• May 2016 Mummies •

Is it the whole basket or just the liner? You can buy just the liner from babies r us xx
No. I'm
An idiot simply rhw liner in his wardrobe and so it's the actual basket itself, my actually not sure it's not a little bit of mold, plus needs a new mattress so it's not a huge loss. I've also
Lost the hood. Lol I'm so bloody prepared aren't I?! Lol

Cot is getting built tomorrow.
Ive got the 'wish apon a star' one from the asda baby event which is still in there Atm. Basket and liner comes with it x
My Aunty brought one from Argos, I might be wrong but I'm sure she said it was only something like £25ish? It's been pretty good so far :-) xxx

Yeah he one I had was from tesco and only about £25 right now and dies on my stand

I found the baby rocker which amazingly still has battery power disputed being in cupboard for 18 months lol it's a bit creepy and ghostly without a baby in it though lol
They're always going cheap on gumtree/eBay/ Facebook of you don't mind pre loved x
I don't really like pre loved when I don't know who has has it before. Also have major anxiety of going to someone's house I don't know or vice Versa
I'm still working! Another 2 weeks left at work, too!!

We haven't bothered with a Moses basket either time. Glad I didn't last time because Jake was so big I don't think he'd have been in it long. We've got a crib instead.

On our last ever weekend away as a family of 3 this weekend in Cornwall! Hubby keeps saying the silver lining if baby came now would be an English baby :lol: so we could have one of each. He wanted to bring the car seat down but it needs the covers washed and I couldn't be arsed the night before we came so no car seat and not even a baby bag - my vests ALL need washing first!!!

Entire day in the car yesterday (left at 8.45am, arrived at 6pm, with lots of stops along the way - like an hour and a half for lunch alone haha!!), and I had proper sausage feet and cankles!! All better now. I've mainly escaped the swollen feet this time! X
I'm undecided I noses basket really. Luke bloody hated it and we do have a swing for baby and also a beanbag thing but I'd his baby likes a Moses basket she may not sleep in the cot... Plus they are handy because I'd baby falls asleep you can take basket with you upstairs but idk...

I have 6 bottles and I'm hoping That is enough - should be. I'm throwing out my manual breast pump (it's missing a part anyway) and 4 avent bottles but if anyone wants them give me a shout and I'll have them posted off to you.
Currently on the ward on the monitor due to scar pain :( fed up of seeing this hospital!
How bad is the pain? I get car pain all the time, but mine is 2 years so fresher
I have 8 days left at work! Feels weird! Had our antenatal class today was good, learnt a few new things and feel we have more of a clue about things, just hope I remember it all!

Still can't believe I am going to be a mum! Still no boys name but love our girls name, we think it's a boy though!

Hope you ladies are all well, looking forward to seeing announcements soon from everyone x
Just realised it's only one more day until it's our month girls!! Hope there won't be too many of us waiting it out until June. The end is finally in sight :-) xxx

Its May tomorrow Jenni!!!!!

This time next week ill be offically overdue lmfao! Lets hope not ay!

Guna bed my MW for a sweep on thurs and hope that with all the epo & rlt ive been having itll help.. Paaah! Blates just jinxed myself for going 2wks over again lol x
I have 60 hours from now I will be in hospital! yikes!!
Omg counting down in hours now, it's so close!!

Just on our way to this wedding, (tmi, sorry!) but I had to change my knickers before I came out - they were damp :-/ pretty sure it was just discharge as I seem to have had loads of it today, but still freaked me out! OH joked a few mins before about my waters going while we're there
Ahh Jenni I have a similar problem. It's not discharge though, I just have the weakest bladder in the world!!!!!
Haha pretty sure it wasn't that, I'd literally JUST been to the toilet lol. Oh the glamour haha xxx

Dosed me up on pain relief and sent me home with the instructions to ring back if it gets worse. They was all really lovely and baby's absolutely fine in there and definitely head down-either that or he's got a rock hard bum lol. No signs of contractions or anything else going on.

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