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  • Hey hun x I see were in about the same boat with cycles x
    How you holding out? Its so frustrating isnt it? Have you been to your GP?
    Sorry lol sooo many questions lol
    Whahahaha! lol I just looked at my last comment wrote on April 1st but I conceived baba muscle on 30th March so un beknowns to me I was "up the duff" at that point and Im already wanting to temp!

    BTW, my thermo STILL hasnt come! maybe its a sign, my spiritual side thinks everything is a sign lol!

    Hope your keeping well love ;)
    hey never say never not out till the witch gets you never give up hope when there is still hope to be had :) fc and thnx again if ur time is not this month it wont be far away i am sure xxx
    Most of those cheapest are shit. I got the one step ultra early 10mui ones which are supposed to be twice as sensitive as FrER but they gave me negatives till I was about 13dpo. Frer is the way to go before af is due and digis after!
    oh no. But those IC one step things are proper crap. I got negatives on them AFTER i got my BFP with frers and digis. Have you tried your FRER yet? good luck x
    I used to pee on 3 OPKS a day too, morning afternoon and evening!! bought the cheapies from tesco so thought what the heck!
    I really really hope these softcups work for you! xx
    hey, keep it in as long as your can! if you really cant stand it anymore then take it out, but I kept all of mine in for the max amount of time to try to make sure there were spermies there when the egg came down. Hope it works for you! x
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