♡ October 2020 Mummies ♡

I’ve had exactly this (regular, painful contractions that I’ve sworn are real labour) almost nightly since 36 weeks and at my 38 week appointment my cervix was posterior, high, and not even a little bit dilated. I’m so fed up!!! Two weeks of only getting 2-4hrs sleep at night due to contractions and it’s not even doing anything..
Oh God, I've only had a couple of days of backache and then that false alarm last night and I'm already fed up, I can't imagine how you must be feeling! These last weeks are so hard aren't they, every little twinge makes you wonder and then you get disheartened when it comes to nothing. I feel like this week has really dragged where as time was flying by before this!

All I want to do is nest but I don't have the energy by the time I'm home. I still feel like I have loads to prepare before baby arrives - thank God my Mum is driving over from France to help get everything into shape next Wednesday!
Oh God, I've only had a couple of days of backache and then that false alarm last night and I'm already fed up, I can't imagine how you must be feeling! These last weeks are so hard aren't they, every little twinge makes you wonder and then you get disheartened when it comes to nothing. I feel like this week has really dragged where as time was flying by before this!

All I want to do is nest but I don't have the energy by the time I'm home. I still feel like I have loads to prepare before baby arrives - thank God my Mum is driving over from France to help get everything into shape next Wednesday!

Yeah I’m not coping very well. Had a long cry at my midwife appointment yesterday when they told me to suck it up until I’m 10 days overdue (not in those exact words).

I want to get things done too but I’ve given up on that. Baby will come home to chaos lol but that’s ok. Hopefully you manage to get plenty done when your mum comes up! Is she staying until after bubs is born?
Sorry to hear you ladies have been having such a hard time, especially @WinterWolf. Hopefully your babies will be here soon and all that pain will be a thing of the past.

I think I have never done so little nesting. Hopefully I'll get some done in the next few weeks.
Can’t believe we already have 3 arrivals and we aren’t even in October yet!!! Congratulations again ladies, I’m sure you have your hands full but would love to hear your birth stories if and when you’re ready.

How are the rest of us doing? Ever since babies shift in position I’m feeling absolutely fine - it’s like being back in second tri! I think baby is going to stay put past due date again...
@kj1 Glad you’re feeling well!! I think I’ll go over as well but hopefully not... I managed to get to the pool yesterday and the swimming did a world of good. So nice to be able to move for a while, even if it felt like I put a lead suit on as soon as I got out of the water lol.
@WinterWolf good for you managing a swim! I wouldn’t even make it to the pool lol.

Braxton Hicks have kicked up a whole new notch - my stomach has been super tight all day. Lots of ‘clearing out’ too...I’m really hoping this isn’t a sign as I’m not remotely ready for her yet!!! How is everyone doing? All new babies behaving? X
@kj1 If you give birth before me I’ll cry lol. I was up all night with contractions that disappeared, again. 38+5 today.
@MammaOfMany - I never understood when people said there’s no love like it. Now I totally get it. I’m so so so tired though. Having to feed him every 3 hours is tough. Especially when it takes me so long to settle him as he doesn’t wind well. He’s totally worth it though. Can’t believe he’s 3 weeks already!
I completely understand @PinkFlamingo . I remember it just like yesterday when my first was born almost 17 years ago (in October) - that huge wave of love that you've never felt before and it doesn't go away. When I was pregnant with my second I was worried I could never love another child as much or that it would need to be divided their decreasing the amount of love I had for her but when my second arrived I realised that love can increase well beyond what I thought was possible. I still loved my first just as much, if not more, and that same amazing amount of love was there for my second also.

They are so much hard work when they are tiny but it is so rewarding at the same time. In one sense those newborn days go so slowly but in another sense it just goes too fast.
It took the hospital ages to discharge us but got home about 6:30 yesterday. My daughter has gone nuts for him. She just wants to smother him then tantrums when she can’t. last night and this morning I did think omg what the fuck have I done when they were both screaming for me but she calming down.

My milk came in in hospital so he spent all day cluster feeding I forgot how long it takes to feed settle and change them! Zzz he’s been really chilled today so I know it’ll be fun tonight! It’s reassuring that I’ve done this before and know I won’t die!! :rotfl:

I’ve worried my whole pregnancy about not loving him! My daughters been the love of my life who I’ve pretty much spent all day everyday with for the past 26 months but now he’s here I can’t imagine life without him! He is the double of her too!! <3
I completely understand @PinkFlamingo . I remember it just like yesterday when my first was born almost 17 years ago (in October) - that huge wave of love that you've never felt before and it doesn't go away. When I was pregnant with my second I was worried I could never love another child as much or that it would need to be divided their decreasing the amount of love I had for her but when my second arrived I realised that love can increase well beyond what I thought was possible. I still loved my first just as much, if not more, and that same amazing amount of love was there for my second also.

They are so much hard work when they are tiny but it is so rewarding at the same time. In one sense those newborn days go so slowly but in another sense it just goes too fast.
Crying at this!! <3
It's so lovely to read your posts about the love that you felt for your babies at birth. It makes me a bit emotional as I never felt that overwhelming love for either baby at birth. I don't know if it was because of both being precipitous labours that my body never had time to produce enough endorphins needed to make the birth feel a bit more comfortable. I remember the midwife saying that with a birth like that, you immediately get sent into a storm of contractions and you literally have to swim to the eye of the storm to get out.
I feel a bit sad that I never experienced that... Sorry for the emotional post! :lol:

Congrats to the new mummies!:dance:
@Kitana I was a little bit like that and I’m sure millions of women out there feel the same as you. When they put my daughter on my chest it was just shock, that’s all I felt at first. When she was 24hrs old and we got home, that’s when the overwhelming love kicked in <3

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