****April 2019 Mummies****

Such a shame you didn’t get to hear the heartbeat :(

I even asked and they just said it’s just varies, but she couldn’t really say why.

My little jelly bean was was wriggling about loads, but she eventually got it <3

They still want me to have the glucose test, which I think is a waste, but he ho x

That’s good that they done it for you as it does sound like it’s not nhs guidelines anymore at least the appointment wasn’t a waste of time for your oh, glad my fella didnt take any time off to come today, the mw I seen today said they start doing it from 25 week appointment now so at least I’ll get to hear it then, the glucose test hasn’t even been mentioned to me! X

I was almost wanting her to say that, but it was like she didn’t want to or really didn’t know. I had a student midwife but my main mw was there just confirming what she said :roll:

Is it just me or do some of you get a bit overwhelmed with all the tests and when we should have them - I’ve already forgotten what was said about the flu jab and the other one :shock: think I will just ring up my mw people tomorrow and slowly go through what I should be doing :oooo:

Oh no the glucose test is because my half brother has diabetes, but it’s not on my mums side, it’s my mums ex husband, so as much as they said to have it, I actually think it’s a waste of nhs time, so when it comes to booking it in, I will decline. My side of my family are all fit and healthy and my oh and I especially, so I am pretty confident I am safe in saying no x

Yeah I’m losing the plot with what we are supposed to be doing and when ha ha, I completely forgot to book the flu and whooping cough injection on my way out the doctors today, but at least I got the nhs exemption certificate thing for dental and prescriptions out of today’s appointment anyway, there was a few questions I wanted to ask the midwife but didn’t end up asking, felt a bit like they just wanted me in and out, didn’t ask how I had been or anything, I’m finding the appointments a bit of a let down!

Yeah If he’s not blood related to you it won’t increase your chances of diabetes, it sounds a bit grim that glucose test id be avoiding it too ha ha x

Exactly what i did as well, put my form in and walked out the door. When we got home i said to the oh 'wasnt i meant to book my flu jab' :wall2: so annoying! So i will call and do that today. Also, isnt the whooping cough after 20 something weeks? and do we get that at the hospital or the GP? Ideally i would want both together but its getting to the flu season so i want to get covered asap.

I think its so bad the way your appointment went, its enough not getting to hear your babys heart beat, but when they just want you in and out so quickly it makes you feel a bit pushed aside :-(

Yea exactly and i said that to them, about it being horrible :lol: not that it would stop me from having it, if i did really need it, but to me its just not necessary and a waste of their time which can be better spent elsewhere on someone who really needs the time spent on them.

Now its the count down to our gender scans <3
Just called my doctors and they can do whopping and flu at the same time, so i am all booked in for mine.
Got my 16 week appt today! Will update if they check for heartbeat. I have been so busy with Halloween things this week with the kids I am shattered! I bought my first boy buy this week some blue tommee tippee bottles I wanted. They were on offer in Mothercare otherwise I would have held off xxx
Morning ladies :)
So we did our first &#8216;big&#8217; buy today, we bought the crib for the first 6 months for our baby. We were going to hold off a bit longer, but the one we really wanted and have been looking at for a long time (The Snuzpod 3) has an offer on from the bounty app where you can get £35 off, and the offer is only going until the 7th of November. So we just decided to go for it! It&#8217;s got great reviews and was reccomened to us by our midwife as well, so we have high hopes for it. I feel a lot calmer knowing we have one of the big buys out of the way, time is going so fast!!
What are you all thinking of buying crib/Moses basket-wise? Xx
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I think we are all in a good safe position personally to start buying things and my moto is 'theres no time like the present' especially if you see something on deal, just buy it :)

We are getting the next 2 you crib, which i think my mother in law will get for us, which will save us £100-£150, thank god.

My oh also got a mamaroo for £80 - they sell new for £250 so my partner was well chuffed when he got it for that price, so will collect that on Saturday.

Weve bought so far:

- Snuggle bath

- Tommee Tippee bottles - as like Mummymoreton said, they were on deal, but in boots, so oh used his boots points and got them for nothing - usually £16 and we got them for £8

- Tommee tippee nappy bin with a few cartridges - my oh got the bin for free, it was a faff but if you have the time it can be done in amazon, with some vouchers off of emmas diary.

