• May 2016 Mummies •

Awww eaw I'm do glad Stanley is doing well and you get your 1st cuddle. I can't even imagine how hard that must have been. He is gorgeous.

Kitten I'm sorry the induction isn't going well and taking so long. Fingers crossed you got some sleep last night and they can open up labour ward soon.

Ladies do we need to worry if movements aren't as strong? I mean like they feel really slow and weak? Baby is moving just not as pokey out or as hard as normal. His hiccups feel stronger than his movements xx
Eaw he's beautiful! Im so glad he sounds to be making such amazing progress. How is the expressing going??

Oh kitten! How annoying!! Go camp out by the entrance to delivery and tell all these women to stop having babies for a few days!!!

Kanga - if you're not sure, ring your midwife. I was told as long as she's moving not to worry, and that the intensity will change. However, I don't have the issues you've had, so the advice may be different? The intensity of babys movements changed for me a good 5 weeks or so ago now too so I don't know if that factored in to the advice I was given xx
Eaw, fantastic news about Stanley, he is an absolute stunner as well, so pleased you got your first cuddle, I had to wait 24 hours for mine after Freddie was born (nothing in comparison to a week) but the boost it gives you is amazing and will be soo good for him too. Fingers crossed he is well enough to be transferred.

Hang in there kitten x

Well, hubby's cricket season started yesterday. He's got another match today. I don't mind so much as we get a day out as well and Freddie really enjoys it, I've told him to get in as many matches as he can before baby arrives because afterwards I'm going to need him around more at weekends for a while. Problem is I ended up making tea and cleaning up after them all in the kitchen yesterday so now.knackered.com. Hips aching all the time now so think baby has gone from being 4/5ths engaged to fully engaged, get to find out on Tues at mw appt.

38 weeks yesterday too, its starting to drag...
Kanga i went up my assessment unit a week ago for movement.

I called and said ive felt him a few times today but it wasnt anywhere near as strong as they have been.
They still asked me to come up to go on monitor for half hour.
Always best to check I think!

Looking back this was the day after I had terrible pain where i THINKKKK he went from breech to head down and thats probs why the movements felt diff (he was pribs shattered from flipping around too the night before lol)

He was fine and showed me up and moved 28 times in the trace lmao, HB all perfect too.

I always like to be sure, spesh at this stage of the pregnancy xxx
Completely random question. Lots of people keep talking about putting Lucozade in their hosp bag for energy, I completely get why but I hate the taste. Made me vomit when i was in labour last time and because it went on for ages and i didn't have much to eat I fainted in the shower afterwards (v. embarrassing). Is there any other type of Lucozade style drink that doesn't taste horrendous, a flavoured version that's really nice? Any recommendations would be great then I can go on a taste testing mission. I think its also the bright orange colour that puts me off so if there are any drinks that aren't like neon in colour that would be great.
Baby has always shown me up on the trace too. He ends up moving so much they have to keep moving the monitor as they lose his heartbeat lol Just didn't know if I was being over paranoid as he is still moving it just isn't the same. He was like it yesterday too, I will phone up in a bit and see what the say xx
Completely random question. Lots of people keep talking about putting Lucozade in their hosp bag for energy, I completely get why but I hate the taste. Made me vomit when i was in labour last time and because it went on for ages and i didn't have much to eat I fainted in the shower afterwards (v. embarrassing). Is there any other type of Lucozade style drink that doesn't taste horrendous, a flavoured version that's really nice? Any recommendations would be great then I can go on a taste testing mission. I think its also the bright orange colour that puts me off so if there are any drinks that aren't like neon in colour that would be great.

I don't take luckzade fir 2 reasons
1) the bright orange one stopped me breathing once
2) my mum once witnessed a man's stomach explode after a stomach operation due to the gas from drinking a bottle of lucozade afterwords (she is a nurse)

I would certainly never drink it after a section for thAt reason. Instead I'm taking things to eat instead of drink that will give me a boost. However in lucozade they do a one that looks and tastes more like orange and is an orange juice colour instead if that awful bright orange colour.
Thanks Jojo, blimey! Will avoid if I end up having c sec definitely. I have got some of those sugar sweets like the ones diabetics have if needed and will be packing food as well so maybe I can do without. I'll have a look out for that orange juice type one though.
Maternity want me to go in on a trace just to make sure baby is ok. Just need to get myself sorted and go down xx
Pleased you're getting checked Kanga, fingers crossed everything is ok.

My mw told me to pack some isotonic sports drinks for labour but we keep drinking them so might just grab some when I finally go into labour.

