• May 2016 Mummies •

The one I got you don't have to actually touch either. They're great because you can take their temp while they're sleeping without disturbing them... Mind I do like my duel purpose one because I feel like the in ear can be more accurate at times. Def worth investing
Hi ladies
Stanley was warmed up Thursday night, no seizures. Today they stripped him of all wires and tubes expect his feeding tube. He's breathing un aided. We've even had cuddles today. He isn't doing well with keeping his milk down but after being cooled it can be normal.
So feeling more positive today.
Need to Establish feeding and an mri scan and fingers crossed we can go home or at least be transferred to nearer hospital next week x


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That's teally good news! I really hope things work out well for you. It who's be wonderful if you could go home, but a closer hospital would be good too. I'm sure they will sort out his feeding issues. I hope the me I gives good results.. He looks like such a beautiful boy!
Today the first day you for cuddles?
Awwww my Eaw he is so gorgeous!!!

Amazing that hes making such brill progress aswell!! I really hope you get to both go home soon!!! Xxx
First time I have held him and he's started to squeak a bit too. Yet to hear a cry. Amazing experience.
Bless! I can't imagine how hard it must be not to be able to hold your baby for so long, but at least you have held him now.
Awww gosh that must of been such a tough week to not be able to hold him! So happy you have finally had cuddles!!! Xx
Awww that's fab news eaw, hope he continues to improve and you can take him home soon x
Oh eaw he's so gorgeous!! So pleased that you've had cuddles :-)

Please tell me, anyone that's done this before, that I will be so much more comfortable the second baby arrives?! I love my little munchkin to pieces, but baby doesn't seem to have had a sleep at all today and has been playing bongos on my rib cage since 10am. 37 weeks today and I reeeeeeeeally don't want to go over 40 weeks. Or even much closer to it!
Ull defo be more comfy jem lol, BUT.... Cant promise you babas sleeping pattern will be any better lol!!

But i seriously cant wait to be able to bend again! Cant even lift my leg up over mt knee to tie my trainers anymore!
Need warmer weather, i lived in flipflops at this point in pregnancy with Noah. July 2013 was ROASTING.

I feel like a big lump now and the thought of going 10 days over like i did 1st time makes me want to cry a little lol xx
I'm having a section so I'll probably be in more pain than I was when pregnant. Normal
Birth you should feel better after ... And see your toes! I can't wait to see my toes

My Saturday night currently consists of watching starwars, ironing, eating malteasers and sorting coat hangers (by size, shape and material and purpose, binding them into groups with rubber bands)... What has become of me?!
Ull defo be more comfy jem lol, BUT.... Cant promise you babas sleeping pattern will be any better lol!!

But i seriously cant wait to be able to bend again! Cant even lift my leg up over mt knee to tie my trainers anymore!
Need warmer weather, i lived in flipflops at this point in pregnancy with Noah. July 2013 was ROASTING.

I feel like a big lump now and the thought of going 10 days over like i did 1st time makes me want to cry a little lol xx

I know the feeling, I went 9 days over with my last one and I really hope I don't go over this time.
I said from early days that he would be a 39 n half week baby so I'll find out in next few days how accurate I was lol.
Just ordered this outfit for him-amazingly cute!


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I can still see my toes :-) if i lean forwards anyway!! Can't reach them, but at least I know they're still there

My main problem is baby in my ribs on the right hand side. The pain is awful, i cant sit back or forwards, leaning left or right is out of the question. It's a constant stingy stabby pain. Lying down in bed helps but I can't spend all day in bed!

Emmam that outfit is so cute!! OH would absolutely love it. If baby is a boy, i'll have to order it too :-)
Both Noah and now Charlie also love the right side Jem.

Even when Charlie was breech he was always over that side wether it was his head or now bum & feet in ribs and side lol.

Im currently laying in bed with the worst low back ache! Had it pretty much all day but its really achey tonight :( :(

Ive also got 2 EPO caps dissolving up my foof lmfaoooo!!
Hi ladies
Stanley was warmed up Thursday night, no seizures. Today they stripped him of all wires and tubes expect his feeding tube. He's breathing un aided. We've even had cuddles today. He isn't doing well with keeping his milk down but after being cooled it can be normal.
So feeling more positive today.
Need to Establish feeding and an mri scan and fingers crossed we can go home or at least be transferred to nearer hospital next week x

So glad to hear that he is doing better. Hes gorgeous. Congratulations x
Logan likes to lay on my left with all his limbs on the right, the mw was a bit surprised by his position last week. it's blooming uncomfy when he gets wriggling his bum under my rib at one side and his feet grinding on the other!
Update the pesserie didn't work!
They have shut down the Labour ward it's so packed with emergency section after section.... To try and ease contractions I am laid in the bath tub :)

Contractions were about 1-2mins apart, just sent mum home and big brother has stayed to look after me

3hrs sleep last night determined to try and get some tonight

If It frees up on Labour then I'll have the waters popped otherwise rest and ward lapping

I was 2cm at noon haven't been checked since due to reaction with pesserie
Fingers crossed it gets going for you soon kitten.

I'm in for a long night, been in bed since half 10 and already seen every hour, bloody heartburn has returned with a vengeance but is 100 times worse if I lay on my right side, problem is I can't lay on my left side for long because it makes the pain in my leg worse!
Em I have the exact same issue re sleeping. It's anightmare.i gotta have Luke and myself up, dressed, fed and bbc.co o u brotherhood by 9am too. Yuck
Aww Kitten! I was wondering how your were getting on!
How bloody annoying :( x

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