• May 2016 Mummies •

Congratulations! Lovely name - I love the name Amelia Elizabeth!

Anna's died just fell of yesterday - took an absolute age! Her belly button is still huge and ugly, that goes down if I remember rightly. I got my staples out and now I have to remind myself that j can't do everything just because in pain free (not bad for 13 days pp) my scar is itchy though as it heals and j forgot how bloody irritating that was!

Jojo, when did your scar start to feel better? Mine is killing again today and I'm kind of walking around doubled over. Had a shower and definitely feel better for it but it's constantly sore. I just don't remember from last time. Xxx

My pain disappeared on Wednesday by about 50% then almost fully on Friday when I had my staples out.
I had Anna at 9:32 on the Tuesday and went home 4pm on the Wednesday. I couldn't get home quick enough
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Joe's cord is still on 10 days in. I remember Freddie's didn't come off for ages either. I've found it easier to get out each day this time with school runs and a dog to walk. Also have option of home visits from mw but they can't guarantee a time so I prefer to book one at their base so I have a fixed time to work around.

Congrats scaredmummy on the birth of your lo, hope you both are recovering well after the csection and that all ok with you both.
Congrats scaredmummy!!

I have constant lower back pain, I've had it for a few hours now. Nothing is easing it. Bump keeps going hard too, but I can't feel any contractions. Google (my worst nemesis) suggested back labour?! I don't want to get my hopes up over nothing

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Well I spoke too soon about his cord staying on it dropped off earlier today.

Bobkat I'm not looking forward to having to be organised for the nursery run at all! The thought of getting all 3 boys ready and myself for 9am scares me!

Hope things are starting for you Jem xx
False alarm. Again. This baby is in so much trouble when it eventually makes an appearance!

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Kanga, the thought of having to get 3 younger ones out the house would make me nervous as well, cos Freddie's 5 he can do most of it on his own with some encouragement plus I'm making the most of him wanting to be mummy's helper while it lasts lol!

Sorry its come to nothing again Jem, although I had pains each evening for about 5 days before labour so reckon it must have done something.
I'm dreading these night times. Kitty is completely nocturnal. Like she literally sleeps from lunch time onwards in preparation of the night shift, then boooom! Awake allll night. All night.

Hope everyone else is getting a bit more sleep than me :) xxxx

I'm dreading these night times. Kitty is completely nocturnal. Like she literally sleeps from lunch time onwards in preparation of the night shift, then boooom! Awake allll night. All night.

Hope everyone else is getting a bit more sleep than me :) xxxx

Logan is awake on the dot every hour in the night. We've improved from every 20 mins but still makes for a very zombified mummy every morning Xx
It's hard isn't it? Completely forgot what it was like. The body is so good at dealing with it then burying the memories so you think it was all hearts and delicious cuddles :p so glad Logan has improved on every 20 minutes! Xxxx

Morning all, I am getting very jealous of all these babies arriving! I'm due tomorrow but am nearly certain I'm going to go over. I have a nearly 3 yr old who was 15 days over so seriously hoping I don't go that long again X
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Morning everyone. Sorry I've been so quiet these past few weeks, had a worrying time with movements and growth scans etc. But I went into labour on my EDD, 8th may(8:30) I was induced by pessary due to reduced movements. 6 hours later I was on gas and air, then transferred to delivery suite on Monday morning, I had all my doses of diamorphine, 2x fentinel, 24 hours(ish) of gas & air, epidural plus 3 top ups, plus an extra dosage as only worked on half my body, spinal injection and finally a local injection. He was delivered by twisted forceps(forgot medical term) as his head was on a side but his body position was correct on the 10th May at 8:10 weighing 7lb 11oz. He had to be out on antibiotics as I got a temp during labour(bearing in mind it was the hottest day of the year) then he got jaundice at 2 days old :'( had to go under a UV Lamp and wear a mask he cried his little heart out but me and dad were there and awake all night with him.
So his first 4 days were stressful but we came home late Friday night and are starting to settle into home life. :)
Congratulations everybody on your births so far...we made it!!wooo!!!


Riley James Dawson born 10/05/16 at 8:10 weighing 7lb 11oz

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Gorgeous! Sorry about the shaky start but I'm sure it will be smooth sailing now. He weighs the same as my first too :) congratulations
Congratulations andrea, sorry you've had a rough time with reduced movements, I know the feeling well as my little boy was a pickle. Sorry he had a rough start but glad you're settling in at home. My little boy was born on 10th May too xx
So it's the start of me being home with all the boys myself! Let's hope the afternoon goes well.

Had Alfie's day 7 check up and weight check today, he is 5lb 13oz, so has put on an oz in 2 days. This is all new to me as both my boys were back at their birth weight by day 5 and much better feeders than Alfie. Mw's are happy as long as he continues to gain weight though xx
Congrats everyone!!! May babas r flying out!!

Sorry ive been awol. Think ive caught up with updating page 1!

Im off for a nap lol xx
MW has been, we've got to go back into hospital :-(
Belle has now lost 12.3% so is 7lb 3oz at 5 days (she was 8lb 3oz born so lost a whole pound). Just getting our things ready then going to head in. It's so frustrating because last night I was ready to fully switch to formula, but I really started to feel like we'd turned a corner today. MW hopes they'll just observe us and make sure she's feeding well, and hopefully send us home tonight. Fingers crossed.

MW has been, we've got to go back into hospital :-(
Belle has now lost 12.3% so is 7lb 3oz at 5 days (she was 8lb 3oz born so lost a whole pound). Just getting our things ready then going to head in. It's so frustrating because last night I was ready to fully switch to formula, but I really started to feel like we'd turned a corner today. MW hopes they'll just observe us and make sure she's feeding well, and hopefully send us home tonight. Fingers crossed.

Oh jenni sorry to hear that. Relief lost 9.6% of his birth weight but by sunday he'd put on 3oz, got to wait to Friday for another weight check. I hope your little one is ok. I know how you feel going back n forth to hosp, fingers crossed you'll be back home tonight xx
Congratulations andrea, sorry you've had a rough time with reduced movements, I know the feeling well as my little boy was a pickle. Sorry he had a rough start but glad you're settling in at home. My little boy was born on 10th May too xx

Gosh your little one made a very early appearance. Is everything ok with him now? Rule is doing great, skin colour returning to normal, feeding A LOT! Having to do formula & bf. Xx
Oh no Jenni :( Hope Belle is ok and you don't have to stay in. Scary when they lose so much weight but hopefully you are on track and turned a corner with the feeding.

Andrea I was induced at 37+5wks due to his reduced movements, went in 3 times over the weekend before he was born. He is slightly jaundice still but doing fab considering his early arrival. Crazy to think I should still be pregnant and 9 days away from my due date but he has been here 7 days! xx

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