****April 2019 Mummies****

So yesterday was very baby productive :shock:

We bought an amazing changing table off facebook for a tenner - I was well chuffed :) really good quality and it good condition, few little nicks, but you expect that and for £10 I am not moaning.

So we went to a baby barn near us and was just expecting to test a few prams out - ended up calling them later to put down a deposit - we kept thinking about the pram and we both loved it and even the oh said it had features he hadn't seen before on the ones he looked at. So the pram was 2 in 1 and came with a free baby bag which is the one I wanted - so its almost fate, its all very stylish and probably not practical at all :lol: but a mum needs something right haha. So we have also decided on the maxi Cosi car seat and the oh is watching some isofix bars on eBay, so its all systems go this end :shock:

I will upload pictures next week as I am off to collect our mamaroo which we got for £80 :lol:

hope everyone is doing well?x
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Thank you everyone for your kind words and good wishes. It really is the worst part, waiting for a phone call. And it’ll be another 10 days before we hear anything :(
A big part of me keeps thinking that everything will be okay, because we’ve had a few scans and everything has looked completely normal, but then I get this awful knot in my stomach reminding me that it might not be okay, and I have to remember that they have found evidence of the syndrome, so it’s definitely in there to some extent. Thank you Night Owl, I will have a look at ARC and see what advice they can offer. No one is even able to give us statistics for how likely it is that it’s just the placenta and not the baby, because it’s so rare xx
MrsGarner, I'm so sorry to hear you're still waiting for an answer. I'm keeping everything crossed for you that baby is healthy. You sound amazingly strong right now and hope you've got lots of support around you over the next few weeks xx
I really hope everything works out MrsGarner and thinking of you. Xx
Just catching up after being AWOL for a few days I have had a vomiting bug. It's really wiped me out!

Mrs Garner got everything crossed all is ok, its reasurring all your scans have been great so hoping it's nothing to worry about!

Hope everyone is doing ok?
I'm 17+3 today and definitely feeling movements now which is lovely. Still fighting with tiredness and food aversion.
Other than that plodding on well xxx
Hope everyone is doing ok?
I'm 17+3 today and definitely feeling movements now which is lovely. Still fighting with

I am hoping i will know when i feel movement, dont think i have felt anything yet :-(
Is it quite obvious or could i miss it easily?
Just catching up after being AWOL for a few days I have had a vomiting bug. It's really wiped me out!

Mrs Garner got everything crossed all is ok, its reasurring all your scans have been great so hoping it's nothing to worry about!

Hope everyone is doing ok?
I'm 17+3 today and definitely feeling movements now which is lovely. Still fighting with tiredness and food aversion.
Other than that plodding on well xxx

Thanks MM - hopefully you're feeling better now after your bug!!

I'm 17+4 today and I've had the odd 'rolling' sensation but I'm never quite sure if it's the baby or not! Hoping for more definite movements soon!!
Please tell me i am not the only with not unpleasant bowel movements :shock:? I thought at first it was something i had eaten, but its gone on too long for it to be that now.....
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I haven’t really been feeling movements either, I’ve been feeling the odd rolling sensation too like mrs G but not convinced it’s not just gas ha ha, I’m anxiously awaiting feeling proper movements and still don’t feel like I have much of a bump, still just looks like bloat really,

Still being sick once a day and still off all my food arghhh!

Hope everyone is ok xx
So... The saga continues...
We had to go to hospital last night coz I had some bleeding. When we got there they checked the baby's heartbeat which was fine. The doctor came to examine me and she could see some continued bleeding but my cervix was closed which means baby wouldn't be affected in any way. The doctor was still concerned about the bleeding she saw so she went to get a consultant. The consultant came in and gave me 'the cancer talk' before he examined me as I'm assuming that's what they thought it could be. He checked and said it looks like it was because of the procedure I had to remove the precancerous cells but I do need another smear as soon as I've given birth as there's a chance I have developed more and will need more treatment to remove them. They let us go home at about midnight happy with the fact I've got my next scan on Monday where they will check my cervix again. I've been to see my doctor this morning and he said there wasn't really much he could do/advise as I'm under the consultant at the hospital. I just need to rest and wait and see what happens with my scans.
I am just so exhausted with it all! Whoever says they enjoy being pregnant is just weird haha!!
I never felt anything definite movement wise till around 21/22 weeks with my first. But being number 5 I have felt them earlier the more pregnancies I have had. I felt lots yesterday but haven't felt any today so far, so very sporadic! Can easily be missed this early on especially with your first.

