• May 2016 Mummies •

In heading to the bath to get rid of what feel like contractions and not going away! I'm
In for my pre op at 3:30 so they're said they're going to check me then but if they get closer to go in. I think Theo's baby is just taking lessons from Logan lol! This one can just wait till Tuesday!
Attwmoyed to trim lady garden (aka rainforest) I think a few woodland animals escaped and it looks like a mouse has gone to it with a Tiny blunt machete but it's done
I've just sat and planned my wknd, think il feel a bit better when I get to Tuesday as I have my 40 week mw appt, she'll book sweep for 5 days after that and then sort induction date so il have something to go at.
I'm still in my pjs today, gonna have a Bombay bad boy pot noodle for lunch followed by pineapple and a bath in clary sage.
Kids are at their dads tomorrow night then itl be my due date. Bank holiday Monday always goes quick cos the kids are at home and then it'll be mw appt before I know it :)
Ladies I'm at crumbling point. I spent the night in a side room with Stanley last bother on the almost promise of home today, and coz he's not taking enough feed, and has lost a bit of weight which I thought all new borns did, we are now not allowed home!!! And they are on about the inserting his feeding tube!! Can't take anymore!! I don't even feel like I've had a baby. Talk about pushing mothers into depression!!!
All babies do lose weight but they're probably just being cautious because if everything that has happened. It's shifty that he's not being allowed home hub, you must just be itching to get home and into routine, but maybe they will review him after the weekend and you will get home (which isn't ideal, granted but at least there's less chance of him getting bounced back again after going home)

I really hope they allow you home soon. Just try to think positive and try not to dwell on all the crap (easier said than done I know!)

Other than the feeding issues how is his health? Are ithere still concerns about his brain?
I haven't heard anything regarding MRI but they said if anything obvious they'd pick it up but it has to go to a proper person who can read MRIs before we get full on results.
He was up every 2.5 hours for 30 ml then 545 he had 50ml, wasn't that interested in his 945 feed and just waiting now for his midday, if he won't take 50 plus he'll have his tube back down
He sounds like he's feeding like most newborns....little and often. It's normal for babies to lose weight from birth so I'd expect that he would lose weight as he started doing more on his own-it obviously burns more calories when not having any intervention.
Hope you get home with him soon x
Just left him as they putting it back down. I'm going for a walk away from hospital. Else I think I'm going to loose it soon. Emotionally and mentally.
Aww hun :(
I really do hope you get to take him home very soon!

Noah was 9lb 9.5 born and went to 8lb 15 on his day 4 check.
I think most babies do lose a bit but its normally by that point and then after that they start gaining again.
If Stanley is still losing weight that might be what they are worried about.
How much did he born weigh born? How much has he lost?

If could be a few things that because of how poorly hes been they dnt want to risk sending him b
Home and u both having to come bk ina few days/weeks time.

I no this must be hell for you xxxxx
Oh Eaw. Are you ok now? What have they said about taking him home now? I suppose on one hand at least they're still keeping a close eye on him. I know this is no consolation to you but you WILL get him home and you WILL get to do all the lovely mummy-baby things you want to do.

Hope your walk cleared your head a little bit. And hope you're getting lots of support. Xxxx

I keep getting this weird pain in my lower back and it radiates up over my shoulders and round my sides. Is that even anything? It's happened 4 or 5 times in the last 2 days or so. The pain takes my breath away.

I'm on baby number 2 but didn't have a single contraction last time (or any signs of anything!!) so I don't know what I'm looking for. I know this isn't contractions but I can't even imagine what it could be? I don't think I've had any BH and from what I've read they're nothing like this.

Any ideas or am I just a freak of nature?! Xxx

Haha just a freak sorry hun! Hahaha!!

No um im not sure!
Im getring BHs alot recently! They are only u comfortable when he is laying funny. Otherwise i can just feel the tightness and its just more annoying than anything else.

Lastnight i was in agony with my back and belly! Ended up being terrible trapped wind ahahaha!

Im loaing plug but i did that for weeks with Noah so not getting excited over that!
I think hell be snug for a while longer grrr lol xx
Haha. To be honest, that's the answer I expected. I probably should go to the doctors!

I think I'm just assuming that every little ache and pain is something baby related. I've got a strange pulling feeling in my belly button too. Ha. I really am a total crazy :) it was never going to be 'normal' for me!!

God almighty I just wish the next couple of weeks would just do one! :*


This part at the end is hell on earth!! I become this ultra moany fat cow!!
I've not lost anything but didn't with kieron until the morning I went into labour and I seem to think it was during labour with another one of them.

I'm just focussing on getting the weekend over with and celebrating due date and final countdown. I've given up hope and trust in my body.
Just got in the bath-I should make the most of been able to have a bath whenever I want for as long as I want.
Me n Chris have planned a to marathon for tomorrow afternoon and I'm gonna get kids in bed and share a take away with my eldest son tonight.
I cant remember the last time i had a bath!
Im 6ft so cant fit nicely in one non pregnant lol! Belly tits and knees get cold haha!

Aww em im so gutted it came of nothing lastnight! X
I cant remember the last time i had a bath!
Im 6ft so cant fit nicely in one non pregnant lol! Belly tits and knees get cold haha!

Aww em im so gutted it came of nothing lastnight! X

Me too, it's so frustrating as the pain was immense, even on the way home I was doubled over and crying in pain.
I just had a niggle whilst in the kitchen so I necked some paracetamol and a pint of water-I'm not having a repeat performance of yesterday, my body can do one now. Il decide when I'm ready and it's not yet....I've got take away to eat lol x

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