• May 2016 Mummies •

Hi ladies. Been reading and keeping up with you all. Sorry for not responding much.

I'm so so soooo fed up now. I'm in pain, I can't stand up for more than 15 ish minutes before my back feels like it's going to give in. Bizarrely my SPD seems to have cleared up completely.

Had an episode of reduced movements so got a scan today to check the placenta, plus a vbac chat with a midwife and a consultant review. Got the feeling I'm going to be in hospital all day!

Still haven't decided whether I want a section or a vbac. I just can't make my mind up :( consultant NOT supportive of a section because she says I'm doing great and should try myself. I'm terrified of something going wrong in a natural birth. My section was just fine last time.

Anyway much love to you all xxx

Aw keep us updated with scan and ur appointment later hun.

My pgp/spd was fine for weeks and now i can hardly walk, my groin and hip r in bits i can feel the grinding when i walk! Argh! X
Urrrrgghhhh. Why is it so bloody hard?!?! I've not had the grinding for ages babyslog but I do feel like my hips are going to snap sometimes! I hope you get some respite from it. It really is awful...

Jojo, half the problem is that I just can't decide what I want :(

I feel like I SHOULD try myself. You know? Like it would be better for recovery etc. But then a friend of mine told me her recovery from natural birth was worse than her section. I guess you just never know do you?! And all the while, I'm getting closer to D day and I've STILL not decided.

I thought I'd ask for a sweep today but I don't know if they will do one. We will see.

Will update. Thanks ladies :* xxx

So wha babies are booked to be next?
Sections? Inductions?

I've got a maximum 16 days until id be induced so at least i know that that's the longest I've got.
Urrrrgghhhh. Why is it so bloody hard?!?! I've not had the grinding for ages babyslog but I do feel like my hips are going to snap sometimes! I hope you get some respite from it. It really is awful...

Jojo, half the problem is that I just can't decide what I want :(

I feel like I SHOULD try myself. You know? Like it would be better for recovery etc. But then a friend of mine told me her recovery from natural birth was worse than her section. I guess you just never know do you?! And all the while, I'm getting closer to D day and I've STILL not decided.

I thought I'd ask for a sweep today but I don't know if they will do one. We will see.

Will update. Thanks ladies :* xxx

I see your issue.
In all honesty my y section last t time was a great recovery and recovered quicker than some of my friends who h ave had natural birth, but that can't be guaranteed. You could always,ask if you could try vbac but if it co n we to being induced then request a,section?

What, worries you , about a natural?
Congratulations Kitten, she is gorgeous. I guess labour went quite quickly once you were taken to labour ward? Glad she is doing well.

Iheartdex, I had a vbac after my section and found my recovery much easier than the section, but that was because I really wanted a vbac I didn't to and fro with my decision. Could you not book a section date and if you go into labour before it try a vbac but if not go for the section? So then you have a bit of choice? Hope the scan goes well today.

My pgp/spd/sciatica pain changes almost daily as to what is causing me the most pain. Lately it's been all at the front between my legs and I can hardly take any steps without pain and as for opening my legs, ouch! I think sometimes I look as though I have shat myself as I shuffle and limp along trying my hardest to keep my legs as close together as possible.

I could be as early as 12 days if they induce after my next scan, 29 days if they let me go to due date. I don't see them letting me go past my due date as I keep getting reduced movements and if he is still below the 10th centile at the next scan, they will probably like him out due just in case the placenta stops working and we lose him. Kinda hoping it will be the earlier date so I can stop worrying about his movements and growth, but then it would be good for him to cook a bit longer xx
Congratulations kitten! Shes jusy adorable!

Eurgh, OH wants me to call the hospital this morning about my "cankles". Despite two days of sitting around doing very little, the swelling doesn't seem to improve, even after a nights sleep. I know he's right to be concerned but my hospital bag needs repacking and i have things to do around the house! Can't I just swell up next week?!
Congratulations Kitten :-) she's beautiful!

I forgot to update you all after my scan yesterday.....

