♡ October 2020 Mummies ♡

@Kitana and @WinterWolf I understand. The utterly overwhelming love didn't start immediately with my second but it did come. I'm not sure if it's because the birth was easy or the fact she had a couple of issues that initially made her look broken (I literally asked if her foot was broken) or a combination of the both. I think I had a touch of post partum depression but after a few weeks I think my hormones and emotions leveled out a bit and completely fell in love. It was then that I was amazed at how much love a mother can possess.

Don't give up hope @Kitana . I've had multiple precipitous births since and have fallen in love immediately, even with pregnancies that I carried negative emotions with (I had been actively trying not to get pregnant). I hope this one is the one that you get to feel that. *Hugs*

@Xsarahh they really do take up so much time. If you are breastfeeding it feels like you spend all day (and night) with the baby attached to you.
It's so lovely to read your posts about the love that you felt for your babies at birth. It makes me a bit emotional as I never felt that overwhelming love for either baby at birth. I don't know if it was because of both being precipitous labours that my body never had time to produce enough endorphins needed to make the birth feel a bit more comfortable. I remember the midwife saying that with a birth like that, you immediately get sent into a storm of contractions and you literally have to swim to the eye of the storm to get out.
I feel a bit sad that I never experienced that... Sorry for the emotional post! :lol:

Congrats to the new mummies!:dance:

I didn’t feel it at the birth, I didn’t even want to look at the baby. I just had my face hidden in my husbands chest. Now that we’re home and getting to know each other the love has kicked in. X
Thanks for the kind messages ladies, I think I might have had a bit of postpartum depression after my first and the fact that she didn't sleep more than 2 hours until she was 8 weeks old didn't help either. My oh only once took over the night shift but otherwise I was on my own.
Then with baby number 2, we were in the middle of building our house and my oh had to follow courses for his job as well. He was gone at 6:30 and only returned at 18:00 on his school days.
On Monday I gave birth, I was alone aside from the birth and that night, but the oh left at 5:30 on Tuesday, then I went back home alone and had to pick up my eldest from school. Then I had to bring and pick her up from school everyday while barely getting sleep from then on. I never had any time to relax or enjoy my LO. I think that might have delayed it.

Sorry for the rambling!:lol:
@Kitana That must’ve been so hard having just given birth and having to take care of two little ones on your own! My husband started a new job when our daughter was 3 days old and that was hard enough for me.
Yay it's October! Excited to see these babies being born :D
Eeeek! It’s October! Can’t believe we have 4 babies already! Hopefully we’ll have some more soon! :swaddle:
It’s due month!!! I’m shitting myself haha.

@WinterWolf my BH are getting pretty hectic now too. Not long for you now, due date is round the corner!!
I'm trying to enjoy every last minute of pregnancy now. Still no more signs for me so don't think it's imminent. Trying to treasure every little kick and wiggle until we meet our rainbow baby <3
It’s October!!!
Definitely try and make the most of all the magical movements and kicks. I do really miss those moments <3 Can’t wait to see who’s next! X
It’s due month!!! I’m shitting myself haha.

@WinterWolf my BH are getting pretty hectic now too. Not long for you now, due date is round the corner!!

4 days and counting. :D Hubby is a teacher so he’s on holidays at the moment. He is meant to be back at work on Tuesday if baby hasn’t arrived (if she has arrived he can take his 2 weeks leave from Tuesday), so I hope don’t go late. It’s a lot of work to take time off as a teacher. I’m sure he’ll go to work and rearrange everything only for baby to come 1-2 days later lol
@MammaOfMany Thank you. I'm not going to stress about it. She'll come when she's ready. I'm trying to just enjoy having evenings to myself while I still can :D
How are we all ladies? Any more arrivals??? :stork:
@kj1 Nope, no baby. Due date tomorrow! I’m having zillions of painless BH and the odd bout of cramps but nothing to suggest labour is close.

Considering how many nights since 35wks I’ve been up for hours with regular contractions, I’m surprised I’m still pregnant to be honest.
@WinterWolf just goes to show how unpredictable babies and labour can be doesn’t it! I can imagine you’re getting fed up now but really not long to go...I wonder if baby will arrive on due date?!
@WinterWolf just goes to show how unpredictable babies and labour can be doesn’t it! I can imagine you’re getting fed up now but really not long to go...I wonder if baby will arrive on due date?!

Yeah I’m super fed up lol but at least I’m at the end now. Can’t be pregnant much longer!!
@kj1 your mum must be there with you by now. How are the preparations and nesting going?

I keep checking in waiting for news of any new babies.

I've been going for walks the last couple of days and do feel like it's moving bub down - I hope anyway. I've been getting more pressure down there, have lost a bit of plug and had some stronger tightenings but still feel like things are a while away yet. I'm not planning to be going for any more walks until next weekend at least though because I have some important appointments coming up this week and really would rather get them over with before being concerned about going into labour. My husband has an ear ache with dizziness so need to sort that out too.

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