• May 2016 Mummies •

Heading in now....I can't see how this can be a false alarm, can hardly stand straight x
Oh for gods sake Logan! Give your mama a break and head but your way out of her uterus!
I've managed 5 hours sleep which is a record for me at the moment. Nothing much going on at the moment. I feel so disheartened, 5 pregnancies and I've never had a false alarm, in fact when I was heading in I was worried that I'd left it a bit late as I could barely tolerate the car journey. I don't think the student could even reach my cervix as she was ages trying to examine me, only to have to ask the mw to do it and admit that she couldn't tell how far along I was. Logan is just like his dad-stubborn and awkward, they spent ages trying to find his heart rate and then couldn't get a decent trace because he was moving all over.
Oh Emma I really thought it was happening for you. I'm sure when it does eventually happen it will be so quick with all this preparation your body has been doing! Glad you managed to get some rest though.
Hurry up baby Logan!! Be kind to your mummy! Xxx

Oh em, so sorry you've had a right night of it. Logan clearly wants to be a May baby. Rest up today, I had a false alarm with my first, didn't really rest after and then went into labour 2 days later already completely knackered.
I had a false alarm as a result to an aggressive sweep 5 days before Noah arrived lol!

Ended up at hosp, 3cm losing plug but the contractions completely stopped and they sent me home! I waa gutted.

Hope Logan arrives on his due date atleast hun xxxx
Oh no Emmam I was so thinking I would be coming on to baby news. One lady in my Sept Mummies 2014 group went into hospital with her second only for it to stop at 3 cm but her labour was less than 4 hrs when it did properly kick off a few days later.

Cant believe your 39 weeks now Dani, fab bump xx
Thanks hun, flying by now!!!!!! I do thibk next Friday will come and go and Charlie will be still loving life in the womb mind haha x
I'm just waiting for my mum to do school run as I really can't face it, Stomach feels really heavy, like bad period cramps, it doesn't ease off just gets worse then less worse if that makes sense?
I probably should be out walking n bouncing on my ball but I'm just so tired I just want to rest.

Plus I'm now arguing with the Hermes courier over a parcel that was apparently delivered yesterday even though the card left says it wasn't-they will get the full wrath of a heavily pregnant woman lol x
It really is flying by, I was 36 weeks yesterday and still can't believe he could be here in 2 weeks if they induce! I hope Charlie doesn't keep you waiting too long.

I would rest up Emma you don't know when things will kick off again. Hope you get your parcel sorted out with my hermes.

I was advised by my supervisor midwife to express some collustrum from 37 weeks due to baby being born small he may have issues with his blood sugars so good to have a little store. So ordering some syringes today ready to give it a go.

Also had a dream that everything in labour/induction went wrong. 1st it was too quick for hubby to get back to the hospital in time so I was alone, then they cut the cord straight away and gave me the injection which I don't want, then the mw dressed baby so I didn't get skin to skin and they gave him formula before I could feed him!! Oh he also weighed 7lb 15oz so not small at all! Think all my anxiety came out lol xx

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