• May 2016 Mummies •

Wait until he falls asleep jenni and give him a sharp kick to the leg. Cheeky sod, surely he knows what tomorrow actually means?!

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It would be unfortunate if you were to have one of those spasms where you feel like you are falling out of bed and his leg just so happened to be in the way. Nothing you can do about it...
Thanks Dani :-)

I've been wide awake since 5.30....it's going to be a long day!! My stomach is in knots already.

First thing OH said when he woke up.....can I have your pillow (my big pregnancy one)? I've been awake half the night with my leg.' I can just see him taking himself off down to a&e to get it looked at haha, drama!!

What's he done to his leg that's so awful?! Don't blame you for being mad!! Men can't help being these drama queens sometimes though can they? Haha!!

All the best for today, I hope induction is really speedy for you xx
What's he done to his leg that's so awful?! Don't blame you for being mad!! Men can't help being these drama queens sometimes though can they? Haha!!

All the best for today, I hope induction is really speedy for you xx

No idea. He was carrying some stuff upstairs and must have twisted it funny. To be fair to him, it has swelled up slightly so he's not completely making it up. I'm just mean and have no sympathy haha.
Thanks everyone :-) we've just dropped Oscar off, he gave me the biggest cuddle and even a kiss lol I swear he knows somethings going on, but he was more than happy to stay with nanny and grandad. It was just horrible leaving him not knowing when I'll see him again :-( hopefully won't be too long.
Almost at the hospital now, bricking it!!!! I'll keep you all updated as I can but signal is shocking in there so might not be until I'm home.

Good luck for today Jenni, and hope your OH mans up soon, you have the patience of a saint.

For those getting Braxton Hicks that die out, I had that for about 5 nights before I went into labour with Joe, they started off early evening but died out about midnight, they were really irritating me because I thought nothing was happening but clearly something was. I had no other signs, no show or anything. Hopefully they turn out to mean something in the end for you.

Joe and I are getting on fine, my milk has come in over the past 36 hours so his feeding has settled down a lot and he was going 1.5-2 hours between feeds last night so I actually got some sleep. He was also settled enough to sleep in his Moses Basket instead of on me or OH so the sleep we got was much better. Hopefully that continues tonight. During the day he still sleeps quite a bit but we are having more alert spells so have made use of his little bouncer and play mat already until he gets tired. Freddie is besotted with him, wants to know if he's OK, where he is, kisses him all the time. It's lovely to see, hopefully it continues.

I've finally managed to attach some pics (hope they come through ok), its so weird to think that he is here already, I had completely talked myself into going overdue. Hope those of you who are waiting don't have too long to go.


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Sweep done! No change from last week.
2cm, cervix in middle so needs to drop more & still thick.

Been home half hr, no pains just yet more bloody show.

I have another sweep at some point saturday for a home visit.

INDUCTION BOOKED FOR THURS 19TH so the end is in site but id be so gutted to have to be induced i really would!
If it was for medical reasons to protect baby then fair enough, but its the fact ive got to 42wks and my body just wont do it itself.

Need to grt my act together.. 6 days over, Noah arrived day 10 and induction is day 13.. So i still have some time i guess xx
I have a very sharp pain on the left of my bump. I was on all fours trying to relieve it, went to get up and it got so much worse. I also have bad period cramp pains. Baby is moving fine, although every time it goes to my left side the pain gets worse!

I'm tempted to call the hospital but I'll feel stupid if it's just wind!

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Kitty Ada Miles born this morning at 9.48 by c section, weighing EXACTLY the same as Dexter, 7lbs 10.5oz!

I had a sweep yesterday and it broke my waters at 1.30pm ish. I laboured all night but it was in my back and just bloody awful. Contractions completely irregular, often just a minute between. Baby wasn't moving, my BP was outrageously high and I was only 3 bloody cms! So it was decided I'd be first on the section list this morning. Complete relief if I'm honest.

Oh my gosh another baby!!!!!!!

She is beautifullllllll!!!! Congratulations hun!!!!! Xxxxx
Thank you my lovely. Feeling very smug. It all happened pretty quickly and I was definitely in shock when the consultant broke my waters!!! Xxxxx

Cant believe that happened!!!!
Wish it did with me today haha! Im still bery pregnant & heading into day 7 in an hour.. Grr!!!! Lol xx
I know love. I really hope it happens soon for you. But you're definitely doing it with much better grace than I did!! Got everything crossed for you xxxx

Congratulations IheartDex, she is beautiful. Ada was our choice for a girls name so pleased to see it as a middle name for Kitty.

Hope your recovery goes well and you can go home soon x
Quick update while I've got a bit of signal.....

Our girl arrived pretty swiftly at 9.13pm weighing 8lbs 3oz <3

Still trying to decide a name!

I never believed people when they said they're bodies took over with pushing....now I do!! I felt the urge to push so told the MW who was telling me not to push and to breathe through it - I couldn't! 2/3 involuntary pushes later, she was here! Still in shock but so in love with our girl :-)


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