My first I KNEW was 12th September, scan moved me to 7th, he was born on 17th!!! So I'm just not putting any faith in any date this time - she just better still arrive in May!
Had my midwife appt today (ie a visit to my mum lol!!). My fundal height measurement on my personal chart is showing her at approx 7lb 1oz already, and I'm 36 weeks! So it's a good bet she's going to be quite large.
Bobkat, I had to laugh at your concern on midwives!! My mums done all my ante natal care, gave me a sweep last time too, the only other option was midwives that I've known since forever because my mums always worked with them!! (My first sweep was from one of mums best friends!). I'm pretty sure the state of my vagina or any particulars have never been discussed with anyone so I feel less conscious this time around haha!!
We're off to Cornwall for the weekend this weekend. Hubby wants to bring the car seat, just in case. I've not even got babys clothes washed so can't pack any sort of hospital bag. I'm feeling so under prepared. My head is most definitely in the sand on this!!!!