• May 2016 Mummies •

Hi all

Just to update you went to asssessment unit today as haven't had much movement and now awaiting a section. Already been down to theatre but an emergency came in so am back in room waiting for a slot.
Aww gosh hun!!!

Hope all is ok and baby is here soon.

Update from me - bloods normal.
Defo in labour! Xx
Good luck ladies (and men!). Will be stalking for updates. One week til due date for me and im getting so impatient. Want her here now. Is it too early to start on the pineapple? Should I wait til due date has been and gone? x
I'm not gonna lie, if she's not ready it won't make a blind bit of difference so you may as well go for it! I've tried half a dozen old wives tales in the last week and I'm still very much pregnant. Will be jumping OH tonight if I don't injure myself on the walk that my mum is taking me for (I swear she thinks I'm a dog, she said she was bringing treats?!)

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I think I will give her til due date then celebrate the day with pineapple juice, a curry and a bedroom dance! Then see what happens! 😃
Aaaaarrrggghhhh arse biscuits!!!!

Wifes contractions are 11 minutes alart and 39 seconds long. Think your old da will be hospital bound today.

Hope all are doing well.
Lovely walk with mum. Baby is definitely engaged and in the right direction, lots of discomfort in my pelvis and the dreaded fanny daggers! No contractions though. Have had to borrow dad's pj bottoms as I'm staying round here for the next few hours and my own trousers were cutting into baby! They only just fit though!

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Poispinner - don't you find it sucks a bit being so much nearer the end of the month and seeing all these babies getting born?! I'm 38+4 today, periody aches on and off still, but nothing else to report really. Baby has dropped REALLY low yesterday - feels like she's going to fall out :lol:

Babyslog and H4L - hope the labours progress quickly. Looking forward to seeing some more baby pictures!
Exciting dani, hope baby will be here soon and that your BP doesn't affect you going on to mlu.

Hope all is well scared mummy and good luck xx
Eeeeek lots of labour watches going on!!

My not so little Logan has been weighed today and has lost an ounce but still tipping the scales at 9lb 7oz.
He's feeding for 5 minutes every hour which is knackering me but it's worth it, I'm ridiculously hungry today which I'm presuming is something to do with his demands x
Poispinner - don't you find it sucks a bit being so much nearer the end of the month and seeing all these babies getting born?! I'm 38+4 today, periody aches on and off still, but nothing else to report really. Baby has dropped REALLY low yesterday - feels like she's going to fall out :lol:

Babyslog and H4L - hope the labours progress quickly. Looking forward to seeing some more baby pictures!

Yes it really does - so jealous.

My birthday is 27th so was liking the idea of her being born near (or maybe even on) mine but now I just want her out! My consultant has said they will leave me to go naturally (as with ivf they dont always let you go over your due date) and only induce if I go 10 days over. Really dont want to be induced. Plus that will make her a June baby and I want a May baby!! 😆

Shouldnt be so fussy I know! As long as shes healthy and happy that is the main thing x
Put this on facebook earlier as thought it was appropriate. Especially for all you ladies currently overdue x


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Ha! I saw that earlier too Poispinner!

I'm quite surprised at how many of us may mums are also may babies ourselves! My birthday is 22nd, so 2 days before my due date. I would LOVE for her to come then!! X
Wow, there's lots been going on here the last few days! Congratulations to all the new mummies, good luck to those of you on labour watch, and hopefully it's not too long for the rest of you!!

We came home this afternoon, my god it feels good to be back in my own bed!! Little miss still hasn't got a name yet, but we think it might end up being Isabelle/Annabelle. She had to spend her first night and day in an incubator due to low body temp, but by yesterday afternoon she'd kept herself warm enough to be promoted to the fishbowl cot �� other than that, she's doing fab. Seems very content and quite chilled so far. We're giving bf'ing a go, but jeeeeez it's painful!!! Going to see how we go over the next few days, trying not to beat myself up about it too much. Oscar met his new sister yesterday and came to see her at home again today, he's not too sure what to make of her yet but has given her lots of kisses. He's back staying at nanny and grandads tonight so we can try and get baby settled in before he comes home.

