• May 2016 Mummies •

14 May babies still to come...if everyone updates. It still doesn't feel like our little bundle is going to appear anytime soon.
I'm officially past due date now. Come on baby, mummy is bored and uncomfortable and daddy is driving me mental (every twitch he's like "is it time??")

Congratulations to everyone with baby cuddles. I'm insanely jealous and counting down for mine. H4L I hope everything goes ok today and we have pics soon!

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What a riot, phoned hospital who told me all well, Mrs then phoned me to tell me she had abnormal bleeding through the night and going to labour suite and possible section. She says youll probably not get her in time.

Land speed records broke to get here and currently out for a break whilst epidural being prepared. Sometimes these hospitals need a boot up the arse, honest to god.

Omg, thankfully you got there in time.
Hope everything's goes ok...is she definitely having a section? Sending lots of love to you both x
Congratulations babyslog!! Was the water birth as you expected? Im really hoping for a water birth.

Good luck H4L hope your both enjoying cuddles now.

Cant wait to see some pics!
H4L that's appalling! I can't believe they told you such misinformation. Well done you on getting there though.

I couldn't feel further away from the event today. All the niggles I've had seem a million miles away now. Except I lost a glob of plug this morning! So maybe?! Going to take toddler swimming this afternoon with hubby. Maybe if I tempt fate by booking the tickets something will happen :lol:

I feel bad for even sounding this impatient (when I'm not really, not like last time) when there's ladies overdue. How rude of me! Hope it's soon Jem - all of a sudden it'll just happen, and you won't know where it's come from!! Xx
Hope all is going well H4L. The hospital sound awful, I can't believe they didn't keep you updated correctly on what was happening.

We have a name - Isabelle, but she'll be known as Belle :-) still working on a middle name.

MW has just been. She's lost 9.1% so is now 7lb 7oz. They said up to 10% is ok, 12% is possible hospital admission so just got to keep feeding every 3-4 hours to try and get her weight back up. She also checked jaundice levels, they're still within an OK range but just got to keep on top of the feeds and stick her in the sun for a bit to try and flush it out. Xxx

Congrats dani! What a whopper!! Very very pleased for you!

Heres my Charlie Bear :)

Water birth was amazing even if it was just 7mins of pushing lol!
Couldnt believe how quick it was! X
Ahhh Charlie is so gorgeous!!

Ladies, I'm sat here with a solid lump going across my bump. Is it possible that baby has turned transverse at 40+1?? And if it is, do you think I should call the hospital and let them know I'm concerned?? I normally have one little lump on the left or right which I know is baby's bum, and I can usually feel the back heading down towards my pelvis, but it's all soft there right now. I'm very confused!!!

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Hey ladies :)

Lovely to hear all your great news and congratulations!

I haven't messaged before (apologies) so thought I would now.

I'm a FTM with a really amazing OH - I've had a few growth scans now as SHE's going to be a chunky baby they've told us.

My due date was Fri and had my first sweep then as well but no signs as yet, having another sweep tmrw (who knows lol).

Just caught up with this thread :)

oh wow congratulations Danielle that all happened fast didn't it. He's absolutley beautiful! I bet you're glad it's all over now aren't you :) Yay for baby cuddles xxx
Congrats to all the May Mummies who've had their babies.

As for me I'm waiting waiting waiting. I don't so much want my baby to come early (messes with my maternity leave plans), rather that I just want this next week to go by quicker.

BH are stepping up. I thought at first maybe they were early labour signs rather than BH, but I've had them on and off every few hours for about 48 hours now and nothing else is happening. Think my body is just teasing me.
Congratulations baby's log and anyone I've missed. I can't keep up on here at min xxxx
Chloe Margaret arrived finally after a 39 hour labout that included so many scary moments and eventually an emergency trip to theatre where my amazing wife managed to give birth naturally after some help from some instruments.
7lbs 4 1/2 oz and mother and baby are perfect....in every way. Absolute crackers the two of them and i feel blessed.
Chloe Margaret arrived finally after a 39 hour labout that included so many scary moments and eventually an emergency trip to theatre where my amazing wife managed to give birth naturally after some help from some instruments.
7lbs 4 1/2 oz and mother and baby are perfect....in every way. Absolute crackers the two of them and i feel blessed.

Aww massive congrats to u and ur wife on ur gorgeous girl! Xx
Ahhhhh beautiful H4L! Congratulations. Lovely to hear how very proud of the Mrs you are. I hope my husband feels the same!! Looking forward to seeing photos xxx


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