• May 2016 Mummies •

They don't know when I will be allowed to take him home now. He's a little more awake since the tube so fingers crossed, they only using tube to top him up if he won't finish a feed. He was 6 pound 14 at birth and he's lost 2.5 ounces
My little did help clear my head and a friend of mine came to visit us so feel much better after seeing her.
Aw 2.5oz isnt much at all!
But i dno how they factor in everything else they were concerned about. I really
Hope its not long before he can be back home with you hun. Couldnt imagine how hard it is for you with him being there :(

Glad seeing your friend and ur walk has helped xxxx
Hope your pre op appt went well jojo?

Eaw I can imagine Stanley being stuck in hospital is just awful for you. I was in hospital with James from 3-5 week old and was 2.5hrs from home too, but I was luckily able to stay with him the whole time. He will be home with you soon and you will be able to do all the normal mummy things. Glad you feel a bit brighter after seeing your friend too.

Enjoy your takeaway emmam and I hope Logan's is listening to you and stops being a monkey.

I've been feeling a bit blah all day, belly has just felt extremely tight all day and after doing so much walking about this week my pgp is killing me. Back taking cocodamol as it's so bad :( although I probably shouldn't have gone into the loft this morning! But the breastfeeding pillows, bouncer and moses basket stuff is all washed and put back together sat in our bedroom so it's getting a lot more real! Just wish I knew if I was getting induced after my next scan or not, I think I will but don't want to get my hopes up lol xx
I've had a crappy day. Went for my pre-op and they said ninjas to go get a ecg done because I was high risk- I had already mentioned how bad my ligaments were and she said just go to cardiology, into the lift along the corridor and third left... Hot down the corridor and started to cry... It hurt so much so a doctor was passing and took pity on me and hit a porter... It was right across the other end of the hospital. I went mental because they had expected me to walk all that way!

Also found or like wine be able to visit baby until 7pm on the night and I'm a little bit torn between letting him ataybupmlae or not but I think if he doesn't I'd be miserable all night because I won't have seen him all day!
Oh jojo, that's awful. Glad there was a doctor willing to help. When I was in hospital on Wednesday I could hardly walk from the car, had so many people asking if I was OK as I hobbled down the corridor, I'm sure half of them thought I could be in labour lol

I had James at 3:03pm but with the delays with going to theatre and stuff didn't get chance to see Harry til the next day. I would say if your section is early enough and you feel comfortable enough before it gets really late then have Luke come down for a bit.

I'm still in agony and so uncomfortable today. The numbness in my leg and particularly my foot is getting worse, 3 of my toes and from the outside of my foot til the middle including my heel are numb but when I touch it or move it it is so painful with pins and needles. I can barely walk as I can't feel my foot properly on the floor! Really hope it goes back to normal after baby is here xx
Luke will only be allowed in for general visiting which is breaking my heart a bit :( last time I could have visitors whenever I liked... However they say as long as baby is done and I've had no significant blood loss, had s few nice we'd, have food bp and managing my pain I will be home by teatime on Wednesday. It used to be at least 48hes but where doing enhanced recovery so it's all different now. Let's hope everything goes well and www our sharpish
At the hospital I'm with my own kids can visit anytime aslong as its with baby's dad, hospital might make an exception for you so you can see him briefly if it's not too late.
I'm hoping I don't end up on the ward, the delivery suite is lovely, it's small and has always been friendly but the actual hospital is awful. It's been put into special measures again and it's very hit and miss whether you'll get good staff on or not x
I think I'm going to have to call triage again, I've not felt baby move yet this morning :-/ I usually feel her as soon as I wake up, so I stayed up in bed a bit longer to see if I could feel anything - but nothing :-/ OH is just doing me some breakfast to see if that wakes her up, otherwise I'll be calling and going in. They do like to worry us don't they!! Xxx

I think I'm going to have to call triage again, I've not felt baby move yet this morning :-/ I usually feel her as soon as I wake up, so I stayed up in bed a bit longer to see if I could feel anything - but nothing :-/ OH is just doing me some breakfast to see if that wakes her up, otherwise I'll be calling and going in. They do like to worry us don't they!! Xxx

They certainly do, hopefully she'll wake up once you've eaten.
I worry every night about logan, I'm scared that I'm going to squash him somehow which is stupid but if I don't feel him move everytime I wake up I stay awake until he has x
Hope gets moving soon Jenni, my little man is being quiet this morning but getting a few pokes. I don't feel anything overnight and I always panic waiting for his first movements of the day. Even if I wake through the night I still don't feel him move xx
I swear some of it is that they run out of rom, also I'd baby is engaged or have moved to a different position. Worth getting checked though.

