George has arrived too! Friday the 13th of course ha 77pm weighing 7'12. Had to have an epidural, I don't know how you ladies do it without! Jesus!!! Nearly ended up in another c section but managed with help of vontouse and a cut. Will post a pic when home as hosp signal rubbish! Xx
I'm not gonna lie, if she's not ready it won't make a blind bit of difference so you may as well go for it! I've tried half a dozen old wives tales in the last week and I'm still very much pregnant. Will be jumping OH tonight if I don't injure myself on the walk that my mum is taking me for (I swear she thinks I'm a dog, she said she was bringing treats?!)Good luck ladies (and men!). Will be stalking for updates. One week til due date for me and im getting so impatient. Want her here now. Is it too early to start on the pineapple? Should I wait til due date has been and gone? x