2009 PF UK Dieters

The gym is calling today, my appt is at 1:30pm so wish me luck. Let me weight loss journey begin again..
Oh good luck hun :)

How are you getting on today Tezzy?
Well im back and my pockets are alot emptier, i decided to go for it and booked up for a month!! Hmmm not cheap either, but got to get this fat fighting off to a start somewhere, have to go on Tuesday for induction on their equipment and stuff, so am as of yet to be weighed, but think i might hop on the scales when Rosie is in bed tonight.
well today started well:

breakfast - 2 peices of wholemeal toast scraped with light marg
snack in work - 2 ricecakes

then it got a little worse...

lunch - subway 6inch turkey salad *everybody else in the office had mcdonalds but luckily subway is next door to mcdonalds and they popped in there for me*

and now its getting better again...

dinner (in the oven right now) - WW chips with a WW ocean pie *total 5 1/2 pts together*

and ive had 2 bottles of water and a WW hot choc for drinks.

hows your day been?
Well done girls :yay:

I'm 3 months into atkins now and tbh it doesn't feel like a diet anymore, I used to be so hung up on food, weighing myself, losing 10 lbs gaining 15!

Its taken a while but I think I'm cured :yay:

I had boiled eggs and mayo for brekkie
Was out so grabbed sausages from a deli (naughty but I only do that once a week, plus they are allowed anyway!)
Had meat and veggies this evening followed by a sugar free jelly and squirty fresh cream :D

Going to settle down now and have some dry roasted peanuts while I'm on here :) and if I fancy it later I'll have an atkins chocolate bar (totally taste the same )

I'm very bad on the water front plus since my pneumonia I haven't been able to do any exercise so next week thats my goal 2 litres a day and 2 mile on the treadmill 4 times a week. Remind me girls will you, then maybe I'll actually do it :lol:
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well i dropped my dinner on the floor so my cats ended up eating my WW ocean pie dohh.. i ended up having 2wheetabix with skimmed milk
:doh: @ your dinner falling but what you ate hun is fine too :)
weetabix are a good source of slow acting food. so fills you up for longer
have done the dreaded weigh in :(
I am so ashamed of myself. The mere fact i weigh a few stone less than my age is disgusting.

No panicking hun, it will be a smaller number next week. Live for the here and now.

No shame here :hug:
aw hun big hugs.. the number will get smaller.. and you have great support here from us..

colin just made himself pizza... so i had a WW almand slice.. :rofl: but soooooo wanted pizza!!
Those almond slices are gorgeous aren't they :) and the carrot cake slices too :D
Thanks girls, when i can acknowledge in my head the weight, i will write down. Now to work out my goal, needing to loose a fair few stones... Whats the best idea to set as a goal? Small and in stages or the end result?
Thats entirely up to you hun :) Remember you don't have to tell us anything you don't want to; only if you feel it may help you :hug:

If the bigger figure is scarey to you break it down into 3, like stage 1 stage 2 and stage 3 :D

We'll help you hun xoxox
it just feel stupid how something like a number can upset me!!
Don't let it hun, you've done the hard part; don't focus on any negativity. :)
aw hun all you need to remember is that that number will get SMALLER!!!!!!! we are here to support you,dont be ashamed of the number... we are all trying to loose weight :)

i agree with the 3 steps thing, my first mini goal is 13st 5lb then my WW goal 12st 9lb and then my final goal is 12st 5lb
today has been AWFUL.. complete dive bomb...

3 words...


argh.. i feel so crap.

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