It was definitely a long assed night last night, finally got to sleep at 6am. Niggly pains started at half 3 but o just took some painkillers and ignored them. Chris is convinced I'm in some sort of slow labour because of all the on off pains I get but I'm not convinced-i think he just takes after his dad in been bloody awkward lol.

39 weeks today :) :)
Glad ur going up Kanga, im sure hell show U up as always hehe! Keep us updated xx

bobkat, i didnt bother packing energy drinks..
Maybe if i was being induced, but I just thought i wouldnt be going to hosp until contractions were so close so i wouldnt have time to need any extra energy drinks lol!
They do more still type squash versions these days instead of tr fizzy ones.. Or u could try their tablet ones u chew? But mt adrenaline alone was enough for me lol! But i didnt have a very long labour at all! Xx
Eeek em cant believe u have a week till due date now!

My SIL is due on 29th April, we have literally a week between our dates! Will be exciting to see when we both have our babas.
Poor Noah lol hes not going to know what hit him, new baby brother and a baby cousin!
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Eeek em cant believe u have a week till due date now!

My SIL is due on 29th April, we have literally a week between our dates! Will be exciting to see when we both have our babas.
Poor Noah lol hes not going to know what hit him, new baby brother and a baby cousin!

The last few weeks have gone so fast, all my baby apps are saying 'any day now' and 'watch and wait' I'm getting very impatient though, there's an old school friend on my fb who is due the day after me and if her baby arrives before mine I may well sulk lol, I had this last time as an old school friend was due the same day but we both went a week overdue and when she text me to say her baby was here I was just getting ready to go into hospital.
I'm already getting the 'how are you feeling?' 'Any news' texts all the time and the odd looks in the street as I look fit to burst lol x
I'm sure he will show me up too, break out the big moves I haven't had. Not sure what they are going to say as I was only here Tuesday. Feel like I'm over anxious and being a hypochondriac about him! xx
Aw kanga u never can be when it comes to babies. We sinply dnt know whats going on in there!
Plus if we didnt go up the mws would be twiddling their thumbs until the next women calls anyway!!! Their job is to check :)
I used to hate it too, only been up onces for RM with charlie but god about 7 times with Noah, endes up having 2 scans on him too cos of them but he was fine!
So i defo looked like a dramatic mother to be haha

Ah Em u hated it when ppl when before me due after me with Noah! I hosted the tri 3 july 2013 mums thread woth him and sooooo many went before him lmao! Xx
I've just got up and I'm enjoying possibly my last kid free morning...bacon butties and hot coffee then having my lunch cooked for me :)
True I know they are happy to check and have never made me feel bad about coming up. Would be nice if they did a scan earlier than 5th May.

It is hard when people go before you when due after you are. Although I don't want this little man coming too early really xx
Glad you're getting checked Kanga :-) sounds like me last weekend. I was still feeling a few movements, although nowhere near as many as usual, but what I was feeling was just really weak and gentle - nothing like the usual beatings I get! I had a useless mw who seemed to think I was wasting their time, but always best to get checked just to be safe :-)

So glad to hear how well Stanley is doing Eaw :-) what a gorgeous boy he is. I'm sure mummy cuddles have done you both world of good.

I don't know how you're still going Emma, I'd be so fed up with all these pains by now if I was you!

Well Oscar was up early this morning (6.15 instead of the usual 7.30/8ish), so by 9.20 he was grumpy and ready for bed again. Daddy put him up in his bed (shocking in itself as he never sleeps in there in the day - I usually have to put him in his pram for a nap!), and he's still flat out now and 11.40!! Typical as we were planning on a day out to the local national trust place lol. We're almost too scared to move incase we wake him. Xxx

I am well and truly fed up, I feel like rubbish today as well, Logan feels like he's in a really awkward position and I feel sick, loads of heartburn and sinuses are painful again aswell-think I'm gonna have a nap to see if it eases.
Completely random question. Lots of people keep talking about putting Lucozade in their hosp bag for energy, I completely get why but I hate the taste. Made me vomit when i was in labour last time and because it went on for ages and i didn't have much to eat I fainted in the shower afterwards (v. embarrassing). Is there any other type of Lucozade style drink that doesn't taste horrendous, a flavoured version that's really nice? Any recommendations would be great then I can go on a taste testing mission. I think its also the bright orange colour that puts me off so if there are any drinks that aren't like neon in colour that would be great.

I am not a fan of lucozade either but the "Grafruitti" flavour is really nice! Its in a purple bottle if they still do it.

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