The who's who of LTTTC

Hi all,
Haven't been on for a while been on holidays and we decided to take a month off OV testing, etc and just have sex when we felt like it. Not to mention eat & drink what we like!! It's been a good month.

Hope all of you in this thread are well and enjoying the pitiful summer we are experiencing.

Scotch could you update my info. - we've had OH test results back. He has good sperm count but the motility is not good. He's been referred onto endocrinology unit at hospital for further investigation. The referrel will take up to 6 weeks before we even get appointment date!! So it's a waiting game again. In the meantime he is stopping drinking & smoking completely (he had cut back previously) and we are upping the exercise and improving diet. I'll be feeding him all the sperm boosting goods I can find and have ordered 1000mg Vitamin C, Vitamin E 400iu, Zinc 15mg, Selenium 200mg + Vitamin A.

If any of you lovely ladies have any further advise or hints or tips please do share!! Thanks in advance.
X j
Yes scotch I would very much like to move into moving on section xx

:bfp: 4th cycle 100mg clomid & thyroxine x 17th July 2012 x
OMg Drummers Wife!!!!! Congratulations!!!
What an amazing thread, can i join plz?!?!

TTC since feb 2012. All bloods, swabs and HSG came back ok, internal scan showed Cysts on ovaries. Currently waiting for results from progesterone tests.

OH had 2 SA first showed low sperm count and poor motility. 2nd show normal sperm count and motility!!

x x x

P.S congratulation DW x x x
Welcome Emma. Hope my OH's 2nd SA is better too! xxx
Hi Scotch,

please can you update me - hubby got his results and the doctor said all "normal" what ever that means! We have been sent away for six months (after Christmas) and to keep doing what we are doing as the doctor says we are in the prime time to concieve! I have warned hubby that there is a slim (ok ok very high) chance that i will not make it until after Christmas before i go back to the doctors!

all done for you - any more updates anyone?

I've finally got my fertility clinic app on 21st aug! Almost 3 years ttc and we're just getting our first app :roll:

Nervous too! Dont really know what to expect, and it's at the hospital which every time I go in I get panick attacks :/ since my ectopic :/ but the oh will be with me and this is the first app hes come to with me :)
Me please scotch! Now on first round of clomid 50mg for 3 cycles after taking provera to kick start things. Ovulated between 2nd and third scan so between cd 21 and 25 so here's hoping!!! x
Hi scotch i forgot to update me - BFP 18th July 2012 after first IUI xx thanks
Can i be added on please? I probably belong in the recurrent mc section as that's what treatment path i'm going down.

Age 33: TTC #1 since Sept 2010. MMC 12 weeks in Feb 2011 (twins), treated with ERPC. Spent March - Sept 2011 ttc without any success, and went on the pill again until March 2012 as I started to freak out and got a new partnership.
BFP in May 2012 but was ?ectopic, and given methotrexate.
As I had a pregnancy (unplanned) that ended in MC aged 21 (was with my current DH then too), I'm being treated as recurrent MC. Had my bloods and scans, waiting for follow up clinic Sept 2012.
welcome to the thread fliss - hope you're moving on with a sticky bean in no time
Can I join too?

I'm 36, ttc since feb 2011. Chemical pregnancy march 2011 @ 4.5 weeks. Oct 2011, referred to local hospital - Tests - Initial US scan revealed 3mm blood filled cyst on ovary and 4cm fibroid...suspected endo, had laparoscopy, cyst had gone, no endo but diagnosed with a womb abnormality - a partial septum, was told it can cause miscarriage :( Prog results show i ovulate & hubbys SA good, tubes clear. Op to remove septum on nhs would only be offered after 3 m/c's .... So onward with clomid. BFP on first cycle, ended in mmc at 8 weeks. Decided to see maybe baby's private doctor .....he discovered I had been misdiagnosed by nhs! Womb distortion was caused by fibroid not a septum, so had myomectomy in July 2012. All ready to try again and praying for a sticky bean.
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hi hon I've popped you in recurrent miscarriage - let me know if you'd rather be in a different group

good luck - it sounds like you've had a terrible journey

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