*April 2018 Mummies*

38 weeks today! We went out for a walk yesterday and my back is really hurting today :( not sure how I’m going to cope with DS today either as he’s woken in a right mood and I’m just sat here praying he gets happier as the day goes on. I’m starting to dread my section recovery too. I’m not sure how I’m going to cope once OH goes back to work!

It’s getting exciting seeing all these babies starting to make their appearances! :D can’t wait to hear from l1991!!
Hope things are progressing l1991!

Aww cossie hopefully hell be in a better mood later on. My dd has jusr woken up so that's me having to keep her up from her nap so she goes to bed at a decent hour,shell be a right grump by about 3 lol. 37 weeks tomorrow here,rechecked my hospital bags last night so they're deffo ready to go. Just need midiwfe to print my notes out at my appointment tomorrow and I'm all set x
Hope things are progressing l1991!

Aww cossie hopefully hell be in a better mood later on. My dd has jusr woken up so that's me having to keep her up from her nap so she goes to bed at a decent hour,shell be a right grump by about 3 lol. 37 weeks tomorrow here,rechecked my hospital bags last night so they're deffo ready to go. Just need midiwfe to print my notes out at my appointment tomorrow and I'm all set x

I feel you mrs cookie! We let DS have a nap yesterday at 3pm and he didn't wake until 5 and it's totally screwed us over! And he's not any better as yet - I've made him have a lie down to try and give myself 5 mins peace and quiet! Roll on bedtime! :lol:

I need to go through my bags again and just check I've got all I need and make sure I've added bits in for during the day of my section as I get the feeling it'll be a loooooong wait!!! Has anyone had a planned section before? Do you get to still have a birth plan? Like, can I request my partner be there during the epidural and that OH and baby girl stay with me until I'm all stitched up? x
Not sure how it works in your hospital but when I used to work in theatres doing c sections the partners weren't normally allowed in during the spinal being done as there is so much going on with instrument counting etc and people knowing what they are doing. Also once baby is out they will do their checks and then hand baby to dad or you for a few minutes then usher them out to recovery which is normally just outside while they catbeterised you and put you back on your bed etc. Always worth an ask as everywhere is different x
Thanks Loula. I’m a bit of a wimp so could really do with OH being there for the spinal for moral support. I remember during my emergency section with DS I asked if OH and my mum could be in theatre with me and they actually took some time to discuss it before eventually deciding on a no. So maybe they’ll at least consider it!
My husband was in for my spinal he sat in front and held me while it was being done :) I think it is depending on the policy of each trust. The instrument count is done here before anyone enters the room, including patient. I hope your OH gets in to offer you support xx
Thanks Stacey! That definitely gives me a bit more confidence :) it was a huge concern of mine. Hopefully they will allow him and baby to stay while Im being stitched up too as its not an emergency situation. Obviously if that changes during the operation I will understand but in a natural birth they wouldnt take baby away and wisk them and partner off while you get repaired or seen to!

My little one arrived on the 25th at 11.05am. 7lb5 at 38 weeks 6 days. Waters broke 6am on the 23rd but contractions hadn't started so was booked to be induced 6am the following morning if labour didn't start naturally. Still No contractions by morning but labour ward didn't have any beds so was left on a ward where induction wasn't possible and told I was next in the queue. Ended up being offered the gel to help induce labour but when examined I was already 3cm diliated so couldn't have it. Night came and still no contractions until about 11pm when contractions started coming on natural. The only pain relief allowed on the ward was paracetamol and couldnt keep anything down so that was no help. At about 6am they did my observations and I had a temperature and fever. All of a sudden everyone kicked into gear and I was actually taken notice of. Was transferred to labour ward to have antibiotics and examined to find I was 8cm and the midwife thought I would be able to start pushing very soon but I was too far gone for any pain relief other than gas and air. Got to 10cm and started pushing but it wasn't happening, baby was coming down but as soon as I stopped pushing he would spring back so after a good hour they made the decision to use a suction cup to give me a hand as well as having a cut. Eventually he made appearance at 11.05am but had to be taken off for antibiotics because he had been left more than 48hours after my waters broke and I had the fever. We are still in hospital now both on antibiotic drips due to the high risk of infection after being left too long after my waters had broken. Hoping to go home today if all is well with baby as I'm now off my IV and onto oral antibiotics.
congratulations to you. Hope you are both ok.
Have you any names yet? There's a Facebook group we are all keeping in touch on if that interests you.
Wow these babies are coming x
Oooo congratulations!!!! Does baby have a name Yet? Hope you get home today,sounds like you had a tough time of it,sorry labour didn't go smoothly for you but glad you're both ok now xx
My baby girl arrived yesterday at 3.51pm, similar to above. My waters broke Saturday night at 37+2, I was induced yesterday morning at 9am, contractions began 11am and gave birth at 3.51pm. I hated the gas and air so I had diamorphine. She’s 6lbs 7oz and just perfect xx
Congratulations!!! Oh my god I am loving that our April babies are starting to make an appearance now! Its very exciting and very scary at the same time! :D

Congratulations l1991!!! Ahhhh loving seeing all these babies arriving - and early too! Definitely bodes well for the rest of us!

I will try and keep the front page updated as much as I can as to who has had their babies and who’s left!
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