♡ October 2020 Mummies ♡

39+5 and nothing here either. Had a few niggling little crampy type discomforts overnight but nothing significant. Trying to remain positive but there's imminent threat of local lockdown where I live. Just absolutely sick of this all now. I just want to have my baby and not have to worry about my parents being able to meet their first grandchild :(
Oh big hugs to you Natalie. I can't imagine having that kind of stress hanging over my head, the stress of not knowing when labour will start is bad enough. Hopefully you manage to go into labour before local lockdown kicks in. x
Well today’s my due date!! Also my boys a month old today!! Can’t believe how quick the time has gone! Hope your all ok. Can’t wait to see more baby updates! X
Eagerly awaiting these October babies :D You all must be so excited! :D
Oh big hugs to you Natalie. I can't imagine having that kind of stress hanging over my head, the stress of not knowing when labour will start is bad enough. Hopefully you manage to go into labour before local lockdown kicks in. x
Thank you. I think its inevitable, so need to try and find a way to stay positive. Our government has dealt with this incredibly poorly and I feel like there is more risk to my mental health than an actual physical risk of any of us contracting or spreading covid since we have basically all hardly done anything or been anywhere for the past month!
@Natalie8964 Yes, I think it could’ve been handled a lot better over there... they actually use the UK as an example of what not to do here. How do they enforce local lockdowns? From what I’ve heard from family, it seems like people don’t follow the rules.
@Natalie8964 Yes, I think it could’ve been handled a lot better over there... they actually use the UK as an example of what not to do here. How do they enforce local lockdowns? From what I’ve heard from family, it seems like people don’t follow the rules.
I bet they do lol it's ridiculous. I couldn't tell you how they enforce it, we don't have enough police to do it effectively, we have a track and trace and testing system that is falling apart. If local lockdown happened, you're not allowed to mix with another household but you can still go to a gym/bar/restaurant/children's soft play/swimming. Not exactly sure how thats safer than being able to visit your immediate family with precautions but hey ho.
@Natalie8964 Whaaat, what’s the point of that? Surely you’re safer mixing with people you know than strangers out in public. It’s the opposite here.. whenever we’ve gone into heavier restrictions it’s gatherings/meetings in public that are restricted first. The first thing to be lifted when we all got out of major lockdown was that we were allowed one person over to visit. Then they gradually increased it, months before restaurants etc. reopened. Seems much more logical.
Covid sucks!!! This is how ridiculous my after care is. My 6 week check is done over the phone. Then I have to take monty in for his! How is that logical? Not once has anyone asked how I’m feeling, looked at my ladies bits, felt my tummy, nothing!! I really do feel we've all been let down throughout our pregnancies. X
Covid sucks!!! This is how ridiculous my after care is. My 6 week check is done over the phone. Then I have to take monty in for his! How is that logical? Not once has anyone asked how I’m feeling, looked at my ladies bits, felt my tummy, nothing!! I really do feel we've all been let down throughout our pregnancies. X

That’s disgusting. My 6 week check was cancelled twice (not due to covid, just my doctor being useless). My episiotomy never healed right and at my 36 weeks appointment this pregnancy they said they should’ve booked me in to revise my episiotomy scar at 6 weeks postpartum last time. At the time I had no idea it wasn’t healing right, how would I as a FTM? Definitely push for your appointment to be done in person, even if you need to see a different doctor/specialist.
@Natalie8964 Whaaat, what’s the point of that? Surely you’re safer mixing with people you know than strangers out in public. It’s the opposite here.. whenever we’ve gone into heavier restrictions it’s gatherings/meetings in public that are restricted first. The first thing to be lifted when we all got out of major lockdown was that we were allowed one person over to visit. Then they gradually increased it, months before restaurants etc. reopened. Seems much more logical.
Yeah well that would be the sensible thing to do. They also gave the OK for students to start up at university and now there are hundreds of covid outbreaks and students isolating in halls of residence across the country. Absolutely shambolic! There are people who refuse to wear masks and nobody is enforcing this rule. There are illegal raves happening, teenagers gathering socially, and nothing happens. But someone like me will be punished and unable to have my mum visit her first grandchild? I have to say I dont blame people in my position breaking the rules to be able to see their family. I cannot see how thats worse than all of the above!