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Would be lovely wouldnt it Tigger.

Shes scrummy Jenni! Have you spoke to someone about bfing hurting. I went to a bfing workshop the other day and they kept emphasising that it shouldnt hurt and to speak to someone if it does as baby might not be latched quite right.
Do you have babes support in your area Jenni? Where I live you get a home visit 48 hours after discharge if breastfeeding and they come and check that everything's ok.
Breastfeeding can be a bit uncomfortable but shouldn't be painful-make sure you've got some lansinoh cream to lather on after every feed-don't wait until nipples become cracked or sore x
Wow, there's lots been going on here the last few days! Congratulations to all the new mummies, good luck to those of you on labour watch, and hopefully it's not too long for the rest of you!!

We came home this afternoon, my god it feels good to be back in my own bed!! Little miss still hasn't got a name yet, but we think it might end up being Isabelle/Annabelle. She had to spend her first night and day in an incubator due to low body temp, but by yesterday afternoon she'd kept herself warm enough to be promoted to the fishbowl cot �� other than that, she's doing fab. Seems very content and quite chilled so far. We're giving bf'ing a go, but jeeeeez it's painful!!! Going to see how we go over the next few days, trying not to beat myself up about it too much. Oscar met his new sister yesterday and came to see her at home again today, he's not too sure what to make of her yet but has given her lots of kisses. He's back staying at nanny and grandads tonight so we can try and get baby settled in before he comes home.

Gorgeous!! Annaxojldnt retain her own temperature but they just put her on a heat pad so we were quite lucky
Hospitals annoy me. I know its not their fault but thats us just had to leave my wife in the ward and go home and wait for a phone call when shes moved to labour ward and then i can come back in. Depite intense painful contractions down to 3 mins and now pretty much constent they have said she is only 2cm.

Gonna call in after a couple of hours and see how she is then ill be just heading back in and sleeping if car if needbe. Surely they have an idea based on contraction rate and dilation of roughly when its going occur. Isnt that what all their monitoring and graphs etc are for.... Arrrgggghhhh.
Lots of different mw's checked latch and all said it was fine :-/ one reckoned it's because my boobs are quite small and so 'right' that it's harder for her to get a decent mouthful, causing the pain. I'm smothering on the lansinoh which seems to be helping a little. She seems to like to constant feeding at this time of night - no sleep for us (daddy is already snoring away beside me tho!).
Should have the MW coming out tomorrow so will have a chat with her.

Hospitals annoy me. I know its not their fault but thats us just had to leave my wife in the ward and go home and wait for a phone call when shes moved to labour ward and then i can come back in. Depite intense painful contractions down to 3 mins and now pretty much constent they have said she is only 2cm.

Gonna call in after a couple of hours and see how she is then ill be just heading back in and sleeping if car if needbe. Surely they have an idea based on contraction rate and dilation of roughly when its going occur. Isnt that what all their monitoring and graphs etc are for.... Arrrgggghhhh.

Why are they keeping her in? Surely she'd be better labouring at home?
I was 2cm for 2 days and that was with fifth baby so really could be any amount of time x
Hospitals annoy me. I know its not their fault but thats us just had to leave my wife in the ward and go home and wait for a phone call when shes moved to labour ward and then i can come back in. Depite intense painful contractions down to 3 mins and now pretty much constent they have said she is only 2cm.

Gonna call in after a couple of hours and see how she is then ill be just heading back in and sleeping if car if needbe. Surely they have an idea based on contraction rate and dilation of roughly when its going occur. Isnt that what all their monitoring and graphs etc are for.... Arrrgggghhhh.

Why are they keeping her in? Surely she'd be better labouring at home?
I was 2cm for 2 days and that was with fifth baby so really could be any amount of time x

Dunno if its pain management and because we are about 30 mins away. They have given her paracetemol/dyhydracodeine and shes been for a bath. Her contractions really appear to be constant so they said they will check again and then see if she wants a diamorpheine injection. They did a sweep and said shes soft and stretchy if that sounds right so they seem to think shes not long away. Said you could go home but you could be an hour or you could be 20 minutes. We know its gonna be linger but when people talk in so small timescales the decision to stay in was easy.

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