Having a right emotional afternoon here. It's a long story.... Firstly I wanna say me and the in laws don't get on, never have. So any way my husband runs a garage with his dad until yesterday they had two different sites miles apart, well now they are on same sight, his dad is a lazy git, I've found news papers up there from 1979 that how lazy andessu he is. Well have a towing licence and have been using my horse trailer to help at weekend get them moved, bearing in mind his dad lives over 100 miles away at weekends so doesn't help, so today as last night got dark we load up and parked trailer up ready to unload today, my husband had to love a car first, a
Car he's been breaking and striping so me to the recuse to tow it out,
Well on the way bout the gate he hits the crappy car, I laugh, he jumps out car sticks his head through window and says you best f**king go home. Well with that I will spin off, not a mean feat in a shogun, whilst I do this the land lord of the garage comes round corner and sees me in my temper!! So anyway I drive home crying haven't stopped in two hours,
I'm so angry at my husband. We've been texting and he's being a complete dick! He's married to his dad and the bloody garage not me! I've been helping him but in reality I'm helping his dad who doesn't even like me. I work full time and wasting my weekends at the garage. What more does he want??!!
Sorry ladies, there's more verbal to the story but I can't be bother to write it all.
Feel like I don't matter