Oh kanga. I really feel for you, all this worry these babies cause! You know he's coping ok in there though, you're body and placenta are doing everything they should, he's just petite
My mood has worsened this afternoon!!!! Got home to find a bloody stupid contradictory letter from HMRC are tax credits saying were owed nothing, just after they've paid us something
they're idiots! Why stress a pregnant lady out over money for nothing!? Then hubby starts asking me about whether he can spend money on something - we had a big row last month about how I ALWAYS have to deal with the finances and he doesn't have a bloody clue, and I'm fed up of the pressure. So we agreed we'd withdraw the cash and use that instead of cards (he doesn't have access to online banking. He doesn't know enough about our outgoings to pass security!! And me telling him isn't good enough for them, apparently). Well he's just started on at me again with "how much am I allowed to spend?" Bloody look! That was the WHOLE point of this!!!
Oh, and the stupid dog escaped from the dining room today - twice! - and he's chewed the ear off my sons favourite teddy. I can replace it, but that's not the point. Cocker spaniel cross lab free to a good home right now if anyone wants?!?! Haha. He's very pretty but that's about his only redeeming feature lately.
Hope the induction is progressing kitten! Keep us updated where you can xx
Emma I hope the pains progress. I think the stop/start limbo is the absolute worst. You just need to know if it's going to build to something!!
Hubbys out to the chippy now, I'm quite excited. But he forgot to buy bread today so I actually ready to have a major strop with him about my lack of chip butty!!!!