Jealous ur induction is before mind lmao!
Hope u dnt need to go down the induction process!
Hope u dnt need to go down the induction process!
Fingers crossed, shes got a full pineapple to eat tonight, skin and all!!! Last shift of 5 on toniht so if she comes before induction ive got a good chance of being here as i have 3 off.
Kitty Ada Miles born this morning at 9.48 by c section, weighing EXACTLY the same as Dexter, 7lbs 10.5oz!
I had a sweep yesterday and it broke my waters at 1.30pm ish. I laboured all night but it was in my back and just bloody awful. Contractions completely irregular, often just a minute between. Baby wasn't moving, my BP was outrageously high and I was only 3 bloody cms! So it was decided I'd be first on the section list this morning. Complete relief if I'm honest.
Good luck Dani hope Charlie comes soon
I was induced after I went 14 days overdue with my daughter. know how frustrating it is , I went 4 days over with my little boy, hope you don't need induction , quietly stalking you
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I'll just put it out there, I went into labour three days after starting raspberry leaf tea... Could well be magic stuff afterall?!
Lol dani I honestly think I'm going to be pregnant forever. I've stopped being able to visualise myself with a newborn. I'm going to be a hippo for the rest of my life
Mum thinks she's being helpful - "oh such and such brought her 7 week old in to work today, she said she had no contractions, just back pain"... yes mum, thanks, I have neither contractions nor back pain and at least she has her baby!
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