• May 2016 Mummies •

I've always had a feeling right from the start that the end to this pregnancy wouldn't be simple or straightforward, and a strong feeling that she's going to be early. I don't know why, there's been no reason for me to think this at all, but I'll be VERY surprised if she's late - that's bound to happen now just to prove me wrong!! No one in our family has ever gone more than a couple of days over, so I'm hoping not to change that pattern.

Sounds like a lovely idea Jojo :-) xxx

I was just thinking.. Surely Kitten has had her little girl!!! Hope shes having lovely cuddles
Well anyone who wants to be fb buddies just pm me your fb details

Surely kitten is busy having cuddles.. Can't wait to see a pic!
Maybe seeing some baby pics might help the rest of ours come quicker?!
My ribs feel so sore and bruised :( I spend most of my evenings stretched out with my arms above my head to try and give the little madam some room, but she seems to like my ribs far too much lol. I can't face another possibly 5 and a half weeks, so ready for her to come now!
We've got the scan tomorrow to check if she is breech or not. It sounds awful, but I said to OH earlier that a part of me hopes she is breech and they book me in for a section before due date just because I'm starting to feel so uncomfortable. I keep trying to remind myself that it's only a few more weeks and it will all be worth it in the end.

Fingers crossed that kitten has her baby now.
I think I'm having an early night...I've given up trying to get comfy on the sofa so gonna go watch to in bed.
My 5 yr old has gone to bed excited because he's sure that Logan is coming tomorrow lol x
My indigestion and acid reflux is so bad ice given up on sleep and am watching chicagonfiew with tea and poptarts instead lol
also, 38 w pregnant toda. 8 days until baby is here! eek!
Yay!! Happy 38wks jojo!

10days till due date! PLEASE PLEASE dont go 2 wks over Mr lol x
I say all our babies should just come on the same day lol that would be kinda cool,
I say all our babies should just come on the same day lol that would be kinda cool,

I agree....I think they should all come tomorrow! Lol x

Think I'm gonna have a disappointed 5year old, not a niggle or any sign of baby arriving any time soon.
bugger! get them all to pick new dates lol

I kinda feel like I wanna ha ng on until 4th seen as I still don't have a cot built or anything.

ive got a busy(ish week)
my son is at nursery tomorrow so ill get some housework done, then I have my midwife at 4pm aftei picl jim up. on thursdsy I'm going to get my eyebrows, plucked, waxed, threaded, dyed and shaped and on Friday I have y pre-op assessment for my section.
Yeah I think I will skip the all being on the same day as I just don't have time in the next 2 weeks lol hubby is away all next week on a course!

But I think jojo, emmam and babyslog should all go the same day :) So exciting that all the baby's will be arriving soon xx
I just had a search for my old user name....it's weird how you forget how you feel when you're pregnant but basically it's exactly the same as I do now. Baby was all over on the left but shifted to the right 3 days before labour, I was majorly emotional and had been crying to my then husband because I wanted him to be born, had bosons of his impending arrival and then boom he was here.
Idon't remember any of this-I just remember contractions starting whilst I was playing online bingo the day after my unsuccessful sweep.
Please can I join the labour day party, I'm totally ready (not in terms of the house or anything, just in my head) and want my baby cuddles now.
Totally with you there bobkat! So much to do and sort before she comes, but so done with being pregnant now :-/ I know I'll miss it as soon as it's over tho. We can't win can we!
It's such a beautiful sunny day here, but no chance of going out and enjoying it :-( mortgage advisor is here at 9.45, then got to drop Oscar with OH's parents, grab some lunch (maybe outside?!) before heading to the hospital for the scan. I have no idea what position the little madam is in at the minute, she keeps moving around. But there's definitely always some big lump stuck right up in my ribs!

We had quite a bit last night. Bright blue skies now....makes no sense does it?! Xxx

Ah snow!we have blue skies and sun atm but its spose to rain this afternoon.
I heard wales r expecting snow at some point too! Hope not

Water retention is hurting soooo much! I had it muxh worse on Noah but its just appeared from nowhere.
Look like i have someone who weighs 30stone's feet and hands!
All my calfs r rock solid and fat! :( :(

Pressure in my foof and lower bump making me want to wee 373833 times!
PGP has flaired up in my groin too.

IM DONE!!!! Cumon Charlie x
We've had a little snow too!

I will absolutely 100% not miss being pregnant! I don't enjoy it, in fact I think of it basically just being baking time... Doesn't feel magical or wonderful or anything, it's just generally cooking time lol didn't
Miss it last time and won't miss it this time either.

My acid reflux is mixing with indigestion and making me feel so sick r/n! I'm
Going to have some ice cream... That's allowed at 9am isn't it?!

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