- Bottle steriliser, from my sister in laws sister

- Bouncy ball from my sister, which she didnt need to use, her baby didnt need helping along :lol:

- Few baby grows from friends and family.

Were going to a baby barn shop tomorrow, so will test drive a few buggys then i think all we will get now until the new year is a chest of drawers for all the baby bits.

Its exciting <3
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Home from my appt and I got to hear his little heartbeat :)
There was no question about it I had a wait before i went in and she apologised because they had a struggle to hear the previous ladies (they did eventually) so I knew she would be listening in then.
I have been inundated this week with baby stuff. One if my friends was moving house she gave me:
Perfect prep machine
Mamas and papas Moses basket
Mamas and papas swinging chair
And then another friend returned things I had lent to her:
Swinging crib
On top of the Christmas shopping don't know where I am going to put it all haha...but feeling organised just need a double pram and clothes xxx
Perfect prep machine

We were so keen to buy this, then found out it doesnt do breast milk - so after a bit of research we decided to just get a bottle warmer.

If i cant successfully breast feed *fingers crossed* then we are 100% getting one as well <3
To be honest I have never had or needed a prep machine. They never existed when I had my first 3 children. I first heard of them when I was pregnant with baby number 4 but didn't feel the need to have one. I'm not even sure I will use it but she was giving it away just needs a new filter so I thought I would give it a go. I have never been able to breastfeed :( I tried so hard I have inverted nipples though which makes it difficult xxx
To be honest I have never had or needed a prep machine. They never existed when I had my first 3 children. I first heard of them when I was pregnant with baby number 4 but didn't feel the need to have one. I'm not even sure I will use it but she was giving it away just needs a new filter so I thought I would give it a go. I have never been able to breastfeed :( I tried so hard I have inverted nipples though which makes it difficult xxx

I just think of woman maybe 10 years ago who didnt have any of these 'gadgets' and they 'managed' just fine - were a lazy society, so anything we can buy to save five minutes, we will do it :roll:

In that case, i think you will absolutely love the perfect prep and almost think how did you cope before without it :lol:
To be honest I have never had or needed a prep machine. They never existed when I had my first 3 children. I first heard of them when I was pregnant with baby number 4 but didn't feel the need to have one. I'm not even sure I will use it but she was giving it away just needs a new filter so I thought I would give it a go. I have never been able to breastfeed :( I tried so hard I have inverted nipples though which makes it difficult xxx

I just think of woman maybe 10 years ago who didnt have any of these 'gadgets' and they 'managed' just fine - were a lazy society, so anything we can buy to save five minutes, we will do it :roll:

In that case, i think you will absolutely love the perfect prep and almost think how did you cope before without it :lol:

