• May 2016 Mummies •

Hi board hopping from April but wanted to say good luck to all mummies waiting for their new arrivals!! I'm a little bit sad April is over :(
Due date consists of-bubble bath with chocolate bubbles that I'd been saving, face mask, might shave my legs, paint my toe nails, file and buff my finger nails, baby's dad gonna cocoa butter me up cos my skin is majorly dry and period pain?! Erm we'll ignore the last one and put it down to the stress of yesterday! x
Thanks kanga, ive reserved a britax 123 which im hoping i can exchange and pay the difference. Need one today as its for my mums car and i dnt wanna stress with carseats if i go into labour lol!!
She doesnt know how to fit the one in my car into hers so shes panicking now lol!

Its ready to collect at 10am so im just heading to hers now to get this recalled one xx
Hi board hopping from April but wanted to say good luck to all mummies waiting for their new arrivals!! I'm a little bit sad April is over :(

Hey Ruth!
Thanks hun :)

Its sad when it comes and goes isnt it! Feels like we wait forever and the next thing they are starting school haha! X
How did it get to May already?! It doesn't seem long ago that we were all introducing ourselves with out BFPs, now we're all waiting impatiently for our babies to arrive!! I wonder if any will decide to arrive today?

My hips, back and legs are so sore already this morning. I'm yet to get out of bed properly....! I sent Oscar down with Daddy to do his breakfast so I get a few mins peace. Then planning on going to a local discount furniture place, hoping to pic up a beautiful solid oak cotbed for £99 if they still have any in stock. Also going to look at dining tables, coffee tables, beds etc for when we move :-) xxx

Thanks kanga, ive reserved a britax 123 which im hoping i can exchange and pay the difference. Need one today as its for my mums car and i dnt wanna stress with carseats if i go into labour lol!!
She doesnt know how to fit the one in my car into hers so shes panicking now lol!

Its ready to collect at 10am so im just heading to hers now to get this recalled one xx
We have the britax 123 for Harry now and it's really good. Definitely don't want to be stressing about it if you go into labour xx
I'm in agony too Jenni although I didn't get the luxury of a slow morning! Hubby stayed in bed til 9am so I sorted the boys out and the cats plus showered before he surfaced! Hope you can get the cot today.

We are going to costco today to get a few bits, to dunelm to collect a blackout blind for James' room and to return some bedding sets to Argos. Not sure how I'm going to manage the walking though xx
Oscar didn't wake up until 9am! I think all he dancing at the wedding tired him out, and me lol. Feeling a bit better after a slow morning, definitely a luxury as it doesn't happen often.
Sounds like you'll be busy Kanga, hopefully the walking isn't too bad for you.
I thought I was very nearly ready for this baby, but the closer it gets, the more I seem to be finding to do! I'd done all the washing ages ago, but the washing machine has been on non stop so far this weekend with extra stuff we've been given and car seat covers, Moses basket liners etc. We've still got a tonne of our own washing to do too. I think I've just hit full on nesting mode and want everything done and clean ready for when she comes, because I know there'll be no time for anything after, especially with moving house too ��

Oh, and I think I might slooooowly be losing my plug?! It seems more than usual discharge (like lots of little snotty bits when I wipe, sorry!) but doesn't quite seem enough to be the plug? I didn't notice it at all with Oscar so have nothing to compare it to.
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I've been getting that sort of discharge too Jenni, I didn't really get it with Freddie but I sort of expected it to be more if it was plug, might be a sign of things warming up though? I've been getting more BHs past couple of days and last night were coming about every 10 minutes and were a bit nippy. We were out at a birthday party so was happily distracted during them, came home, took some paracetamol, got a few more during the night but nothing this morning. However the front of my pubic bone aches like anything today, having to sit on a cushion, hoping this means baby was working its way down last night.

Can't believe its actually May and I will definitely be having a baby THIS month. Crazy.
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Hi all, hope you are all keeping well, can't believe we are in May now, not long to go!!

Finishing work in 10th May so not long to go now. Had planned to try for a vbac after having a previous emergency section with my son nearly 11 years ago but now having doubts. Me and Mr have had a discussion about it as we botth have a lot of fears and I'm now considering having an elective section, I have a hospital appointment on Thursday so am gonna discuss it then. Am really scared of a repeat of last time, he was overdue by 10 days, only ever go to 3cm before a crash section due to meconium, had to be resuscitated at birth, not something I want to go through again.

