• May 2016 Mummies •

I love breastfeeding, but jack has had a bottle from the start as he was in the nicu away from me, then his blood sugars were too low and I was told to top him up with formula. He falls asleep on the boob, although he's starting to feed for longer.

I'm so conflicted. I want to breastfeed because I enjoy the closeness with him. But he sleeps at night so much better with formula because he's actually full. Breast milk doesn't seem to fill him up at all, and I'm not sure I can put in the hours needed to exclusively breastfeed

I'm not entirely sure why I'm writing this haha I think I just needed to get it out

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I love breastfeeding, but jack has had a bottle from the start as he was in the nicu away from me, then his blood sugars were too low and I was told to top him up with formula. He falls asleep on the boob, although he's starting to feed for longer.

I'm so conflicted. I want to breastfeed because I enjoy the closeness with him. But he sleeps at night so much better with formula because he's actually full. Breast milk doesn't seem to fill him up at all, and I'm not sure I can put in the hours needed to exclusively breastfeed

I'm not entirely sure why I'm writing this haha I think I just needed to get it out

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I feel exactly the same lol! Im so undecided about what I want to do. Change my mind daily it feels. Its lovely to bf and nice to not have to worry about sterilising bottles, etc but on the other hand im so sore and she doesnt always latch and then gets very stressed. I just havent found the time to express enough to create a little stockpile so I can bottle feed but with breast milk. Eurgh so hard to make decisions!!
Do you have a bf support worker? I had a visit from one who works with hv service a few days after birth and she still occasionally texts to make sure all ok, I'm asking her to come over for a chat next week as I'll be starting to express and she's going to advise. Or is there a bf support group? My local children's centre has one, run by mums not hv, or you could try la leche for private groups in your area.

When I started to express before the first time I did it was half way between feeding so I was half full, then when he fed it encouraged boobs to make more, so in a couple of days I was expressing enough for a bottle in one go. I did only express a couple of times a day tho as only wanted one or two bottles from it for my oh to feed lo with. To start, you could get someone else to feed Nancy the formula bottle and express while she's having that, then when she has that milk you've expressed, express again while she's having it and so on. One thing that helped me was as I was still bf as well I got other people to feed lo the bottles so he didn't associate bottles with me, only boobs!

Best thing to do tho to get expressing advice that fits what you want is to go to a group or find someone through your mw/hv you'd be happy to talk to.
Baby Emily arrived at 3pm on 31st May! We just made it in time for a May baby!

Went to hospital to be induced but ended up starting naturally when we arrived! 12 hr labour from start to end and she was delivered naturally and managed on gas and air. So chuffed! X
Well done Jillygem! And congratulations. So pleased you managed a May delivery :) xxxxx

Congratulations jillygem.

I stopped breastfeeding on Thursday lunchtime, on Friday my boobs were unbelievably painful I was expressing just enough to relieve the engorgement in my nipples, I found sitting in a hot bath and gently massaging the hard part helped aswell. By Saturday they'd eased and I was wearing a normal bra by Sunday. Me and Logan are so much more settled now he's on formula...I'm sleeping better which makes everything easier and he's in more of a routine now, he wakes at 12,3 & 7 for bottles and can almost set my clock by him xx
Baby Emily arrived at 3pm on 31st May! We just made it in time for a May baby!

Went to hospital to be induced but ended up starting naturally when we arrived! 12 hr labour from start to end and she was delivered naturally and managed on gas and air. So chuffed! X

When was your EDD hun? Ill add u & emily to front page xx
Stanley is gorgeous eaw and doing so well.
Hope your 2st outing to work was fun Jem, and well done for combi feeding, as you say as long as he is happy.

Hope your 1st day on your own went well yesterday Jenni? How did the HV go?

Tigger my grandma bought us 900 nappy bags to when we had Harry, I thought they would last longer than they actually did! But it did save us buying some for quite a while lol

Glad to hear Logan is doing well emmam and finally going more than an hour between feeds for you.

Congratulations due date buddy sammie on baby Callen.

Babyslog sounds like Charlie is gaining weight well too!

Alfie is 3+1wks and 6lbs 13oz so gaining weight slowly. Still not discharged from mw's as still slightly jaundice, review again next week and possibly referral if still not gone completely (although I don't know what that means) xx
Congratulations Jillygem! Is that the last May baby we were waiting to hear about?

Tigger, if you have a dog, 900 nappy bags can clear up a lot of doggy parcels!

