• May 2016 Mummies •

Thanks everyone. Been to hospital for assessment and they have confirmed that my waters have broken. I knew that anyway as they were all over my bedroom floor!!!! Thankfully we have laminate flooring! Been sent home to wait for contractions to start. If nothing by the morning then I will be induced tomorrow! x
Thanks everyone. Been to hospital for assessment and they have confirmed that my waters have broken. I knew that anyway as they were all over my bedroom floor!!!! Thankfully we have laminate flooring! Been sent home to wait for contractions to start. If nothing by the morning then I will be induced tomorrow! x

Eeeek exciting!!!! xx
How exciting! Good luck :-) hope it starts naturally for you soon. Get bouncing and walking if you can! Xxx

Still no contractions although keep getting a pressure type feeling in my bum?! Is that anything? Doesnt hurt just feeling like someones pressing down real hard on it!! Strange feeling and it comes and goes.
Just heard from OH's work that he might be sent away for the week (4 hours away!!) when he goes back next week. They did this when Oscar was born. He went back to work after his two weeks paternity, ended up home a couple of hours later saying that he had to go away for the week. We were both a mess. He's said ever since that if they do it to him again, he's handing his notice in straight away. I don't know what t think or say. He can't leave his job now with the house situation the way it is. But we can't carry on with him spending so much time away still, especially with Belle being so tiny. I just can't believe they're doing it to him again. I so hoped things might change and they wouldn't be sending him away so much, or so soon. Wishful thinking. It's hard for me being left with the two kids, but I know it's just as hard for OH being away from us all and missing out on so much you can tell the people in the office planning the jobs don't have families of their own.
Sorry for the moan, just needed to get it out somewhere. I can't say anything to my family yet cos they'll go nuts and just make OH feel worse, which he doesn't need.

Poispinner it *could* be the start of something, are you getting any tightenings with it? Pressure in your bum, coming and going, sort of sounds like babys being pressed down if that makes sense? I hope we're waking up to baby news soon!!!

Jenni I'm so sorry, I don't even know how I'd contemplate dealing with that. I'm terrified of OHs return to work!!! I have absolutely no useful words of advice, but I hope getting it out makes you feel better, and hopefully someone has some words of wisdom!! Xxx

I'm so uncomfortable today. I've got this big gaping hole in my middle that's making doing anything hurt. It is only day 2 and we did a lot today, but I feel like I should be back to normal! I've missed an entire nights sleep, that I've not even partially caught up on, and I'm tired but not exhausted like I should be - in fact better than before birth! It's so infuriating. I keep forgetting about my stitches and bumping down pretty hard on stuff too which isn't massively clever and quite ouchy!!
Poispinner it *could* be the start of something, are you getting any tightenings with it? Pressure in your bum, coming and going, sort of sounds like babys being pressed down if that makes sense? I hope we're waking up to baby news soon!!

Im not sure!! I know that sounds mad! I suppose it does feel a bit tight but quite low down at the front. They only coming every 45mins or so, so will just have to see what happens. I hate not knowing, I thought it would be obvious lol!!
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I was coming on to check and see if you were any further forward Poispinner. Hopefully things are just starting for you, although you will definitely be meeting baby tomorrow.

Still nothing for me. Going to make the most of tomorrow with my OH. Last day just the 2 of us, and being able to have the freedom to do whatever we like, before into hospital for priming on Friday.

Jenni, sounds like the management at your OH's work are taking the piss. I would be angry and frustrated too. The fact they have done it before, would suggest that they were waiting to do it again. Is there nothing in his contract that suggests he can get out of it? Maybe now is the perfect time for him to start looking for a new job, so he can tell them to shove it?
Im not sure!! I know that sounds mad! I suppose it does feel a bit tight but quite low down at the front. They only coming every 45mins or so, so will just have to see what happens. I hate not knowing, I thought it would be obvious lol!!

It doesn't sound mad in the slightest! I knew what I was getting were contractions this time but I still wasn't sure until they REALLY hurt, if that makes sense!! Hope you get pain soon!!!

Copterpops, enjoy your final day. Nice in a way to be able to think "we've got this day, make the most of it". Shame it's come to that, and maybe your day out will relax you enough to either start things off or make the induction super easy xxx
Hope things have started progressing for you poispinner not long to go either way.

Still nothing from me, now at 41+1 and had second sweep yesterday which showed I was no different from the week before. Another booked for Saturday and if still nothing I'm booked for inducing on Monday. Wouldn't mind but the nearest hospital that can do this is 250miles away and involves an ambulance flight and leaving my little girl home. Boo x
Hope things have started progressing for you poispinner not long to go either way.

Still nothing from me, now at 41+1 and had second sweep yesterday which showed I was no different from the week before. Another booked for Saturday and if still nothing I'm booked for inducing on Monday. Wouldn't mbookedind but the nearest hospital that can do this is 250miles away and involves an ambulance flight and leaving my little girl home. Boo x
Hope things have started progressing for you poispinner not long to go either way.

Still nothing from me, now at 41+1 and had second sweep yesterday which showed I was no different from the week before. Another booked for Saturday and if still nothing I'm booked for inducing on Monday. Wouldn't mbookedind but the nearest hospital that can do this is 250miles away and involves an ambulance flight and leaving my little girl home. Boo x

Bloody hell that sounds like a mission!!

I have been at the hospital since 3am. Contractations had started but although not close enough to be called in I hadnt felt baby for a few hours so came in to be put on monitor. All fine and they have let us stay in a side room rather than sending us home just to call in at 8.30 to be given a time to come back. Annoyingly though contractions have gone from 6 mins apart to being very random. Hoping they will just put me on the drip soon and get them going again even though they were bloody painful!

Hope your not waiting too long hun x
Baby is really making you wait hey Poispinner! Good luck, hopefully it will get going this morning.

Jillygem, where on earth do you live? Fingers crossed you get moving before needing an induction then :) xxx

I'm on an island off the north coast of Scotland. Smaller hospital so means they won't do inducing or offer epidurals.
I had to go south to be induced with my daughter just hoped this time would be different but obviously my babies are too comfy! X
Still waiting! They want to see if contractions will start back up on their own but i dont think its going to happen. Had three about 10 mins apart half hour ago and now nothing again. Still waiting for my examination also but im next on the list apparently!!
Get some cuddles in with OH whilst you're in your side room Poispinner!! My contractions with my son were really sporadic and annoying, midwife basically told us to do some cuddling, kissing and nipple tweaking to get the love hormones going and it really kicked them off!!! Xx

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