@PinkFlamingo thats terrible! This is what I mean. Its all backwards. People missing out on the basic health care they are entitled to, but all of the pubs and restaurants are still open. Crazy.
@Natalie8964 Here they shelled out $1600 fines if you were caught outside without a valid reason and proof of that. Cops were everywhere! To be honest, when we were in full lockdown I still had mum come visit me because I was way too sick to look after my daughter (hubby had to work through lockdown). Technically we were breaking the rules but we were both totally isolating otherwise so I don’t see the issue there. I can understand why so many people in the UK are breaking the rules if things like raves etc are going on.
@Natalie8964 Here they shelled out $1600 fines if you were caught outside without a valid reason and proof of that. Cops were everywhere! To be honest, when we were in full lockdown I still had mum come visit me because I was way too sick to look after my daughter (hubby had to work through lockdown). Technically we were breaking the rules but we were both totally isolating otherwise so I don’t see the issue there. I can understand why so many people in the UK are breaking the rules if things like raves etc are going on.
Yeah they have started to introduce fines but this country is on its knees and there are nowhere near enough police. You just don't see them around. I can totally understand why you'd do that - if it happens here I'm not sure how I'll be able to keep the grandparents away. Totally frustrating when you're being careful and everything else seemingly carries on as normal because they don't want the economy to collapse. Understandable but a huge contradiction in my opinion. Meh.
@Natalie8964 Whaaat, what’s the point of that? Surely you’re safer mixing with people you know than strangers out in public. It’s the opposite here.. whenever we’ve gone into heavier restrictions it’s gatherings/meetings in public that are restricted first. The first thing to be lifted when we all got out of major lockdown was that we were allowed one person over to visit. Then they gradually increased it, months before restaurants etc. reopened. Seems much more logical.

Unfortunately protecting the economy (and people's livelihoods) is really vital right now. The government is trying to walk a tightrope between keeping enough things open to allow businesses to keep afloat whilst at the same time restricting people's interactions with others. It sucks that the first casualty will always be social interactions but I don't see what else they can do. We can't afford to go into total lockdown again.

There are specific lockdowns going on around the country but where I am we still have the 'Rule of 6' so basically you can only meet in groups no larger than six as long as you follow social distancing rules. The idea is still to avoid mixing with large numbers of people. Last week for example, D and I went to a restaurant for my birthday with some of his friends. We put masks on to go inside and took them off when we were seated at our table. The wait staff all wore PPE to serve us and we put our masks back on if we had to go to the bathroom and when we left. We didn't interact with anyone other than each other and the waiter and the other tables had been spaced two metres apart.

Personally, I feel the blame is firmly placed on people not following the rules. If they did (even if it's just as simple as giving people more space in the street and wearing masks indoors) we might not be in such a mess. I've seen SO many people on Facebook taking photographs practically sitting in each other's laps and I just despair. D is the only person I've hugged since February. I didn't even hug my own father the last time I saw him and now he's undergoing major cancer treatment in hospital. It was really horrible but I did it. I don't see why people find keeping apart from their friends such a challenge.

It's genuinely depressing how little people in this country seem to care about protecting other people :(
Unfortunately protecting the economy (and people's livelihoods) is really vital right now. The government is trying to walk a tightrope between keeping enough things open to allow businesses to keep afloat whilst at the same time restricting people's interactions with others. It sucks that the first casualty will always be social interactions but I don't see what else they can do. We can't afford to go into total lockdown again.

There are specific lockdowns going on around the country but where I am we still have the 'Rule of 6' so basically you can only meet in groups no larger than six as long as you follow social distancing rules. The idea is still to avoid mixing with large numbers of people. Last week for example, D and I went to a restaurant for my birthday with some of his friends. We put masks on to go inside and took them off when we were seated at our table. The wait staff all wore PPE to serve us and we put our masks back on if we had to go to the bathroom and when we left. We didn't interact with anyone other than each other and the waiter and the other tables had been spaced two metres apart.

