BFN from me but still no witch!
got me this morning!
How are you all doing ladies? Any news?
7 days to go for me and it doesn't feel any easier! The anticipation....trying to keep busy but hard! Have no symptoms so maybe it's going to be a BFN
How are you all doing ladies? Any news?
7 days to go for me and it doesn't feel any easier! The anticipation....trying to keep busy but hard! Have no symptoms so maybe it's going to be a BFN
Well, I've had a stomach bug today and been totally wiped out. Still been symptom spotting like an idiot though and I'm pretty sure nothing's going on and AF is on her way to get me!
Yay! no.3 for April! Huge congratulations xx
I'm out AF has turned up already!!!
Ok I'm changing this because it's not proper AF so I'm still in for now!
my ov was later than I thought, I will be testing in May
Well i am out ruddy feel very sad today!
good luck to everyone still to test