Yes feeling better than on have been but not 100% just wipes you out!
Haha well my bowels haven't been great for days but I'm sure this is defo a bug!
This might be you for the rest of the pregnancy now night owl!
I have had a really nauseous week on the run up to getting the bug it was definitely pregnancy related initially xxx
Oh bloody Norah raining flowers!! Glad all is fine with the baby, its such a worry. And one I know too well with this pregnancy. I haven't had any bleeding for 3 weeks now but I definitely put it down to taking it easy and resting as much as possible so really do take it easy as much as you can xxx
Please tell me i am not the only with not unpleasant bowel movements :shock:? I thought at first it was something i had eaten, but its gone on too long for it to be that now.....

Well, mines kinda embarrassing but when I wipe after a bm there's sometimes blood. I think it's because I got piles in my last pregnancy which didn't go away... Never painful or itchy and its not always but they've been quite solid recently.
Rainingflowers glad everything is ok with the baby - I cannot imagine being one of those people who love being pregnant either - it’s bloody terrifying!!

MM yes this might be it for the rest of my pregnant now, booo! :-( I did eat chicken tikka masala today night though with naan bread, it’s the most adventurous I’ve been in months!

Had a dream last night that we had a baby boy, bought him home, then me and the OH left him
at home on his own and went into town shopping, spending loads of money on ourselves then going for a meal and having lots of cocktails, then hours later I realised we had left the baby at home and had to rush back, woke up in a panic ha ha xx
Has everyone had the flu injection and whooping cough one yet?

I was going to book them for this week but when I was reading through some of the leaflets the midwife gave me there was one called the a-z of pregnancy or something and it said in it whooping cough injection is from 28 weeks, it might just be an old leaflet but it just made me abit apprehensive about the way the guidelines change, might leave it for a bit and get it after 20 week scan, and I’m thinking about just skipping the flu injection too, never had the flu before and rarely get a cold, don’t know if I’m just being overly cautious, it’s hard to know what to believe and what information is reliable sometimes! Xx
Has everyone had the flu injection and whooping cough one yet?

I was going to book them for this week but when I was reading through some of the leaflets the midwife gave me there was one called the a-z of pregnancy or something and it said in it whooping cough injection is from 28 weeks, it might just be an old leaflet but it just made me abit apprehensive about the way the guidelines change, might leave it for a bit and get it after 20 week scan, and I’m thinking about just skipping the flu injection too, never had the flu before and rarely get a cold, don’t know if I’m just being overly cautious, it’s hard to know what to believe and what information is reliable sometimes! Xx

I've had the flu Jab, I wouldn't not get it tbh. Being pregnant we are more susceptible to illness and flu is a dangerous one. There's a couple of threads in other sections about it but I personally think it's an important one!
Whooling cough I'm having in a few weeks after my 20 week scan, MW told me the WC clinic will be on and I can have it.
Has everyone had the flu injection and whooping cough one yet?

I was going to book them for this week but when I was reading through some of the leaflets the midwife gave me there was one called the a-z of pregnancy or something and it said in it whooping cough injection is from 28 weeks, it might just be an old leaflet but it just made me abit apprehensive about the way the guidelines change, might leave it for a bit and get it after 20 week scan, and I’m thinking about just skipping the flu injection too, never had the flu before and rarely get a cold, don’t know if I’m just being overly cautious, it’s hard to know what to believe and what information is reliable sometimes! Xx

Flu is so dangerous in pregnancy. There’s lots of ladies in other threads who’ve had healthy young siblings/friends die after contracting flu. There’s absolutely no risk in getting it other than the usual small risk of allergic reaction, it’s not even a live virus so is very unlikely for you to even notice you’ve had it. As for whooping cough, the guidelines changed a few years ago and it’s now from 16 weeks, this one isn’t to cover you it’s to cover the baby once it’s born before it can receive its own jabs. And because there’s so many anti-vaxxers around now the instanced of all these things are on the up so it’s more and more likely that vulnerable little babies can catch things!
I’ve had the flu jab too night owl and I’ve had scans since and my baby is absolutely fine, and I felt no different after having the jab. Flu is very dangerous for pregnant women and their babies, I’d deffo advise you get it. As for the whooping cough one I need to book it this week! Thanks for reminding me ladies! Xx

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