• May 2016 Mummies •

Ahh Jenni I have a similar problem. It's not discharge though, I just have the weakest bladder in the world!!!!!

Haha I know that feeling-had to change my knickers before going to the hospital as I'd coughed...sooo glamorous lol x
Oh and we might be changing Logan's middle name...I told Chris that we'll discuss it in labour lol x
It's my due date :D :D

I've just woken up with the most horrendous reflux and vomited- my body knows how to celebrate!
Happy due date :) 48hrs and I'll be arriving at hospital! Yikes!!
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Omg sneezing bloody hurts too! If I'm not prepared for it, it's like baby is trying to dive out !bba girl I used to work with sneezed during labour and her waters broke haha!
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Someone semi know lost her waters when she did kegals... She had had a trickle first I think. Both were obviously very ready. I'm at the point now where I really hope I don't go into labour in the next 40hours haha

Wooohoooo its FINALLY MAY!!!!!

In other news ive got to go and take Noahs carseat that hes had for well over a year for my mums car back to Argos..
It was one of the recalled mamas & papas.. ARGH!!!
Well my due date has been welcomed with the worst reflux I've ever had in my life, had to sleep propped up because everytime I laid down I could feel the acid rising up in my throat to the point I was sick twice. Tmi but piles are back after not suffering with them for the last 3 months!
No sign of baby arriving any time soon either. Maximum of 12 days left till induction I think x
Aww hun I cant believe uve been on labour watch pretty much since 37 wks and still Logan is snug!!!!!! Hope it doesnt end up in being 2wks late and induction! X
Well my due date has been welcomed with the worst reflux I've ever had in my life, had to sleep propped up because everytime I laid down I could feel the acid rising up in my throat to the point I was sick twice. Tmi but piles are back after not suffering with them for the last 3 months!
No sign of baby arriving any time soon either. Maximum of 12 days left till induction I think x

Zantac helps mine! I've been like that since I was 10 weeks pregnant but it really helps twice a day. I also avoid anything with citrus, anything acidic, anything that even looks like it might think about being acidic lol it's awful :( I've been up since 5 with it myself.

I hope you don't end up with induction, come on baby!!

Maybe he's just waiting to Tuesday so he can have a birthday buddy lol
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Wooohoooo its FINALLY MAY!!!!!

In other news ive got to go and take Noahs carseat that hes had for well over a year for my mums car back to Argos..
It was one of the recalled mamas & papas.. ARGH!!!

Will you get a replacement straight away? It's a nightmare! Luckily we don't have one.
Well looks like I'll officially be having my baby in May now so I thought I'd pop over and say hello! :)

Hey Flot!!!!! Ahhhh hun :( bet ur well fed up with being overdue!

Welcome over huni xx
Thanks ladies :) Incredibley fed up yes! 41 +2 now and have a sweep booked for today :( and induction booked for Wednesday... My last induction with my daughter was very traumatic so I'm not feeling that happy right now lol! X
Aw i really hopenu slip induction hun!
At that atleast the sweep helps so its a very quick on for you!!

My LB was 10 days overdue. Skipped induction by 2 days. My 3rd sweep gave him a nudge so i hope urs works today!!
It's May and we are all on the final countdown to baby being here! Where has the time gone!

Happy Due Date Emma, sorry you feel rough with reflux :( I'm taking omeprazole to tackle mine as it's so bad. Hope you don't go as far as induction.

Babyslog I saw the recall yesterday most people are getting replacement seats or refunds. Hope you get it sorted out. I had one of the original joie stages seats that were recalled a few years ago and it was easy to do even without a receipt.

Welcome over Flot, I can remember the frustration of being overdue. My first I went into labour just a few hours after booking my induction for the next day so hope the sweep works and you avoid your induction this time.

I'm feeling miserable at the thought of hubby going away tomorrow for the whole week. Have no idea how I'm going to cope on my own with the 2 boys and get everything done. He leaves lunchtime tomorrow and back late on Friday evening! Just have to hope the boys behave themselves! xx

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