• May 2016 Mummies •

Ahhhh and another eeeek!!!
Massive congrats Jenni!!!!!!! :) xxxxxx
Haha its all go in here!!!

Still nothing from the H4L household. Mrs really isnt trying any old wives tales to get the wee one out. We also have midwife today and think shes going to opt for not having a sweep. Wants the baby to come out when shes ready and naturally. I keep warning her that could end up in failed induction or csec. No telling her, part of me thinks shes terrified at the prospect of labour and is happy to just carry on as is.
Congratulations Jenni! Glad it happened quickly for you!

H4L, hopefully if baby's left to it, then she'll make an entrance quite nicely. Our bodies know better than us when baby is ready sometimes! Processes such as sweeps, I think, are more likely to lead to later interventions anyway. I'm going to refuse sweeps this time - they did absolutely nothing for me last time except to set off useless "contractions" every night for 5 nights before it kicked off, and I'd have probably gone on my own when I did naturally!!
Congratulations Jenni! Completely get what you mean about your body taking over, mine did.

Hope not too much longer for you Babyslog and Mr/Mrs H4L.
Congratulations iheartdex and Jenni!

Fingers crossed things will happen for you soon babyslog.

Lots of May babies coming now!

I'm a very sleep deprived mummy but oh my gosh he is gorgeous


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Oh ffs Dani what a stubborn baby! My brother was late for birth by 2 weeks and at 33 is still late for everything (unless it's a meal!) hope things start off soon for you
Their like their bloody dad. He was never on time or did/does things when i ask hahaha
So much to catch up on!

Gorgeous little boy bobkat, glad he is more settled now your milk has come in. We are struggling through nights as Alfie doesn't want to be put down.

Congratulations on baby Kitty iheartdex, beautiful name and she is gorgeous. Can't believe your waters broke when having a sweep done, mine were a complete pain to pop!

Congratulations on your little girl as well Jenni, look forward to hearing your birth story. There was no way I wasn't pushing baby out either, don't think anything could have got me to stop, Alfie was born with just 2 pushes too.

H4L sorry Mrs H4L is still waiting, I tried all the tricks in my 1st pregnancy and still ended up 11 days over, so I don't blame her just wanting to wait and see.

Dani you look fab, I really hope Charlie doesn't keep you waiting til your induction.

Emma, I forgot how tough the sleepless nights were! Logan is gorgeous though.

We have our day 3 check up later today and will see how much little man has lost. We have had a very slow start with breastfeeding as he has been too sleepy to latch but he really doesn't like being put down. He is also slightly jaundice because of being early and not feeding great so keeping a check on that. Tried to get hubby to help out last night which involved him just trying to give Alfie his dummy, going off for a wee and getting back into bed!!! Least he let me and Alfie sleep in til nearly 9am as he got the boys sorted out, but still he better not moan he is tired today! xx

Congratulations everyone on having your beautiful babies. Not at all jealous that some of you jumped the queue!!
I'm hopefully getting discharged from midwife care today, just waiting to get my staples out. Then they will weigh Anna. I'm getting her on bigger teats today because she seems to be feeding for ages and not getting anywhere by is really hungry so I've been advised to go the next size up.
Sorry haven't been that productive on here, no time for anything, but Stanley has finally put on weight, 3 ounces in 4 days :)

And congrats to all you new mummies x
Aww Kanga he is scrummy toooooo!!!

These babiesss ahhh!!! So gorgeous!!

Fab news about Stanley Eaw!! Xx
Gosh these babies are just gorgeous. Kanga I love the arms up pose :)

Eaw I'm so glad Stanley has put some weight on. What a relief that must be.

Can't wait to see who will go next ladies. Got my fingers crossed for everyone :* xxxx

Thanks for the continued backng and advice ladies.

We (of course i had a say lol) decided against the sweep at the midwife today and induction booked for 2pm Wednesday.

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