Congratulations Mr and Mrs H4L on the arrival of Chloe Margaret, Margaret is the middle name given to all first girls in our family, now I've had 2 boys I cant carry it on, nice to see it being used by someone else as its a lovely name.
Congratulations! Lovely name - I love the name Amelia Elizabeth!
Anna's died just fell of yesterday - took an absolute age! Her belly button is still huge and ugly, that goes down if I remember rightly. I got my staples out and now I have to remind myself that j can't do everything just because in pain free (not bad for 13 days pp) my scar is itchy though as it heals and j forgot how bloody irritating that was!
I've been out everyday since he was born! Been shopping and to a birthday party as well as 3 check ups at the maternity unit. Today is the first day I'm not going anywhere. Think that is why I felt so awful yesterday as I'm just trying to do too much.Really? They've always come out to us. I couldn't face leaving the house yet. Good luck for tomorrow, I'm sure it will be fineI bet you'll be glad when hubby is home and you can hand the boys over to him tho! Xxx