• May 2016 Mummies •

Congratulations Mr and Mrs H4L on the arrival of Chloe Margaret, Margaret is the middle name given to all first girls in our family, now I've had 2 boys I cant carry it on, nice to see it being used by someone else as its a lovely name.
Congratulations H4L :-) sounds like you're wife is a very lucky lady to have someone as caring as you. Hope you're all doing ok this morning.

Congratulations H4L on the birth of Chloe, hope your wife is recovery well xx
How is everyone doing? Any sign of any more babies yet?

Belle's cord came off yesterday! It looked like it was drying up nicely, but I didn't expect it to come off after 3 days. The cord tie certainly did its job :-) xxx

That's quick Jenni! My husband always referred to my sons as his "slug"!!! Cords are so grim!!!

I've had even more plug loss, but that's it. Odd period pains! I think I've got another few weeks to go though...!!!
Congratulations H4L and Mrs H4L on the arrival of Chloe!

No news here, two days past due date with no signs, symptoms or feelings whatsoever. Think I will be pregnant forever. Sweep booked for Friday but I'm considering calling to see if I can get one earlier this week as that's only 6 days before I'm due to be induced anyway

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That was quick for the cord to come off, Alfie's is getting close but hanging on for now. We completely forgot about using the cord tie so he has a massive white clip so will be glad once it comes off.

I had a rough day yesterday, my boobs were so engorged and it make me feel all shaky and achy. Ended up sleeping on and off in between feeding Alfie so luckily hubby did everything for the boys. Think I've been overdoing it as I feel amazing and like I haven't even had a baby so think it just hit me a bit yesterday.

Alfie had lost 5% and is down to 5lb 12oz by day 3 and was still the same yesterday. He is getting weighed tomorrow so hopefully he has started putting back on, but he is such a lazy feeder. The mw said it's just were he is so small he just gets tired quicker, but we are doing good xx
Just a quick update, Amelia Elizabeth was born by c-section on Saturday 14th May at 7:16pm weighing 7lb 4oz. We are hopefully going home today. Will do a full update later.

Congrats to all born over the last few days x
Congratulations scaredmummy :-)

I couldn't believe how quickly it came off. We used the cord tie, but the MW left the clamp on too. I didn't realise until I was back down on the postnatal ward so couldn't get it off. She left it quite long tho so the clamp wasn't too close to the skin, I don't know if that made a difference.
MW has just been to check Belle's jaundice levels, she said all seems fine and they'll be back tomorrow to weigh her. Just hope she's started to put some weight back on with all the feeding she's been doing.

Congratulations scaredmummy, hope you get home today.

Your lucky the mw is coming to you Jenni, I've had to make the trip to the local birth centre for each of our checks! It was only with Harry I got home visits, but that was because I had a c section. Our appt is at 9am tomorrow morning so that will be interesting! Hubby only has a half day off and then is back to work from tomorrow afternoon, getting nervous about looking after all 3 by myself xx
Really? They've always come out to us. I couldn't face leaving the house yet. Good luck for tomorrow, I'm sure it will be fine :-) I bet you'll be glad when hubby is home and you can hand the boys over to him tho! Xxx

Congratulations! Lovely name - I love the name Amelia Elizabeth!

Anna's died just fell of yesterday - took an absolute age! Her belly button is still huge and ugly, that goes down if I remember rightly. I got my staples out and now I have to remind myself that j can't do everything just because in pain free (not bad for 13 days pp) my scar is itchy though as it heals and j forgot how bloody irritating that was!
Congratulations Scaredmummy! I'm a bit jealous you're still in hospital although I guess it's my fault I came home so early. Had Kitty at 9.49 on Thursday morning and was home by 5pm Friday. I did say I was fine though so it's my fault! Love the name too. Very pretty. Xxx

Congratulations! Lovely name - I love the name Amelia Elizabeth!

Anna's died just fell of yesterday - took an absolute age! Her belly button is still huge and ugly, that goes down if I remember rightly. I got my staples out and now I have to remind myself that j can't do everything just because in pain free (not bad for 13 days pp) my scar is itchy though as it heals and j forgot how bloody irritating that was!

Jojo, when did your scar start to feel better? Mine is killing again today and I'm kind of walking around doubled over. Had a shower and definitely feel better for it but it's constantly sore. I just don't remember from last time. Xxx

Really? They've always come out to us. I couldn't face leaving the house yet. Good luck for tomorrow, I'm sure it will be fine :-) I bet you'll be glad when hubby is home and you can hand the boys over to him tho! Xxx
I've been out everyday since he was born! Been shopping and to a birthday party as well as 3 check ups at the maternity unit. Today is the first day I'm not going anywhere. Think that is why I felt so awful yesterday as I'm just trying to do too much.

I'm glad my first day will be just half a day and then from wed-fri as long as I manage the nursery run I will only have 2 between 9:30 and 2:30 xx
Logan's cord came off this morning...can't believe he's a week old already!
My last sons came off at 2 days though.

My midwife always does postnatal visits at home unless we feel well enough to go to the centre x

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