Little miss is definitely head down!! I'm pretty sure she was breech for a while as my bump had completely changed shape, all hip pain had pretty much disappeared, and movements all felt different- well and truly back to how it all was this morning! Feels like she's dropped down massively this morning, getting out of bed was difficult with the crunchy hip pain :-(

They did a quick growth scan while I was there. Her head is measuring over a week ahead - 33cm already! Oscar's was 37cm when he was born at 39+1 so looking like another big head!! Her stomach was spot on, and legs were a few days behind - just like Oscar! She's estimated at 6lbs 7oz atm, on track for being around 8lbs at 40 weeks - although very much hoping we're not waiting that long!!

Omg ill be in hospital this time next week! One week till bab t! Shit!!
Awww Yay jen im so glad shes head down!!! Forgot to ask how that went!
I noticed a few days aftr Charlie had turned that gravity took over and since then thats when my pgp has flared back up, pissing for britain and walking like john wayne aha!!

Jem my water retention is terrible! From knee down i feel like i have someone elses legs and feet! Its so bad! When i googled for ideas to help it kept bringing up pre eclampsia! AH! I doubt its thats for me as my urine has always been fine. Only ever had a slight raise in BP when they insist on taking it the end i sit my ass on the seat after walking half way around the hosp to my appointments lol.
I do get this horrible stabbing pain in one of my shins tho...!? What ever that is/means!? Lol

But mt calfs and feet r roxk soild i cant bend them well at all! I cant remember if they are worse this time around or not!
Urrrrgghhhh. Why is it so bloody hard?!?! I've not had the grinding for ages babyslog but I do feel like my hips are going to snap sometimes! I hope you get some respite from it. It really is awful...

Jojo, half the problem is that I just can't decide what I want :(

I feel like I SHOULD try myself. You know? Like it would be better for recovery etc. But then a friend of mine told me her recovery from natural birth was worse than her section. I guess you just never know do you?! And all the while, I'm getting closer to D day and I've STILL not decided.

I thought I'd ask for a sweep today but I don't know if they will do one. We will see.

Will update. Thanks ladies :* xxx

I see your issue.

In all honesty my y section last t time was a great recovery and recovered quicker than some of my friends who h ave had natural birth, but that can't be guaranteed. You could always,ask if you could try vbac but if it co n we to being induced then request a,section?

What, worries you , about a natural?

I think it's the fact that my boy arrived so easily into the world. Not a mark on him and it was all lovely and calm. It wasn't a planned section but there was nothing emergency about it - I was induced 4 times over 3 days (thanks to high bp) and absolutely nothing at all happened!! This time I'm worried that something could go wrong in labour. I'm a proper worrier. It's fear of the Unknown I guess. I wanted a natural birth last time but didn't get one so now I just want whatever's best for us all.

My consultant is very pro vbac as you would expect so hubby is coming with me today so we can have a proper conversation about it without me just giving in :) xxx

Oh and my recovery was great too Jojo. I had an infection in my wound but nothing horrendous and it cleared up in a few days. Xxx

Congratulations Kitten, she is gorgeous. I guess labour went quite quickly once you were taken to labour ward? Glad she is doing well.

Iheartdex, I had a vbac after my section and found my recovery much easier than the section, but that was because I really wanted a vbac I didn't to and fro with my decision. Could you not book a section date and if you go into labour before it try a vbac but if not go for the section? So then you have a bit of choice? Hope the scan goes well today.

My pgp/spd/sciatica pain changes almost daily as to what is causing me the most pain. Lately it's been all at the front between my legs and I can hardly take any steps without pain and as for opening my legs, ouch! I think sometimes I look as though I have shat myself as I shuffle and limp along trying my hardest to keep my legs as close together as possible.

I could be as early as 12 days if they induce after my next scan, 29 days if they let me go to due date. I don't see them letting me go past my due date as I keep getting reduced movements and if he is still below the 10th centile at the next scan, they will probably like him out due just in case the placenta stops working and we lose him. Kinda hoping it will be the earlier date so I can stop worrying about his movements and growth, but then it would be good for him to cook a bit longer xx

Kanga that's what I'm hoping to do today. Book a section for 41 weeks maybe. I don't want to go over that as I disagree with their date and I think I'm a week further on. Although I suppose the scan on the placenta today will calm any worries about that.

