• May 2016 Mummies •

Good luck poispinner, hope you've been seen and things have kicked off again.

So today is my due date haha Alfie is 16 days old today! Seriously though time is flying by xx
Any updates poispinner?

Well I've given up breastfeeding from today...Logan had a feed from me first thing then has had 2 bottles and a very small amount from me in between. I bought a perfect prep yesterday for a bargain price and although I feel a bit sad for stopping feeding I will be pleased to have a bit of me back iykwim?
So it's my due date and there is no baby yet. Saw the MW today. Baby is in 'perfect' position and his heartrate is fine. Bump measurement is still on the average line. My blood pressure and pee are both fine. Since everything looks to be okay I refused the offered S+S - I want to give the little one a bit more time to do things on his own.

MW is coming out for a home visit in a week if nothing has happened before then.

After the appointment my OH took me for a nice pub dinner celebrate/commiserate the due date / lack of baby. Most of my family are predicting a bank holiday weekend arrival.
Really hope you're enjoying some baby cuddles now Poispinner. Happy due date Sammie, a bank holiday baby would be great as oh would get extra day paternity leave.

Well done on getting this far Em, sounds like Logan not been giving you any time. Joe is going a bit longer between feeds now, we actually had 3 hours unbroken sleep last night so its got a bit easier, its taking longer to feed him up but looks like he's able to stockpile it for a bit longer. Can't believe he's 3 weeks tomorrow.
Nancy Fay was born at 17:27 on 26th May weighing 6lb 4oz after a very traumatic birth.

Was given pessary at 12pm to start contractions up again and was advised to go for a walk. Contractions were coming every 9mins by the time i got back and i had asked for some codeine. By the time the midwife came back with the pills 10mins later my contractions had sped up to 2 mins apart. She examined me and I was only 4cm dilated but an overpowering urge to push which i could not control. However everytime this happened babys heartrate was dropping and i started to lose a lot of blood. Doctors and consultants rushed inf left right and centre and it was also discovered that baby was coming face first. 5 mins prior to this the doctor was scraping what she thought to be the top of her head but turned out to be her eye!!

Anyway an emergency ceaserian was performed and she is absolutely perfect (except for a swollen black eye!)

Sorry for the long post but it was slightly traumatic and needed to share. Pic to follow x
Congratulations on your little girl poispinner. All sounds very scary but glad she is here safe, except for a black eye :O I know how scary the heart declarations are and a traumatic birth. My 1st boy was also back to back and head deflexed so coming forehead first and got so distress his heartrate stayed at 50bpm for 5 mins before being taken to theatre. I also had the early urge to push when not fully dilated too. My only tip is to make sure you talk about your feelings and experience don't bottled it up xx
Massive congratulations Poispinner! Sorry to hear about the traumatic birth :-( xxx
Oh Poispinner! At least you're all safe and well. Congratulations xxxx

Zoe Aliona born 11.03am 27th May weighi g in at 8lbs 7 1/2. Labour started itself at 1.30am, and was already 8cm dilated by the time I arrived at hospital at 7am! Was meant to be getting the pessary to start at 7.45!!
Congratulations copterpops, glad you were able to avoid induction xx
Yup! Therea only 1 or 2 regular posters left!
A few others, but they havent been online in a while. Ant believe May is almost over!!!! X
Me neither. I almost feel sad about it. I can't believe we were all waiting and wondering and now here they are. Anyone already thinking about another?!?! ;) xxxx


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