Good luck to all x
Hi all, hope you are all keeping well, can't believe we are in May now, not long to go!!

Finishing work in 10th May so not long to go now. Had planned to try for a vbac after having a previous emergency section with my son nearly 11 years ago but now having doubts. Me and Mr have had a discussion about it as we botth have a lot of fears and I'm now considering having an elective section, I have a hospital appointment on Thursday so am gonna discuss it then. Am really scared of a repeat of last time, he was overdue by 10 days, only ever go to 3cm before a crash section due to meconium, had to be resuscitated at birth, not something I want to go through again.

Good luck to all x

Aw hun I dont blame u for being worried at all!

Let us know how ur app goes xxx
I didn't have a crash section belt I did have an emergency section and fear did play a big part in my devision for a planned section. I don't think I have the guts for a natural
Labour after last time.

However just because things went wrong last time it doesn't man they will go wrong again.

My mum took me shopping today and we got a new Moses basket. Luke saw or in the car and said "who that for?"with this horrified look on his face that we might make him use a pink Moses basket or something lol (he hates his!) anyway we get home and get it out and like got his bunny and put it in the basket, tucked him in and des Him a drink. I really hope he is as nurturing and nice to baby when she gets here
In other nrws, I lost s bit of plug today. Been heavy with discharge all day then I lost a nice glob... More to come obviously. This baby best bit decide to come before 7:30am on Tuesday lol she just has to wait 37 hours
Hi ladies
I feel at my wits end today!!
My poor Stanley. He's still not taking the "standard" "by the book" amounts for his weight. Today I had to sit and watch as they force feed him. He took 35ml, then the nurse tried to force feed him, he then sicked up the whole 35ml I'd just fed him. So then they had to put the rest of bottle down by tube! I've seriously had enough of the stupid criteria they must meet. He doesn't want it!! The poor boy, me and my husband have had enough. All babies are different. Why they keep doing this I don't know.
His birth is under investigation by the hospital because of what happened and I don't know if the nurses in special care are aware and being stupidly cautious because of this. But what that doing isn't working for him.
He's lost 2 ounces since birth. But what you have to remember he's only been feeding a week as for the first week he was nil by mouth coz of the cooling. He's had a hard start. I just don't know what to do. Going home seems so far away. Why can't they treat him as an individual and not a typical by the book baby??
Unfortunately they have protocol to follow and if they didn't and things went wrong then they would be liable. It's irritating - I work in the care industry and every day we have to prove we are working in person-centred way, treating the individual as an individual and not a disease or number yet they Do it all the time!!

Force feeding has bee a found to be psychologically damaging and can lead to more feeding issues in the long term! It must be driving you absolutely insane!! I really hope he gets home soon, you must be just itching to have him home with you.

What are they investigating about the birth?
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The meeting for the health pros is on Tuesday. We will hear in due course.
I understand the that certain things have to be meet but as you say I think they are going to give him feeding issues in a minute. They watch us like a hawk!!! Today they made us bath him and then stood there watching are every move, really obvious watching, not stand from a far and pretend not to watch. We spent the night with him in a room and they said oh good we can tick that one off, I went through his notes and they have a tick sheet on me, change nappie tick, wind tick!!! It's enough to push any mother into depression!!
The meeting for the health pros is on Tuesday. We will hear in due course.
I understand the that certain things have to be meet but as you say I think they are going to give him feeding issues in a minute. They watch us like a hawk!!! Today they made us bath him and then stood there watching are every move, really obvious watching, not stand from a far and pretend not to watch. We spent the night with him in a room and they said oh good we can tick that one off, I went through his notes and they have a tick sheet on me, change nappie tick, wind tick!!! It's enough to push any mother into depression!!

Have you spoke to the hospital pals about the concerns you're having?
You can tell them no, remember that he is your son and they need your permission to do anything. You need to speak to his consultant and set up a plan of care, you should be able to state that if his weight drops again then they can intervene but let him have a few days without the help etc etc xx
The investigation is because he was born on midwife led. And coz there was complications they need to see why I was on midwife led when I should of been on labour but I had text book preg etc
I will be speaking to someone tomorrow. I've left messages for my midwife and HV. Tomorrow I plan to speak to matron of the ward.
Aww hun! I'd 100% mention and bring up this force feeding! Thats not on at all!!!!!

Distressing for u aswell as stanley! Xxxx

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