• May 2016 Mummies •

Ive got an 'up to one month' going home babygrow the next 2016 one. Its up to 10lbs. Noah had the same one for 2013 and he was 9lb 9.5 born and it was perfect, he actually had a bit of space in it!

I hate how diff shops r all different lengths even with the same labels on!

Ive got 4-5 diff babygrows packed mostly next but 1 or 2 from asda i think just i case he comes out smaller/bigger than im imagining lol x
I have 2+2 to go, not 5. Babe will be here in10 days
I meant I had 5 weeks to go. Eek! Single figures countdown from tomorrow.

Dani I have a next little brother one that I wanted baby to wear 1st but it's up to 10 lb so probably too big as his first one lol Actually got quite a few next ones this time during the Christmas sale. Love the next sleepsuits xx
I went a bit mental in the boxing sale too hahaha! Also the recent one!

Need some will power and need to start ignoring this vip slots lol! Xx
Thanks all for advice re drinks in labour, will look them out next week. I wouldn't bother if I thought it would be a few hours but last time was a bit of a marathon so want to be prepared.

Kanga I really hope scan goes well tomorrow.

Emmam hope Logan moves again to help you get comfy, I think my lo has shifted to not fully.engaged again today cos after 3 days of feeling like I was being split in half I've been ok today.I wish they'd just stick their head down and stay there instead of all this bouncing in and out.
Oh sorry I thought you meant me lol

I found the asda baby grows absolutely tiny in be legs. We had some for like and we had to bend his legs to get them in and he couldn't straighten them. I hope she fits into NB (tesco) though because I really want the diwaybourdit she wears to be the first one luke wore

In other news - I've just tipped a whole bottle of Calpol over myself. I'm
Now a sticky mess
I'm having an emotional evening, I've just come for a bath so I can have a good cry on my own. He wiggled himself round so much that I can't sit down or even slouch as he presses in my ribs and if I stand he's pushing down in my pelvis. His dad is 6ft 2 and very long bodied so I'm thinking that Logan is the same...scand always measured his legs as a lower centile than than his head and tummy.
The stop starting is driving me mad and all anyone says is 'I don't think you'll go overdue' that's not reassuring one bit, especially as no one expected me to get past 36 weeks with my last son and he was 9 days late.
I'm hoping I sleep better tonight x
There's nothing worse than people tell you that you'll go before your date! My friend was told by docs at 34 weeks her baby would likely be early and given injections for her daughters lungs. She went over by 13 days!

I hope he's here soon for you though.
Hope the bath helps Emmam, I've been really emotional.lately, crying over the slightest thing for a couple of weeks. I understand how frustrating it is when other people think they have some kind of sixth sense on when baby will arrive. They ask how long left, you tell them, then they look you up and down as if they have some kind of xray vision or crystal ball and make their predictions because of course how can you be right, you're just the person carrying it. There's this one guy I see every week at choir rehearsal and he is quite overweight, but he makes a comment about how big I am every week in what he sees as a jokey manner, I'm so tempted to turn round and say 'well at least I can give birth to my bump' in the same jokey tone he's been using with me.
He doesn't have a uterus, therefor he doesn't get to make an opinion!
Been up all night with nausea :( not fun, not at all ����

Just 9 days till this baby is out
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Hi ladies, hope you are all well and not in too much discomfort x

Stanley is doing well, he's been moved from intensive care to hdu, he finally found his voice last night and started crying. He's only on heart and breathing monitor now. He has a glucose drip and feeding tube, but his feeds are increasing in volume, hopefully today he will have a proper feed. Just waiting to hear when his mri scan is.
Feeling really hopefully that home time could be before the week is out. But won't get too excited
Glad he's doing well :) just take it one day at a time. We're all thinking of you and wishing Stanley healing vibes
Great news Eaw, thank you for keeping us posted about Stanley's progress and hope you'll all be home soon x
So glad Stanley is doing well and no longer in intensive care. I will keep my fingers crossed that you get home before the week is over.

Hope your feeling better this morning emmam, I can't imagine anything worse than stop start labour especially if baby is in an awkward position too.

I'm all ready to go for my scan this morning, just finishing up breakfast. Hope all is OK as I have to go alone as hubby has to look after the boys. Starting to feel nervous xx
Aw Kanga hope everything is alright with this morning's scan. Hope ur not there too long! Speak to you when your back home xx
So glad Stanley is doing well and no longer in intensive care. I will keep my fingers crossed that you get home before the week is over.

Hope your feeling better this morning emmam, I can't imagine anything worse than stop start labour especially if baby is in an awkward position too.

I'm all ready to go for my scan this morning, just finishing up breakfast. Hope all is OK as I have to go alone as hubby has to look after the boys. Starting to feel nervous xx

I'm just tired today, managed some sleep but had an inconsiderate 17 year old gaming until 2.30 this morning-my bedroom is above his and when he's got his headset on he doesn't realise how loud he is. I'd told him to turn it off at half 12!

Hope your scan goes well today xx
Oh no emmam, I'm not looking forward to teenager years and gaming all night lol

Scan was great, baby has grown Yay! He is still below the 10th centile so just waiting to see a consultant. Think the screen said he was 5lb so just over my 4lb 13oz guess :) xx
That's fab news Kanga :-) I bet you're so relieved to know he's grown. Hope your appointment with the consultant goes well too.

I'm waiting very impatiently to hear back off the estate agents this morning about the offer we made over the weekend. I think I'll give them a call just after 10 if I haven't heard anything, just to make sure they got my babbly message lol.


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