• May 2016 Mummies •

Im the same with milk jojo.

Nesquik milkshake. Drinking so much lol. Exactly the same craving with Noah too
Lukw loves nesquick, I do too but I love banana and banana gives me indigestion. I like mixing the nesquick chocolate with milk then putting it in a blender with some ice cream! It's so yummy! The hot chocolate is nice too. I'm
Also drinking a ton of tea (decaf) I've gone through 80 bags in a. Week! (Mind I like it strong so make 2 bags per cup) but part and part of that is that I can't drink anything but milk
And yea lol
My legs are so restless today! Usually I would go to bed but like doesn't go to bed until 7pm
Ice is deffo low iron, I developed anaemia despite taking all preg vits and have craved ice and ice cold drinks, lollies all the way through. Levels have come up with tablets but still not at right level so will be on them until the birth and after.

Mw today was good, baby is getting into a good position, I'm measuring 40w. Next appt at 40+3 where I can have a sweep too. Quite pleased to have appt after due date as it means I won't be concentrating on that as the end date and getting disappointed if baby doesn't arrive, although i really hope it does. But found out the mw I've had all the way through is on holiday from 5th-17th of may so will be a different mw for my sweep. Only prob is she is the mum of a girl in my form group at school. I know she won't say anything but I'm gonna feel mega awkward for all future parents evenings. Would it be weird if I asked for another mw, I'm just not comfortable with it.
Had my steak :)
I'm getting bad Braxton hicks/cramps but not even told baby's dad about them, don't want him here all night again if it's nothing x
If you're not comfortable because you know her there's no harm in asking the question about another midwife.... As they say, shy bairns get nowt!
Bobkat, not weird at all. The big sister of a friend of mine is a midwife and I have already said I don't want her to look after me. She is great at her job, but I just wouldn't feel comfortable with it. You are perfectly entitled to request someone else, and even more so if it's someone you know!
I think I'm just incredibly British and don't like to make a fuss but think I'm going to have to phone them tomorrow to ask for someone else, if it was just a normal appt it'd be fine but I don't particularly want someone I know in a professional capacity wiggling her fingers up my foof, especially as I'm not.going to the effort of gardening until things kick off.

Thanks for the support tho, makes me feel a bit less of a awkward fusspot!
Grrrr bloody moody men.....why can't they just go crawl under a rock if they're unwell or moody?
He ruined teatime, basically told me that he knows that the kids are part of the package but he's struggling to cope with them-even though all the social services visits etc are because he wants to be the doting step dad.
We was then having a conversation and I showed him something on my phone and he's stormed off because I didn't listen to what he said-even though what I was showing him was completely relevant to the convo. He's stormed off home now.
I'm still getting niggly pains but I'm actually hoping it doesn't get any worse as I really don't want to spend any time with the dickhead tonight x
sometimes men are just pathetic! and when they are its best that they get out the bloody way and sulk on their own!
my husband pissed me off today so I decided to order a pizza without him and not even tell him about it when he gets in from work!

BH and pains are so bloody unreliable! they need to come with a flashing neon sign or something"
Little lady was born on Sunday 24th April

Named Cadence Elizabeth Mary
Weight: 6lb2oz

Being bottle fed as I couldn't get her to latch still trying though

We were sent home Monday afternoon

There are some concerns of Jaundice but otherwise everything else is lovely!

I was on Gas and air for 4cm then had a shot of diamorphine and after that wore off ended up having an epidural

Little Cadence needed some help when she was born with breathing (she wanted to be awkward)

I wanted to update you all and thank you all!!


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I've just had another waddle around tesco-not gonna be able to manage many more as its increasingly painful.
I've got a major craving for steak so I'm thinking that my iron levels may be a bit low, blagged baby's dad into cooking it for me as he's a chef and it will be better than my burnt attempt lol.
Also started craving ice, had it in all my pregnancies but only really noticeable in the last 2 days of this one.

**edit:just googled and ice craving is also due to low iron.

My mrs has been eating bags of ice like theres no tomorrow. Its been her only craving, her ifon has been low but iron tablets make her vomit.
sometimes men are just pathetic! and when they are its best that they get out the bloody way and sulk on their own!
my husband pissed me off today so I decided to order a pizza without him and not even tell him about it when he gets in from work!

BH and pains are so bloody unreliable! they need to come with a flashing neon sign or something"

Ordering a pizza would be enough to have me sitting beside you, even if it was just till the pizza was done and then id probably continue my strop.
Little lady was born on Sunday 24th April

Named Cadence Elizabeth Mary
Weight: 6lb2oz

Being bottle fed as I couldn't get her to latch still trying though

We were sent home Monday afternoon

There are some concerns of Jaundice but otherwise everything else is lovely!

I was on Gas and air for 4cm then had a shot of diamorphine and after that wore off ended up having an epidural

Little Cadence needed some help when she was born with breathing (she wanted to be awkward)

I wanted to update you all and thank you all!!

Awwww yaaaaay!!! Massive congratulations hun shes gorgeous! Xx
Hi ladies. Been reading and keeping up with you all. Sorry for not responding much.

I'm so so soooo fed up now. I'm in pain, I can't stand up for more than 15 ish minutes before my back feels like it's going to give in. Bizarrely my SPD seems to have cleared up completely.

Had an episode of reduced movements so got a scan today to check the placenta, plus a vbac chat with a midwife and a consultant review. Got the feeling I'm going to be in hospital all day!

Still haven't decided whether I want a section or a vbac. I just can't make my mind up :( consultant NOT supportive of a section because she says I'm doing great and should try myself. I'm terrified of something going wrong in a natural birth. My section was just fine last time.

Anyway much love to you all xxx

Kitten she is gorgeous! Came on hoping to see some news! Congratulations!!
Hi ladies. Been reading and keeping up with you all. Sorry for not responding much.

I'm so so soooo fed up now. I'm in pain, I can't stand up for more than 15 ish minutes before my back feels like it's going to give in. Bizarrely my SPD seems to have cleared up completely.

Had an episode of reduced movements so got a scan today to check the placenta, plus a vbac chat with a midwife and a consultant review. Got the feeling I'm going to be in hospital all day!

Still haven't decided whether I want a section or a vbac. I just can't make my mind up :( consultant NOT supportive of a section because she says I'm doing great and should try myself. I'm terrified of something going wrong in a natural birth. My section was just fine last time.

Anyway much love to you all xxx

If you want a section then tell them you're choosing to have a section! I did. They supported me but I have had a few hoity toity midwives, your decision.

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