although I know everything is fine after my scan today it would still be nice to be able to feel her moving. It's so weird how big she is and I can't feel anything, it's freaking me out!!! My bump seemed to stay the same for a couple of weeks and has just started growing again. I can tell the difference in it day by day now!

That’s great news about your cervix, lol, the things we talk about on this forum ha ha couldn’t imagine ever saying that to anyone in real life! That makes me feel a bit better about what you’ve said about the movement too xx

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