I didn't feel like for weeks before I had him... I was at the hospital 3-4 times a week for the last 10 weeks
Girls i keep thinking Charlie is breech again.
Keeps playing on my sodding mind.

Consultant said last week if i suspect he has turned to call, but i feel like its in my mind and im being bloody dramatic and wasting their time...

Not seeing mw until Thurs (39+6).. Just scared if he is ill need an emergency c sec and everything will be rushed.

Id rather elective if needs be!
Argh! Been playing on my mind all yesterday and this morning. Can imagine them being really busy today though..
I would give them a call if you suspect it... Mind if you go in on labour and he's breech it would be an absolute emergency section, you would still have time for it not to be too rushed I think

Luke has decided he needs his hands washes after every wotsit he eats... This lunchtime is long!
Girls i keep thinking Charlie is breech again.
Keeps playing on my sodding mind.

Consultant said last week if i suspect he has turned to call, but i feel like its in my mind and im being bloody dramatic and wasting their time...

Not seeing mw until Thurs (39+6).. Just scared if he is ill need an emergency c sec and everything will be rushed.

Id rather elective if needs be!
Argh! Been playing on my mind all yesterday and this morning. Can imagine them being really busy today though..

Once baby has been breech it does make you paranoid,I keep thinking that Logan is breech because of what happened with my 3rd...I feel movements really low down and have a big lump under my ribs.
If you're concerned then give them a ring, it won't take long for them to put ur mind at ease.

I'm debating going to Chris's mums for a few hours this aft, only seen her three times since Xmas and only one of those times was an actual social visit and not because I was taking her to an appt.
Just realised that exactly 9 months ago we was lying on a beach in Bulgaria....hmmm came home with more than I expected lol x
So I finished work yesterday! Eek countdown is on! So excited now. Got loads of lovely presents from work and they had decorated my room yesterday which was lovely. Felt a little sad as although I am planning on going back im actually going back to a different office so did feel like I was properly leaving, had to clear my desk and everything!

Im also officially cooked today (although my ticker is slightly out). Hope all you ladies are well x
Is there any may mummies still working or have we all finished now?

My littlies have just gone to their dads so this is really my last night and lay in opportunity without any 'non teens' here as they're not going next weekend.

Watching an old one born episode and feeling very jealous!
That's nice what they did for you :)

A lovely lovely lady I know sent me some baby clothes yesterday from her daughter and they are gorgeous! Loads of
Lovely dresses and 28 vests... No idea where I'm
Going to put all of it but bmi don't think I'll have to wash any clothes for at least a fortnight haha! Some of the stuff hasn't even been worn! Also made
Me realise that first size and newborn differs massively! Some are tiny and some are massive!

My countdown is well and truly on! 3 days to go!
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She had a bit of a wiggle after some coco pops :-) still a bit quieter than usual but keeping an eye, will call if things don't pick up tho.

Funny you should say that Dani, I've been wondering if this little madam has turned breech again....any movements that I have been feeling have been in a totally different place to usual, just like when I went in with reduced movements two weeks ago, then they said she was breech a few days later. I keep thinking I'm just being overly paranoid but I don't know :-/ my next mw apt is Friday when I'll be 38+2 so still plenty of time I guess, but with Oscar coming at 39+1 I'm a little wary (hopeful!!) of her coming early too.

We're off to pick up some newborn & 0-3 clothes from my Aunty this afternoon, she had so much lovely stuff I can't wait to see it all!
Then we've been invited to a wedding reception this evening. Feel like I should go but I just can't be bothered - that sounds awful I know!


I've finally for my Moses basket out of he loft only to discover it's far too dirty! Not going to clean or, it's going to the skip tomorrow! Mum is saying she will buy us one but not totally sure we will need it. That said, it was handy last time for daytime even if my son refused to sleep in it at night.

I'm sending hubby to skip tomorrow and to he charity shop on Wednesday.

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