Been to post natal group today and got Joe weighed, having been born at 9.12, then going down to 9, he is now 11.5, so put 2lb 5oz on in 3 weeks and on 91st centile, proper chuffed with that.
We survived our first day without OH here to help, and our second day!
Our health visitor is so lovely, I feel very lucky as I know some are awful! She thinks Belle may be suffering with reflux because of her vomiting. She also chokes on feeds quite a lot, gags between feeds, has hiccups aaaaall the time - all typical reflux signs, but she's just so calm and laid back so doesn't do the screaming and not sleeping that is normally associated with refluxy babies (hoping it stays that way!!) HV is coming back next week to see how things are, and may say to change her milk if she gets any worse. We're also keeping an eye on Belle's pooing, as she may need milk changing for constipation too as she's going up to 3 days between. Only problem is, the reflux milks cause constipation, and the constipation milks aggravate the reflux �� so got to see how it all goes in the next few days.

We've got another viewing tomorrow so having a mad tidy and clean again today. Fingers crossed this one turns up as the last people didn't!
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All this feeding talk! It's good to hear what everyone is doing. Kitty has finally put on a good amount of weight and we've been discharged from the midwife. Her birth weight was 7lbs 10.5oz and she lost 11% but is now back up to 7lbs 9oz. I'm still breastfeeding but topping up once a day with about 3oz of formula at around 9pm. It's not helping her sleep at all unforch!

I'm really really struggling with my little boy. Is anyone else? He's being HORRENDOUS. So naughty. He won't listen and he's doing things purposefully to be naughty. He flooded the downstairs loo and took himself out of the house and out of the gate. I ended up chasing him down the drive. Plus he's kicking and hitting and laughing when I tell him off! Urrrgghhhhh.

Any advice gratefully received :) xxxx

And what are you all doing to entertain your bigger ones whilst you're feeding your littles? Xxx

Im struggling with Noah too hun. Hes reLly not taken thid big brother role good at all!
Hes megs jeslous, plays up so much. Hes even pulling charlies hair and scrammed his gead a few times!!!! Finding it so hard to deal with :(
I mentioned it to HV as shes the same one Noahs had. Shes tried reassuring me that it shouldnt last. Hes been used to all attention on him, spesh as me & their dad split in Feb it really has just been me & noah!

Hope it doesnt last much longer xx
Oscar has been playing up too. He's always been a handful, but he's already figured out that he can do what he likes when I'm feeding Belle as I can't jump up as quickly to stop him! He's not daft. He's generally pretty good really, but gets worse mid afternoon when he starts getting tired. I've noticed that he's been a lot better this week since OH has been back at work....he's got quite shouty with him lately, which Oscar just doesn't respond to. I'm trying so hard not to shout or say 'no' too much to him, but making sure I really praise him when he's good, seems to be belong so far. I keep having to remind myself and OH that it's all very hard for a 20 month old to understand and get used to, it will all get better in time as everyone adjusts.
He has recently started hitting tho, usually his daddy and very occasionally me. While we were at the in-laws over the weekend, Oscar fell off a chair (he was fine, just a bit shook up), and nanny said 'naughty chair, smack it, tell it it's naughty'. So that got me wondering if that's where his hitting has come from? I'll be having a word with nanny I think, we don't want to be encouraging any hitting, as it's only a matter of time before he ends up hitting Belle :-/
It's just a phase girls, I went through the same with Olly and he still does play up if Daisy is kicking off and getting all my attention. It's hard, I was in tears every day thinking what had I done ??!' But it gets better, plenty of praise and I always include him in nappy changes and now she can hold toys he wants to play with her.

I send my love to you all that are struggling xx
It's just a phase girls, I went through the same with Olly and he still does play up if Daisy is kicking off and getting all my attention. It's hard, I was in tears every day thinking what had I done ??!' But it gets better, plenty of praise and I always include him in nappy changes and now she can hold toys he wants to play with her.

I send my love to you all that are struggling xx
It's just a phase girls, I went through the same with Olly and he still does play up if Daisy is kicking off and getting all my attention. It's hard, I was in tears every day thinking what had I done ??!' But it gets better, plenty of praise and I always include him in nappy changes and now she can hold toys he wants to play with her.

I send my love to you all that are struggling xx

Glad You've said this hun!
Its really getting me down! Xxxx
Hes started pulling hair in nursey though.. And even at the park earlier he did it to a boy who was homding up the slide :shock: ... Hes turned into a bloody bully!!
Ive threatened to throw his 'blankey' in the bin but he dnt give a shit :( hmmmm...

I can stop him doing it to charlie. But its out of my control in nursery and ges doing it every time hes there! X

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