• May 2016 Mummies •

Congratulations Poispinner and Copterpops, lovely news to hear both your los are here. Hope you're all recovering well. I can't believe its almost over either, seems like we waited ages for May and then in the blink of an eye its gone.

We are done now, no more children, 2 is our limit. Oh is getting the snip. I'm a bit sad I wont get to be pregnant again but relieved I've only got one more to get through breastfeeding/nappies etc.
Congratulations poispinner and copterpops! So glad your little ones have arrived!

I'm still waiting... 41 +3 today and booked in for 3rd sweep. Baby is in no rush so think I should join the June mummies lol x
There's still time yet Jillygem, its not over until the last baby cries! Or till the clock strikes midnight on 31st! Hope the sweep works, 3rd time lucky and all that!
I was 41+4 Jillygem. 2 completely unsuccessful sweeps. Then day of priming was the big eviction day. Don't lose hope!!
Haven't really been on here that regularly recently...our baby arrived last week. :)

Went overdue but started naturally after all...but then labour took forever and contractions just wouldn't come the way the hospital wanted them to. Anyway - it all worked out in the end! Just totally exhausted right now with all of the logistics of looking after a newborn who's just figured out how to shoot his poop straight across the room. :o

I hope everyone else is well and good luck to the remaining mummies!
Congratulations mrs_z

Still waiting here, 40w2d. Absolutely nothing happening that hasn't been happening for the last 2 or 3 weeks - BH with or without mild period-like cramps coming and going.
Congrats Mrs_Z!

Aw Sammie i hated being overdue! FX baba arrives before Tuesday and u get in before May is over xx
Havent been on for a few days. Good luck to you poor ladies still waiting. Come on babies, we need you all born in May!

We are still in hospital but hopefully going home today. Bf is going better that I expected although Nancy hasnt completely got the hang of it always and although latches great, does one or two sucks, cries and comes off. And the process keeps repeating! Then other times she latches straight on and feeds for ages. We will get there i am sure. Anyway here is a pic of baby Nancy


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Hope everyone is well and congratulations on all new arrivals. Can you believe may is nearly over?!? Where does it go, little Stanley was 6 weeks yesterday and started to smilie this morning ( and not wind lol ) :)
His weight is great, Friday he came in at 8lb 4.


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Aww eaw Stanley is a stunner!! Jack is doing well, he's 10 days old now and weighed 8lb15 on Friday, he's such a chunk. Breastfeeding hasn't got off to a great start so we're combo feeding but he's happy and that's all I care about. I'm taking him into my work today for the first outing just me and him. Hoping the rain stops long enough!

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I haven't been on here in ages.

Congratulations to all the new May mummies :-) I can't believe we're nearly all done?! I thought there might be quite a few of us going over in to June.

Sounds like all these babies are doing fab :-)

Belle is still so chilled compared to Oscar, we barely know we've got her (I know I'm probably jinxing it by saying that!). She sleeps soooo well at night too. We're getting up to 6/7 hours a night. I was worried that she's going too long, but she downs almost 5ozs before sleep, and the same again when she wakes up, and is having 2-4oz throughout the day so she's definitely making sure she gets enough.
We're still having some projectile vomiting, usually once a day but when she does, the whole bottle comes back up. She's also going a few days between each poo, she went Friday, then yesterday so 3 days. Going to mention to the HV today, and maybe get her in the docs if she thinks it's needed.

OH is back to work today so first day on our own....eek!!


Eaw he's beautiful! I'm so pleased to hear how well he's doing now!!

Jenni I know what you mean about timing - Robyn is going 5-6 hours already, her big brother can't even manage that now sometimes!!! Last night not so great though. We had a busy day out and she didn't feed much so I think that meant she needed a bit more through the night.

Good luck with your trip out Jem! It's always exciting taking them to see work colleagues!! We might go end of next week when my trainee is back from his exams otherwise I'd feel a bit guilty taking her when he's not in.

Robyn was weighed Sunday - 10lb 1oz, so she's lost 7oz since birth which is really good! She's not a massive eater which is weird for me. Her brother would be on the boob ALL the time. We met up with inlaws yesterday for the first time, MIL gave us a big bag of presents which we opened when we got home. Lots of lovely clothes etc... And 6 packets of nappy sacks, which is 900. We cloth nappied with my son and so never even used them (not convinced we're going down cloth route this time but she doesn't know that yet!!!). What the hell do I do with 900 nappy sacks?! I'm still chuckling to myself about it!! Getting little miss registered today. Bit nervous because it means her name is definite, hope we don't accidentally misspell it!!!
Well it's officially the last day of May!
Can't believe that only a month ago I was a day off my due date and massively fed up.
Logan was 3 weeks yesterday, he's completely formula fed now and we're so much happier. He's still feeding every 3 hours but he goes straight back off to sleep at night so not too bad.

How many may mummies to be are heading into June babies? Can't be many, the first page looks almost full of beautiful babies xx
Heeeey all!!!

So whos left to pop!!??

Charlie is doing so well!
Born 9lb 13oz, he is now 17days old & 10lb 13oz.
Gained 12.5oz in 5 days :)

Im really enjoying bfing too!! Xx
Baby Callen arrived at 2.28pm on Sunday 29th May, weighing 7lb 4oz.

So much for first babies taking a long time. First contraction at 7am. Arrived at the hospital at 1.45pm. Once I was bent over the reception desk screaming they very quickly changed their mind about where to lead us and took me straight to a delivery room. Swift assessment at 1.50pm revealed I was 9cm dialated. 5 minutes later I was in the (wonderful) birthing pool on the (equally wonderful) entinox and pushing.

We were discharged from hospital that evening and currently all is going well, so much as the first few days with your first newborn can go well :)

Full labour story to follow at some point. So relieved to have that over with, and very pleased I got to stay in the May thread!
Aww hun that is amazing!!! I had a quick one both times too!
congratulations xxx
Hope everyone is well and congrats to the latest few babies to arrive.

Just a quick questions to those that are combi feeding really or who were bf and have now switched to formula. Nancy doesnt latch everytime straight away and gets herself in such a state so have started giving her the odd bottle to calm her down and obviously get a feed in her. But the problem im having is that my boobs are so full and sore. Ive been expressing some off but im not really sure how much to express so as not to make my body think it needs to produce more and therefore starting the process again. To be honest I think im on the brink of switching to formula completely and just wondered how to! What did u do about the swollen leaking boobs?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as my midwife and hv are quite pushy to continue bf so dont feel I can get the answers I need.
Im bfinf charlie.

But with Noah on day 5 i stopped and switched due to terrible mastitis and infected nipples..

Anyway. You basically just stop hun!
As much as itll be sore and hurt for a few days, u need to stop the expressing as that will keep telling your boobs to make more milk.
Your boobs with be rock hard for a few days but eventually your milk will dry up. Just have alot of nursing pads to hand and jjst let what leaks leak! Xxxx

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