Haha yes I am hoping! Think I have just been sonised to making them up all at once (that your not allowed to do now) but you could when I had number 1 and 2 and they survived! Anything for an easy life with 5!!!
Just been in Mothercare with my mum looking at all the clothes! Just so hard to know how big baby will be though. Mine have all been good size xxx
I got the perfect prep last time and will be cracking it out again! It was a, great buy. I've got all the big stuff, just got to get a new mattress. And hoping DD will be in a big girls bed so bubs can have the nursery
My midwife made a point of saying to me not to get a perfect prep... I didn&#8217;t pay too much attention why but something to do with studies showing it&#8217;s very inconsistent in how it makes them up so sometimes they get less than others or something? Like I say I wasn&#8217;t really paying much attention as it was at my booking in app but she definitely went out of her way to tell me this so for anyone who doesn&#8217;t already have one it might be worth a little more research x
Hi ladies
So lovely that everyone is starting to have their gender scans and we have our first girl in the group! We have our gender scan tomorrow, although we already know what we're having.
We got a phonecall from the hospital on Monday morning - the second lot of results had come back from our CVS test a couple of weeks ago. Tbh, because they'd told us the initial results were clear, I had completely put it out of my head and spent the last 2 weeks buying a whole wardrobe of clothes for him. Anyway, they told me they had found evidence of Trisomy 13 (Patau's) in some of the cells, but not others. They said there's a chance it could just be in the placenta, but the only way to know for sure was to have an amniocentesis. So, we went along on Tuesday for another scan and had the amnio done (not pleasant but nowhere near as bad as the CVS!!). Now we have an agonizing 2 week wait to find out if the Patau's is also in the baby! :( If they find it, our only real option is termination, because even with just partial Patau's, the likelihood of him living even to his first birthday is very slim :(
We had another scan today as this was already booked in due to the initial concern with the NT measurement and wanting to keep an eye on the heart etc.. the lady was lovely and she checked every little bit of the baby and said he is showing absolutely no signs of abnormality (she even managed to count fingers and toes!) which is really comforting, but we cannot be sure until the amnio results come through.
The other downside is that even if the Patau's is just in the placenta, it could mean that at some point in the pregnancy the placenta may stop functioning correctly, so no matter what happens, we have a stressful 5 months ahead of us!
It's so hard to know where to turn for advice, because what we're going through is so rare, so I end up on Google and there are far more bad stories than good, but it's so hard to just wait around for a phonecall. We just have to keep everything crossed for good news xx
Aw MrsGarner I&#8217;m so sorry to read this. I can&#8217;t offer any advice but we are all here for you to talk to and we&#8217;ll be thinking of you xx big hugs xx
Hi ladies
So lovely that everyone is starting to have their gender scans and we have our first girl in the group! We have our gender scan tomorrow, although we already know what we're having.
We got a phonecall from the hospital on Monday morning - the second lot of results had come back from our CVS test a couple of weeks ago. Tbh, because they'd told us the initial results were clear, I had completely put it out of my head and spent the last 2 weeks buying a whole wardrobe of clothes for him. Anyway, they told me they had found evidence of Trisomy 13 (Patau's) in some of the cells, but not others. They said there's a chance it could just be in the placenta, but the only way to know for sure was to have an amniocentesis. So, we went along on Tuesday for another scan and had the amnio done (not pleasant but nowhere near as bad as the CVS!!). Now we have an agonizing 2 week wait to find out if the Patau's is also in the baby! :( If they find it, our only real option is termination, because even with just partial Patau's, the likelihood of him living even to his first birthday is very slim :(
We had another scan today as this was already booked in due to the initial concern with the NT measurement and wanting to keep an eye on the heart etc.. the lady was lovely and she checked every little bit of the baby and said he is showing absolutely no signs of abnormality (she even managed to count fingers and toes!) which is really comforting, but we cannot be sure until the amnio results come through.
The other downside is that even if the Patau's is just in the placenta, it could mean that at some point in the pregnancy the placenta may stop functioning correctly, so no matter what happens, we have a stressful 5 months ahead of us!
It's so hard to know where to turn for advice, because what we're going through is so rare, so I end up on Google and there are far more bad stories than good, but it's so hard to just wait around for a phonecall. We just have to keep everything crossed for good news xx

So sorry you are going through this MrsGarner.
I have everything crossed for you :clover: x
Mrsgarner so sorry you are having this stress, I’m keeping everything crossed for you, there is an organisation called ARC they help people going through stressful antenatal testing, not sure if you have already looked at them or not yet but they may be able to offer support xx
Got my fingers and toes crossed for you Mrs Garner, I really hope everything works out well xxx
Really sorry to hear this MrsG. It's all so scary isn't it! Reading everyone's previous comments about going out shopping and stuff... I am still absolutely petrified to buy anything!! I've been given some stuff from family and friends who wanted a clear out (so I've now got a pile of stuff and nowhere to put it!!). But I am just so scared to go out and actually buy stuff myself. I think I'll be waiting until after Christmas to be honest!
Really sorry to hear this MrsG. It's all so scary isn't it! Reading everyone's previous comments about going out shopping and stuff... I am still absolutely petrified to buy anything!! I've been given some stuff from family and friends who wanted a clear out (so I've now got a pile of stuff and nowhere to put it!!). But I am just so scared to go out and actually buy stuff myself. I think I'll be waiting until after Christmas to be honest!

I feel the same! Getting anxious for my 20 week scan and didn’t get to listen to the baby’s heartbeat at 16w appointment :-( not really feeling movement so just don’t feel confident enough to yet, I’m waiting until after Christmas too - the plus side is there should be some sales on :dance: x
Oh Mrsgarner, I am wishing you all the best and I hope you get the best outcome you can get - all this waiting must be horrible for you :-( sending you lots of love :love:

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