Personally, I feel the blame is firmly placed on people not following the rules. If they did (even if it's just as simple as giving people more space in the street and wearing masks indoors) we might not be in such a mess. I've seen SO many people on Facebook taking photographs practically sitting in each other's laps and I just despair. D is the only person I've hugged since February. I didn't even hug my own father the last time I saw him and now he's undergoing major cancer treatment in hospital. It was really horrible but I did it. I don't see why people find keeping apart from their friends such a challenge.

It's genuinely depressing how little people in this country seem to care about protecting other people :(
I understand that fully. I've done my bit and followed every rule up to this point. I always wear a mask if I do go out. But by comparison to people who are out and about and spreading covid, I don't feel its fair to be punished (as I feel I have been throughout the whole pregnancy anyway.) As a FTM, planning to breastfeed my baby, I know how vital support is - thats all you ever get told, well prior to covid. So I find it infuriating and terrifying that we potentially would be 'banned' from having that vital support. Time will tell I guess.
@MammaOfMany yes my Mum arrived last Wednesday! It hasn’t actually been quite as helpful as expected as obviously she has to isolate for 2 weeks so can’t leave the house which means she can’t do any of the shopping or help with nursery drop off etc. This Covid malarkey is really beginning to get to me now!!!

She went to put the rubbish out this afternoon and somehow the door locked and jammed and she was stuck on our doorstep for 4 hours without a coat or a phone! She was obviously too scared to leave or ask anyone for help as she’s meant to stay on the property so she just sat there bless her. I got home and had to call the locksmith who came round and told me it was going to cost £400 for him to remove and replace the lock!!! My mouth almost hit the floor lol. OH was playing football so I couldn’t get through to him, it was tipping it down and my toddler was having a meltdown. Definitely not what you need at coming on 39 weeks pregnant. We had to pay a £70 call out charge, wait for my OH to get back and then smash a window to get in, all in all a bit of an ordeal.

I’ve been super crampy and nauseous today but aside to that I’m still feeling fine. I’d planned to work up until next Friday (2 days before due date!) but think I’ll continue on if baby doesn’t arrive by then. My grandad isn’t doing well at all so I could do with the distraction - just hope he holds out a bit longer so he can at least meet this little one and her birth isn’t overshadowed by us all being so upset :( x
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I understand that fully. I've done my bit and followed every rule up to this point. I always wear a mask if I do go out. But by comparison to people who are out and about and spreading covid, I don't feel its fair to be punished (as I feel I have been throughout the whole pregnancy anyway.) As a FTM, planning to breastfeed my baby, I know how vital support is - thats all you ever get told, well prior to covid. So I find it infuriating and terrifying that we potentially would be 'banned' from having that vital support. Time will tell I guess.

Yeah :/ I guess it’s different for me as mine and D’s parents live so far away that they couldn’t help even if they were allowed to. Being alone (with D) is just the norm for me I suppose :(
Yeah :/ I guess it’s different for me as mine and D’s parents live so far away that they couldn’t help even if they were allowed to. Being alone (with D) is just the norm for me I suppose :(

I was alone when my daughter was born (family lived interstate and my friends aren’t baby people). It’s a bit tough at first but you can do it!!
Oh no @kj1 that doesn't sound fun at all.

I'm really tired today after about 5 hours sleep last night. One important appointment done, one more to go in a couple of days. Here's hoping I make it. I've been feeling off today, belly doesn't feel right, clearing out plus I've had period type pain. Instinct tells me nothing is imminent but I do wonder what's going on. I was nesting heaps yesterday too.

I scared my oldest daughters yesterday. I was sitting in the lounge with them in quite a bit of discomfort and telling bubby not to break my waters while I was on the couch (he was really pushing my cervix). I then got up and waddled out to the kitchen. What I found was our water cooler leaking which then suddenly turned into a bigger leak. The little kids were squealing and I was yelling out for some help quickly. Without seeing what was going on they thought that my waters had broken. I'm glad it wasn't though, my husband was probably over an hour away and we wouldn't have been able to make it to today's appointment.

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