• May 2016 Mummies •

Been for sweep today and booked in to be induced next tues if its not happened before then. Fingers crossed it will though.
Congratulations again Tigger! A due date baby. Amazing :)

Ladies can I pick your brains about feeding? My determination to breastfeed is waning. I feel like I've missed 2 weeks of my big boy's life and I could cry thinking about it.

Kitty lost 11% of her birth weight at 5 days, she put 45g on after 7 days and only another 30g after 11 days. But only up to a 9% loss on birth weight. I'm feeding all the time. They've told me to hand express which I have started to do but I get literally 5ml and then I have a fight to get that down her and she screams for another feed.

I gave up breastfeeding my son too soon, then carried on expressing a feed a day until 12 weeks and always regretted it so I don't want to regret it this time too but I wasn't built for this. I'm finding it so hard (I know it's not easy!). Add to that the fact my son hates me because I've constantly got a baby attached to my boob, and hubby is back to work tomorrow and I'm really floundering.

What are your experiences with formula top ups, anyone? Although I do think adding formula into the mix will be the slippery slope to formula feeding.

It's such a hard one; we have a good latch, there's no pain...it would be a shame to stop....

Sorry for my ramblings...!! Xxx

I know exactly how u feel-I've started introducing a formula feed now and again to just give me a rest as Logan feeds constantly, his weight gain is amazing but I'm so tired. My midwife and health visitor have both supported me topping up his feed. Do what you think is best xx

So what do you do? Feed from breast then top up with a bit of formula or have you just swapped to formula for a feed? Xxxx

I just replace the odd feed with a formula feed, he's had formula this morning whilst at my mums-it tends to settle him for a bit longer. My hv suggested replacing his last feed of the day with formula so I get a bit more sleep but it's upto you when I would be more beneficial.
I sometimes need to express a bit off to stop my boobs becoming engorged and to keep my supply up xx
So Alfie has had the blood test done this afternoon, will hopefully get the results later tonight or tomorrow morning and be told if they are ok or whether he needs treatment.

I heartdex, Alfie has been very slow gaining weight, between day 3 and 5 he stayed the same, day 5-7 gained 30g, day 7-9 gained 30g and day 9-14 a whooping 145g. So maybe kitty will have a spurt like he did. But also don't feel bad if you need to top up a bit with formula too xx
Poispinner - how was the sweep? Did midwife say you were favourable??

Copterpops - I hope the threat of an eviction deadline gets baby moving! Either way, at least you've got an end in sight to focus on now eh?

Top up feeds can be a dangerous slope. If you start replacing feeds and not expressing off, your body will stop making those feeds - if that makes sense? And then if you top up after, baby won't take everything it needs from you so your body won't make enough. It's so hard though, I can totally understand where you're coming from with the toddler issues. It's such a massive adjustment for them and we just don't have the luxury of time like we did with our firsts :-( whatever you decide will be the right decision because you've put so much thought into it xx
Kanga that is a MASSIVE gain. Amazing. Was that breastfeeding? Well done you all. I've got everything crossed for a decent gain on Thursday. I'm probably not going to do anything before then.

Emmam thank you. I might just try topping up at the end of a feed rather than replacing it for now.

Tigger, you know me! Xxx

Yep just breastfeeding iheartdex, he has been alot slower than either of my other boys though. James gained 130g between day 3-5 haha. Alfie has dropped from the 8th centile to the 2nd but they aren't worried about it yet xx
I hope so. I am beginning to get a bit scared now I think. I was kind of hoping that the spontaneous start of labour would help take the anxiety out of it, but now I know when it's going to happen I'm terrified!!
Poispinner - how was the sweep? Did midwife say you were favourable??

Copterpops - I hope the threat of an eviction deadline gets baby moving! Either way, at least you've got an end in sight to focus on now eh?

Top up feeds can be a dangerous slope. If you start replacing feeds and not expressing off, your body will stop making those feeds - if that makes sense? And then if you top up after, baby won't take everything it needs from you so your body won't make enough. It's so hard though, I can totally understand where you're coming from with the toddler issues. It's such a massive adjustment for them and we just don't have the luxury of time like we did with our firsts :-( whatever you decide will be the right decision because you've put so much thought into it xx

The sweep was better than i expected to be honest, didnt hurt at all. She said if its going to work it will do within 48 hours. She gave me a "bishop score" of 5?! Don't know what that means. Have googled it and it only really shows a bishop score going up to 3?! Any idea?

She did say that baby's head is right down and my cervix is thin. She has also written in my notes that my cervix was 1 to 2 cm dilated.
That sounds excellent Poispinner! Hopefully you'll get something really soon!!

Copterpops don't panic, it'll be fine. I've never had an induction but I imagine it must feel the same as the start naturally, just without the wondering of "is this a false start or not?!"!! Baby has to come out one way or another though right?

I forgot to share a picture of Robyn with you all:
It's just fear of the unknown. I'd have liked the element of surprise to have taken some of that away, but never kind. Not much I can do.

Tigger, you babies are gorgeous. I can't believe the size of Robyn though. Well done you!!
So im up having a cup of tea, waters broke at 1.30. Slightly anxious now!! Eek!

Gonna try and get some zzz's before the contractiins start! x

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