The reduced movements really are stressful aren't they? I've only had a couple of episodes this time and it makes me want to just scream so I can't imagine how it's been for you. When it your next scan then? Xxx

Awww Yay jen im so glad shes head down!!! Forgot to ask how that went!
I noticed a few days aftr Charlie had turned that gravity took over and since then thats when my pgp has flared back up, pissing for britain and walking like john wayne aha!!

Jem my water retention is terrible! From knee down i feel like i have someone elses legs and feet! Its so bad! When i googled for ideas to help it kept bringing up pre eclampsia! AH! I doubt its thats for me as my urine has always been fine. Only ever had a slight raise in BP when they insist on taking it the end i sit my ass on the seat after walking half way around the hosp to my appointments lol.
I do get this horrible stabbing pain in one of my shins tho...!? What ever that is/means!? Lol

But mt calfs and feet r roxk soild i cant bend them well at all! I cant remember if they are worse this time around or not!
I've got no other PE symptoms so i'm hoping if i call they won't wanna see me. It's not too bad this morning but last night was awful! I've had the shin pain too haha I think it's where everything is so stretched with fluid retention
Sounds painful for you both :-( luckily water retention is something I've never suffered with (you watch, I will now I've said that!).

I just got all the paper work out and sat down to ring and chase up my MA, thought I'd better just check our online banking to make sure it hasn't gone in already - ta da!! First payment has finally gone in! It doesn't work out quite right, but I'm guessing it's just slightly different as its later than I asked for it to go in. I'll see what the next payment is before I query it. But yay :-) finally getting my money! Just in time to pay the first chunk of solicitors fees haha.

Congratulations Kitten, she is gorgeous. I guess labour went quite quickly once you were taken to labour ward? Glad she is doing well.

Iheartdex, I had a vbac after my section and found my recovery much easier than the section, but that was because I really wanted a vbac I didn't to and fro with my decision. Could you not book a section date and if you go into labour before it try a vbac but if not go for the section? So then you have a bit of choice? Hope the scan goes well today.

My pgp/spd/sciatica pain changes almost daily as to what is causing me the most pain. Lately it's been all at the front between my legs and I can hardly take any steps without pain and as for opening my legs, ouch! I think sometimes I look as though I have shat myself as I shuffle and limp along trying my hardest to keep my legs as close together as possible.

I could be as early as 12 days if they induce after my next scan, 29 days if they let me go to due date. I don't see them letting me go past my due date as I keep getting reduced movements and if he is still below the 10th centile at the next scan, they will probably like him out due just in case the placenta stops working and we lose him. Kinda hoping it will be the earlier date so I can stop worrying about his movements and growth, but then it would be good for him to cook a bit longer xx

Kanga that's what I'm hoping to do today. Book a section for 41 weeks maybe. I don't want to go over that as I disagree with their date and I think I'm a week further on. Although I suppose the scan on the placenta today will calm any worries about that.

The reduced movements really are stressful aren't they? I've only had a couple of episodes this time and it makes me want to just scream so I can't imagine how it's been for you. When it your next scan then? Xxx
It's on 9th May, so just under 2 weeks and I will be 37+4 so not too early. But I would feel happier knowing he was here safely.

Booking a section for 41 weeks sounds like a good compromise. Let us know how you get on today xx
Impatiently waiting for the health visitor to show up, 15 mins late so far! xx
Congrats Kitten on baby Cadence, hope you are enjoying lots of baby cuddles.

Sounds like a tough decision Dex, esp when there's no crystal ball to see how either scenario goes, I think you're compromise sounds good tho so don't let the consultant put her opinions on you, its your body ultimately.

Nothing to report here, 10 days to go till dd so max 24 left. My boobs started leaking last night and they never did that with Freddie so I'm hoping that's a sign things will go sooner rather than later (fingers crossed).
Omg I'm in so much pain today, every time she moves it reduces me to tears
Im having BHs constantly! They r doing my head in!

9days eek!

Hope i dnt go laaate lol! I will tho, i was put 6 days forward and i just no its wrong lol

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